Panther Commando

Chapter 3856: hard cliff

With a machete in his hand, Bao Ya looked down at the corpse of the Gurkha mercenary lying in the rock, and he sighed and said, "A person who can play with such a good knife is definitely a sturdy and brave boy. Oh, where do you want to earn money? It's a pity to have to come to Huaxia to die!" He handed the machete to the wind knife, bent down and picked up a few rocks and buried the body .

Wan Lin and the others did not say a word, quietly watching Bao Ya buried the corpse of the Gurkha mercenary, and their eyes also showed pity. Although these Gurkha mercenaries are now their enemies, Wan Lin and the others are all martial arts practitioners, and they know that these Gurkha mercenaries are not bad by nature.

These people are only compelled by life to join the mercenaries, and they are very brave on the battlefield. Each of them can use this unique * to dance a set of superb swordsmanship, so they have a feeling of sympathy in their hearts.

Just as everyone was watching Bao Ya bury the Gurkha mercenaries, Yu Jing, who was squatting beside the rock, suddenly let out an exclamation. Wan Lin and the others quickly turned their heads to look. It turned out that Xiaohua and Xiaobai broke free from Xiaoya and Lingling's arms, and were reaching out their right paws to grab the metal box that Yu Jing was holding, with a greedy light in their eyes. Yu Jing was holding the box and screamed and ran to the side, making a series of "giggling" crunchy laughter as she ran.

A few people around also laughed when they saw the appearance of the two leopards, knowing that the two leopards couldn't resist the temptation of gems, so they suddenly stretched out their claws.

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling were already laughing and hugging the two leopards, Wan Lin walked over and patted the two leopards lightly on the head, looked at their big glowing eyes and said with a smile, "You two have already If you have a gem, give these to President Yu. She takes these gems back and studies them, and she can develop a more powerful weapon for us to kill the enemy. Didn't President Yu use the gems around your necks to send out indestructible lasers? , we will give all the gems we find in the future to President Yu, and let her help us research more powerful weapons to kill the enemy, do you hear?"

The two leopards looked into Wan Lin's eyes, and nodded in understanding, their big eyes followed and looked at the metal box in Yu Jing's hand with some reluctance. Wan Lin smiled and hugged Xiaohua. He looked up at the canyon in front of him, and just wanted Xiaohua and Xiaobai to scout in the canyon.

At this moment, a dark red light suddenly flashed in the air behind the canyon, followed by a faint sound of gunshots and explosions coming from the dark canyon.

"Hide!" Wan Lin commanded in a low voice, and then he squatted under the rock beside him and raised his gun to aim at the canyon. The canyon was still pitch-dark, except for a faint red glow in the night sky at the end of the canyon. He raised his gun and pondered for a moment, then made a few gestures in a low voice to Xiaohua who had scurried on the rock in front of him, and then pointed to the middle of the canyon.

A blue light flashed in Xiaohua's eyes immediately, she turned her head and glanced at Xiaobai, who was lying on Xiaoya's shoulder, and two leopards rushed out from in front of Wanlin and Xiaoya, and ran into the dark canyon like smoke. go. Wan Lin saw the two leopards running out, and immediately whispered to Zhang Wa and Bao Ya, who were squatting under the rock on the side: "Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, follow the two leopards and scout in the valley, pay attention. Safe from the hidden enemy in the valley."

"Yes!" Zhang Wa replied in a low voice, kicking on the rock and rushing out together with the cliff on the side. The two of them carried guns up and down in the dim starlight, and ran straight to the dark Taniguchi in front of them.

Wan Lin followed in a low voice to the surrounding Chengru and the others: "Get close to the mouth of the valley, block off the mountains outside the valley, and strictly prohibit anyone from approaching!" After speaking, he took the gun and ran behind Zhang Wa and the others. The surrounding Chengru, Fengdao and Xiaoya stood up and greeted their team members to run towards the mountains on both sides of the canyon.

Under the dim starlight, a group of leopard team members quickly rushed to the mountains around the canyon, and then scattered under the dark rocks, raised their guns and aimed around.

Wan Lin rushed under the cliff next to the canyon. He probed into the canyon from the side of the rock wall. The light in the canyon was very dark, and a slender starry sky was revealed above. The dim starlight reflected the canyon in a hazy area. The bottom of the valley is ups and downs, full of boulders that fell from the cliffs, and the "rushing" stream is slowly flowing around the rocks, and the rocks are splashed with crystal water from time to time.

Under the steep rock walls on both sides of the canyon, the figures of Zhang Wa and Bao Ya are running up and down to the depths of the canyon, and the two agile leopards have disappeared. Wan Lin followed and looked into the depths of the canyon. The towering rocks in the valley had blocked his sight. From the mouth of the valley, the star-reflecting water surface outside the valley could not be seen at all. At this time, the sound of gunshots and explosions was faintly heard along the long and narrow valley, and dark red fires flashed from time to time outside the valley.

Wan Lin took a quick look at the and then looked up at the steep rock walls on both sides of the canyon. Hundreds of meters high, dark cliffs stand on both sides of the canyon like a knife. The steep rock wall is covered with black cracks, and the raised rocks above the cliff hang black in the air, giving people a terrifying feeling of falling from the air at any time.

Wan Lin frowned and looked at the boulders raised on the cliff. He was really worried that these boulders would fall amid the sound of gunfire and explosions outside the valley. In this way, once they enter the valley, they will face the danger of annihilation.

He followed the big strides and walked a few steps into the dark canyon. Standing under the cliff, he reached out and pressed **** a raised rock above his head.

At this time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the steep rock wall was very hard, and the raised rock remained motionless under his pressure. He followed and took a few steps forward. He stretched out his hand and pressed harder on the cliff on the side. The dark rock wall was still very hard. The whole rock wall seemed to have melted into one. very different.

Wan Lin let out a long sigh, and the heart that jumped to his throat fell safely. He secretly thought in his heart: The cliffs on both sides of this canyon seem dangerous, but the jagged rocks have been integrated into one, and they will not Comes off easily, there should be no danger through here.

He followed and looked into the depths of the canyon. At this time, Zhang Wa and Bao Ya had disappeared behind the boulders, and the two leopards were completely gone. The flickering fire at the end of the canyon seemed to be a little more violent than before, and a few screams after being injured could be faintly heard. The whole dark canyon gave people a gloomy feeling.

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