Panther Commando

Chapter 3887: no way out

The cave was dark and dark. Feng Dao sat on the rock and looked at the surrounding dark cave walls. He heard Zhang Wa's sigh, and said with lingering fears: "It was really a life and death line just now! It's really thanks to that goshawk in time. Fly here to warn Xiaohua and Xiaobai, otherwise we really don't know such a big natural disaster will happen. Hey, I wonder if the goshawk has escaped the eruption of the volcano?"

At this time, Bao Ya turned around and looked at Zhang Wa and said with a smile: "Don't worry, since that goshawk can sense the danger in advance, it will escape safely. Hey, I'm from Eagle Claw Gate. , understand the capabilities of this condor. Let me tell you, its huge wings are tens of meters long, and it is 108,000 miles long with two blows, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they heard Bao Ya's comforting words, Zhang Wa looked at him and said with a smile: "It's still 108,000 miles away? You think it's the Monkey King Sun Wukong, I think your kid is about to fly into the sky. Hahahaha..." Wan Lin, Feng Dao and Bao Ya all laughed.

Wan Lin and the others had just escaped from the roaring waves and fiery magma, and Bao Ya's joke really made the tense nerves of several people relax. They glanced around in the dimness, then panted heavily and sat down on the rock in the cave with a tired look. The wind knife sat on the rock, immediately reached out to take the flashlight in Wan Lin's hand, and raised the flashlight to shine into the depths of the dark cave in front of him.

The cave is dark, and the spacious cave is full of jagged rocks. The cave extends to the distance in twists and turns. The raised flashlight beam only shines on a dark rock dozens of meters away, and the cave follows. Turn sideways. The wind knife raised a flashlight to shine on the cave wall. The dark cave wall was uneven, and there were several dark openings on the stone wall near the bottom of the cave. of moisture.

Feng Dao pondered for a moment while looking at the dark branches under the cave wall, then turned to look at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, the air in this cave seems to be flowing slowly, there should be other exits here. In addition, the cave where Xiaoya and Laocheng are located is on the same hillside as ours, and I feel that the cave on this hillside should be connected."

At this time, the eyes of Wan Lin and the others followed the flashlight beam, and they stared at the small black holes under the cave wall. Zhang Wa frowned when she heard the analysis of the wind knife and said: "Flowing from the hole Judging from the fresh air, this cave should indeed have other exits, and it certainly does not lead directly to the mountains behind us."

Zhang Wa said, raising her hand to feel the air in the cave in the air, and continued: "The mountain by the lake has just erupted hot magma, if there is an exit to the lake in the cave, it will surely pour in hot magma. There is a chilly feeling in the air now, so whether it is the main cave or the branch cave of this cave, the exit should lead to the back mountain or the further mountains. "

Bao Ya nodded when he heard Feng Dao and Zhang Wa's judgment, he stared at the two big eyes that bulged out of their sockets and said, "Yes, this cave has a passage leading to the lake at the back, and it should also be violently shaken. The rolling boulders and the hot magma spewed out. I noticed just now that the opening behind us was completely sealed by the magma and the falling rocks, and now the hot and dry air can no longer be felt behind. "

The hole they burst into was itself very narrow, and was blocked by a boulder in front of it. The rocks that were swept down by the huge waves at that time were indeed blocked by the boulders in front of the entrance, which just sealed the narrow entrance. And the hot magma sprayed later filled the gap at the entrance of the cave, so the opening at the back had indeed been completely sealed.

Wan Lin sat in the dark and listened carefully to the analysis of the three comrades-in-arms. At this time, he looked at the dark cave in front of him, and said solemnly: "Your analysis is very reasonable! The rock behind us has been rolled from the entrance of the cave. Sealed with magma, this is also equivalent to sealing our retreat, we have no retreat now!"

When he said this, he turned to look at Zhang Wa and the three of them and continued: "But where does this cave lead, can it be connected to Mr. Yu and their cave, and when can we get out of this cave? These are important to us. It's all unknown! So now we have to prepare for being trapped in this cave for a long time."

He followed Bao Ya and said, "Old Bao, you collected the food from each of us." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Wa said in frustration, "Leopard head, you forgot that we came here lightly? The backpacks have already been left in Xiaoya's cave, and we have no food on us now!"

Wan Lin's expression darkened immediately. He really forgot that the four of them were out for reconnaissance at night, trying to find those missing expedition team members around the lakeshore. At that time, in order to facilitate their movement, they did put all their backpacks in the cave where Xiao Yaji and others were, and only brought water bottles and side weapons on their bodies.

At this time, the wind knife reached out and silently took out a few pieces of chocolate from his He handed it to Bao Ya and said, "This was originally prepared for Xiaohua and Xiaobai, you can put it away first."

Zhang Wa and Wan Lin also silently took out a few pieces of chocolate from their pockets and handed them to Bao Ya, Wan Lin then took out a compressed biscuit and handed it to Bao Ya and said, "I checked the cave wall carefully just now, and the cave wall is very damp. There are still water droplets running down in some places, and there is also some accumulation of water in the low-lying areas at the bottom of the cave, which can barely maintain our fresh water needs.”

Bao Ya took the food handed over by several people and carefully stuffed it into his pocket. He followed with a wide-open mouth and smiled optimistically: "Hey, if there is water, you are not afraid, if there is water, there will be fish. We people As long as there is water, it can last for at least a month. Don't worry, we won't hang here!"

As he said that, he raised a piece of chocolate in his hand and called out to the side of the cave: "Xiaohua, come and have dinner!" He followed by looking at the dark cave in the distance and scolded in a low voice, "Grandma, we have no food to eat. It's okay, but we have to feed our little brother."

Wan Lin and the others saw Bao Ya's optimistic look, and there was a light in their eyes. Although the situation is very dangerous now, these people are all specially trained special operators, not only have strong physique and super physical strength, but also have deep inner strength in each of them. They all knew in their hearts that Bao Ya was right, with fresh water, they could definitely last for ten or twenty days.

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