Panther Commando

Chapter 3894: gasp in the dark

Wan Lin and the others looked at Bao Ya in the water, and their nervous expressions had calmed down. Now that Bao Ya has surfaced, a small flower with excellent water quality has also risen from his side, and there is a small fish in his mouth, which means that Bao Ya is safe and sound and has not been injured in the dangerous situation just now, otherwise Xiao Huazui It will never come up with a small fish in its mouth.

Sure enough, Bao Ya floated to the surface and immediately opened his big mouth and took a few breaths. He then looked up at Wan Lin and the others on the cave wall and shouted, "Grandma, you scared me to death, I almost died! The little flower suddenly jumped up from the bottom of the water, held my back and pushed it up, and I smashed directly onto a standing stone pillar on the bottom of the water. Leopard head, are you all right? Come down quickly."

He then raised his right hand and patted Xiaohua's head lightly and said, "Thank you, brother, for saving my old Bao's life again. Go, go ashore." He slid his arms and swam to the shore.

At this time, Wan Lin looked at Bao Ya who was swimming in the water and said, "Go ashore and rest for a while, I'll wait for a while before going down." He looked down at the cave wall under his feet, and stepped on the toes of his left foot on a slightly raised piece He fixed Yundang's body on the rock, and he looked up at it and shouted: "Fengdao, you go down first, Zhang Wa will follow! I'm here to meet you."

"Yes." Feng Dao replied immediately. He inserted the flashlight into the tactical vest and stepped to the edge of the cave. Following the movements of Wan Lin and Bao Ya, he nimbly grabbed the rock above and jumped on the rock under his feet to hang on the cave wall. slide down.

The movement of the wind knife is very agile, and it has fallen above Wan Lin's head in a short time. Wan Lin stared closely at his falling figure, then suddenly raised his right hand to hold the sole of his shoe, lowered his head and shouted at Bao Ya, who had taken off his wet clothes and only wore a pair of big pants on the bank below. : "Old Bao, then!" As he said that, he violently used his right hand to throw the air knife to the side and rear.

At this time, the wind knife also gently pushed the dark cave wall in front of him with Wan Lin's shout, and flew straight to the Baoya below. Bao Ya stood on the rock on the shore, reached out and hugged the wind knife, and then gently placed him on the ground. Bao Ya immediately raised his flashlight with Feng Dao and shone on the dark cliff.

On the 100-meter-high pitch-black cliff, Zhang Wa had put away his flashlight and hung it on the steep cave wall. Not long after, his figure was already hanging above Wan Lin's head.

Wan Lin lifted him up in the same way, and vigorously threw it towards the wind knife and Baoya below. He turned his head and saw that the wind knife was catching Zhang Wa firmly. Then he pulled out his left arm inserted in the crack of the rock, and pushed his right hand. In front of the dark rock wall, the body fell lightly to the side and rear.

The wind knife reached out and hugged Wan Lin, who had jumped last, and gently placed him on the rock. Bao Ya hurriedly walked over with his flashlight raised. He looked at Wan Lin's arm and asked, "Leopard head, thanks to you feeling in time just now, otherwise I would be really in danger! Is your left hand okay?"

Bao Ya had already seen from the top just now that the leopard head rushed under him in an emergency, and his left hand punched directly into the narrow gap in the cave wall. He was really worried that the sharp rock would stab the leopard head's right hand and arm.

Wan Lin raised his left hand and glanced at it. The tactical gloves and sleeves on his left hand had been cut by sharp rocks, and blood marks scraped by sharp rocks were exposed on the backs of his hands and arms. He took off the damaged gloves and threw them to the side of the rock. He then opened his left hand and responded a few times, "It's alright, I just transferred the internal force to my left arm!"

The three of Bao Ya took a careful look at the bloodstain on Wan Lin's arm, and then sat down on the rock on the shore with confidence. They knew that once Wan Lin poured his True Qi into his arm, that arm would be as hard as a steel rod. Although the rocks in the cracks of the cave walls were sharp, they would not cause serious injury to his arm.

The three of Zhang Wa sat on the rock and immediately turned off the flashlight. Wan Lin took the flashlight handed by Bao Ya, dimmed the light, and placed it on the rock beside him. The few people immediately leaned their backs on the rock behind them tiredly.

In the dark cave, the breaths of several people sounded like "wheezing" and "wheezing" like pulling a bellows. Just now, several people were extremely exhausted, and they used their whole body skills to climb down the cliff. Now that they suddenly relaxed, they really felt exhausted. Even Wan Lin felt a wave of exhaustion.

While panting, Feng Dao turned to look at Bao Ya who was sitting on the side. At this time, Bao Ya had already asked for a gun cleaning cloth from Zhang Wa. He had strong muscles on his body, and he was bending over to disassemble the assault rifle and pistol into two piles of parts. Then he was breathing and using The gun cleaning cloth was carefully wiped up.

The weapon on his body has been soaked in stagnant water, so he hastened to maintain the gun as soon as possible to avoid accidents in the following battles. At this time, Zhang Wa was also bending over next to him, wiping the pile of wet ammunition that Bao Ya had placed beside him.

Feng Dao followed and stared at the bandage wrapped around the previous wound on Bao Ya's left arm, and saw that the wet bandage had turned pink, and the edge of the bandage was oozing blood with Bao Ya's movement. He immediately took out the first aid kit from his tactical vest and said, "Old bag, your wound has flooded. I will quickly change some medicine for you. If you get infected, it will be troublesome." As he said, he quickly untied the bag while breathing. The bandage on Ya's arm...

At this time, there was a sudden sound of water in the puddle on the side, and Xiaohua got out of the water excitedly again, swimming towards the shore with a small fish in her mouth. Bao Ya quickly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Xiaohua from the water. He panted and said, " Enough, enough, you also take a break!"

Feng Dao quickly dealt with the original stab wound on Bao Ya's left arm, Bao Ya looked at Feng Dao and nodded gratefully, then reached out and took the small fish in Xiao Hua's mouth and handed it to Wan Lin, saying, "Leopard head, hurry up. Eat. After a while, Xiaohua has caught more than a dozen fish for us. Hey, there are no big fish in this puddle, but although it's not big, it's enough for us to eat." After speaking, he added The kettle was handed over: "Drink some water, the water in this hole is really cool."

After he finished speaking, he bent down and took out two small fishes from the crevices of the side rocks and rinsed them in the water. He turned around and handed them to Zhang Wa and the wind knife. He then picked up the empty water bottles of Wan Lin and the others and stretched them into the water. The puddle next to it was filled with clear water with a "gu dong, gu dong".

Wan Lin and the others grabbed the small fish the size of the palm of his hand, pulled out the saber and quickly cleaned the internal organs of the small fish, then picked up the lake water to wash it, and then brought the small fish to his mouth and gnawed it.



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