Panther Commando

Chapter 3895: water mist in the cave

In the dim cave, Bao Ya munched on the fish meat and whispered in a vague voice: "What a delicious little fish, this is definitely better than the sashimi in those restaurants!" Zhang Wa heard Bao Ya's muttering. With a smile, he threw the leftover fish bones in his hand under the rock on the side, then turned his head to Bao Ya and said, "It's really delicious. Lao Bao, another one." Feng Dao also raised his head and shouted: "Old Bao, Old bag, give me another one."

Bao Ya looked at the two of them in astonishment and exclaimed, "Why do you two eat so fast?" After saying that, he quickly reached out and took out two more small fish from the side rock crevice and handed them over. Zhang Wa took a small fish and replied with a smile: "I'm hungry, I've been hungry for a long time and my chest is on my back, so I can't eat it well." Feng Dao also smiled and took another small fish and said, "Yes. That's right, it's not that we eat fast, it's the urgency in our stomachs."

In the dark cave, only the flashlight that Wan Lin placed on the rock beside him was emitting a faint light, and the air in the cave, which had seemed extremely tense just now, suddenly calmed down. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Wan Lin and the others were sitting on the rocks on the shore, gobbling down small fish. It didn't take long for them to wipe out more than a dozen small fish. As several delicious little fish entered their stomachs, the tired expressions of several people have recovered, and the dull eyes in their eyes have become much brighter.

At this time, Wan Lin put a small piece of fish meat under a military blade into his mouth and chewed it unhurriedly. He then looked at Bao Ya, who was only wearing shorts, and said, "The yin in this hole is too heavy, you put the wet Give me a twist on the clothes, and I will use my inner strength to dry the wet clothes as soon as possible."

"Okay." Bao Ya quickly replied, he quickly assembled the wiped assault rifle and pistol parts in the dark, then picked up the wet military uniform placed on the rock next to him and twisted it a few times, then Handed it to Wan Lin.

Bao Ya himself is a martial artist who is well versed in medicine. He knows that in such a damp and dark cave, it is really easy to get sick in wet clothes, and his inner strength is not enough to quickly dry the wet clothes, so He hurriedly handed the wet clothes to Leopard Head. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Wan Lin took the wet clothes that Bao Ya handed over in the dim light, and immediately put the clothes in his hands. He crossed his legs together, and then took a light breath, lifting the infuriating energy in his body to run fast. He then poured his vigorous infuriating energy towards his two arms, and a warm aura immediately filled the cold cave.

It didn't take long, a white mist suddenly rose from the clothes between Wan Lin's hands, and then dispersed to the surroundings. At this time, even Zhang Wa and Feng Dao's wet military uniforms, who were sitting on the side, also curled up a mist of water.

The three of Bao Ya looked at Wan Lin's movements with admiration, and knew that he was drying the wet clothes on Bao Ya and himself with a blast of qi to prevent the cold air in the cave from invading their own bodies. They threw away the leftover fish bones in their hands, sat cross-legged on the rock, closed their eyes and lifted up their infuriating energy.

There was silence in the dark cave, only the dripping sound of "tick, tick" echoed in the dark cave. Wan Lin and the others sat cross-legged on a few rocks beside the water, as if the old monk was silent, their breathing became subtle and long. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

At this time, in the dark cave, there was only a shimmering flashlight placed on the rock beside Wan Lin, emitting a pale yellow light, and a white mist had already shrouded Wan Lin and the others.

After about half an hour, the surrounding Wan Lin group slowly dissipated into the darkness. At this time, Wan Lin suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Zhang Wa and the three of them who closed their eyes and adjusted their breath. He put the clothes in his hands on his lap, and then turned his head to look around.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the little flower that had been lying on the rock beside him had disappeared. He quickly picked up the flashlight on the rock beside him, and pressed the strong light into the dark hole around him. The bright flashlight beam was like a sudden flash of lightning, illuminating the dark side walls of the cave.

Zhang Wa and the three felt Wan Lin's movements around them during the breath adjustment, and they all closed their eyes. Wan Lin raised his flashlight with his right hand to shine at the surrounding cave walls, and with his left hand handed the dried clothes to Bao Ya and said, "Put them on quickly." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Bao Ya hurriedly reached out to take the dry clothes, stood up and put them on Xun Xun. While wearing Xun Xun's clothes, he grinned and said, "Hey, I won't follow the dolls in the future, their family Yingying is too powerful and will kick people at every turn. I'll follow Leopard Head and Xiaohua in the future, not only have food, but also dry clothes to wear. Hehe, these dry clothes are so **** comfortable to wear! It's strange, when I was wearing dry clothes, why didn't this happen? Do you feel comfortable?"

Wan Lin and the others grinned. Zhang Wa raised his foot and kicked Bao Ya with a smile: "Why did you pat the leopard's head and Xiaohua's leopard's butt, and bring Yingying with us!" Wan Lin raised his left hand and knocked He snapped Zhang Wa's helmet and shouted, "Did I provoke you? Your **** is the leopard's ass!"

A few people have been running in the damp and dark cave just now, but now they have forced the cold air out of their bodies, and at the same time they have also dried their clothes.

At this time, the wind knife glanced around the flashlight held by Wan Lin, and he asked, "Where did Xiao Hua go?" Wan Lin stood up and raised the flashlight to the depths of the cave, he shook his head and replied: " I don't know, it must be looking for Xiaobai Let's go, let's go to the cave in front of us." He bent over and leaned on the back of a sniper rifle on the rock beside him. He started and picked up the captured assault rifle that was next to him.

The three of Zhang Wa also raised their guns and stood up. They glanced around and strode into the dark cave in front of them. A short breath adjustment and a few small fishes that were eaten in their stomachs did indeed allow these internal power masters to quickly recover their physical strength.

Wan Lin and the others walked along the spacious cave for about two kilometers, but there was still no trace of Xiaohua in the flashlight beam. Wan Lin walked behind Zhang Wa and the other three and raised his flashlight to look deep inside the cave in front of him. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the dark cave in front of him suddenly became narrow. He quickly stopped and moved his flashlight to look forward carefully.

The dark walls of the caves on both sides suddenly slanted towards the front, and the front was like a bag mouth that was suddenly tightened. The cave became very narrow in front of it, and a small black hole more than one meter high appeared in the front. Under the wall of the cave 100 meters away, if you don't pay attention, you think this deep cave has come to an end.


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