Panther Commando

Chapter 3886: lingering fear

In the gloomy cave, Zhang Wa and the three heard Wan Lin's order and hurriedly raised their flashlights to look at the cave in front of them. pushed onto the helmet.

At this time, they all understood what Wan Lin meant. Now they have been trapped in this dark cave, and they don't know when they will be able to see the sun again, so they must save electricity now for use at a critical moment.

As the flashlight went out, the cave immediately darkened. The jagged rocks in the cave were like monsters lying in the dark, staring at Wan Lin and the others who suddenly broke into the cave. There is a gloomy atmosphere in the cave.

At this time, Bao Ya gasped violently, wiped the sweat from his face, and then threw the sweat beads on his hands to the bottom of the cave. He turned his head to look at the pitch-black cave behind him, and said with lingering fears, "My dear, it was like the sky was falling apart just now. It's too dangerous! If we entered the cave one step later, we might have been buried alive by the hot magma."

He followed with a grateful glance at Wan Lin who was holding his flashlight to observe the surroundings. When he was on the hillside just now, if Wan Lin hadn't grabbed his arm and dragged him back abruptly, he would have rushed down the hillside and jumped into the bright red lake in confusion.

And when the volcano exploded, it was Wan Lin who dragged him into the cave in time and escaped the danger of being burned to ashes by the volcanic magma. In the short period of time just now, Wan Lin's leopard head saved his two lives!

Bao Ya glanced at Wan Lin gratefully, and was about to open his mouth to express his gratitude to Wan Lin, but then he shook his head and closed his mouth again. He knew that these brothers did not need those politenesses. They were brothers of life and death!

He turned around to look at Zhang Wa and Feng Dao beside him, grinned and scolded: "Grandma, it was so hot just now, I was worried that I would be grilled into a skewer by the hot air behind me." With that said, he took out the kettle, raised his head and poured a few sips into his mouth with a "gu-dong, gu-dong".

At this time, Bao Ya and Feng Dao also raised their hands to wipe the sweat from their faces. They leaned tiredly against a few dark, one-meter-high rocks beside them, and immediately took out the kettle and raised their heads to take a few sips. Just now, they were rushing forward in the heat waves that rushed behind them, and they were already sweating profusely and feeling exhausted.

Zhang Wa and the three immediately put down the kettle, panting violently in the dark, and turning their heads to look at Wan Lin, who had already walked to the side of the cave, their faces turned gloomy. They suddenly realized that although they had escaped the disaster just now, avoiding the bad luck of being grilled into kebabs by volcanic lava and buried alive in the mountains, but now they have stepped into the gate of **** again! Because now no one can predict where this cave will lead to?

At this time, Wan Lin and the others knew their situation, and the hot lava had blocked their cave entrance on the mountainside. At the same time, this also means that the volcanic lava and ash that roared out have completely covered the lakes and mountains outside the cave entrance, and the original rippling mountains outside the cave must be beyond recognition and there will no longer be any creatures.

They have no way out! Where does this cave lead to, and can they escape through this dark and rugged cave? No one can predict now!

In the dark cave, Zhang Wa suddenly jumped up nervously, he turned his head to look at Feng Dao and Bao Ya beside him and asked hastily: "Lao Feng, Lao Bao, did you see Xiaoya and Lao Cheng entering the cave just now? "

Feng Dao and Bao Ya shook their heads with gloomy expressions. After they rushed into the cave just now, the waves in the sky had blocked their sight, and they could not see the situation on the side of the hill at all.

At this time, Wan Lin, who was holding a flashlight to a cave under the cave wall, suddenly turned around, and he said to Zhang Wa and the others who were nervous: "I turned my head and saw Xiaoya when I was rushing towards the cave. He Chengru and the others are rushing into the cave, so there shouldn't be any danger! At that time, I vaguely saw a figure rushing into the cave with two people between them, it should be Lao Cheng and the two Yuwen brothers who were unable to move. At that time, the rest had already entered the cave. ."

Only then did the nervous expressions of Zhang Wa and the three relax a little. The one with the deepest skills over there was Cheng Ru, and the only one who could run wildly in the mountains with two wounded at the same time was Cheng Ru, a master of internal skills.

Zhang Wa let out a long sigh and said, "Grandma, it really scared me to death! How could such a strange phenomenon occur in this mountain? The red lake just now was like a pool of blood, which directly attracted me. Run to the lake below."

Feng Dao also shook his head sternly and said: "It's really scary, there seems to be some kind of magical attraction in that lake, and unknowingly let us rush down the hillside. If the leopard head stopped us in time, we would be right now. Jumped into that lake!"

Bao Ya also said: "It's incredible, the whole mountain seems to be covered with a layer of blood, and the clouds on the top of the mountain in the distance are like real flying saucers, spinning and flying into the night sky. Grandma's , how can I be like a dream, what is this called God?"

At this time, Wan Lin took a flashlight and strode to Zhang Wa and the others. He looked at Bao Ya and said, "The sky is a vision, and there must be a big change! At that time, my mind was also confused, and I followed the mystery unknowingly. The gravitational pull of my body rushed down the hillside. If I hadn’t stumbled on a rock and suddenly woke up, I would have rushed down like When I was a child, my grandfather told me this sentence , it really came true today.”

Bao Ya hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, that's what it means. At that time, the red light suddenly appeared, the flying saucer also spun away in a hurry, and the mountains were turned upside down. The mountain just now was the same as the legend Like purgatory, it's just too scary!"

When Wan Lin and the others heard Bao Ya's words, they all looked at the dark cave behind with lingering fears. What they saw with their own eyes just now really gave them a thrilling and terrifying feeling. The dark red mountains, the surging red lake water, the blood-red beam of light, the flying saucer, and the overwhelming red waves in the lake all made them feel a sense of horror that they had never felt before!

Zhang Wa stared at the dark cave behind and said with lingering fear: "Thanks to that condor just now, if it hadn't flew from the air in time to warn Xiaohua and Xiaobai, we would definitely be with those militants in the mountains now. Like the giant wolf and the mountain rat, they were either swept into the bright red lake by the waves, or burned to ashes by the fiery magma!"


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