Panther Commando

Chapter 3901: Do your best

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Just when Zhang Wa and Bao Ya met again in the dark, Wan Lin's low voice sounded again: "Hurry up!" There was an unquestionable command tone in his voice. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya didn't hesitate any more, Zhang Wa still pressed his right hand on the back of the wind knife and said, "Lao Bao, you take Professor Wang over, and I will help Lao Feng adjust his breath."

Bao Ya immediately hugged Professor Wang, who was still in a coma, and stepped in front of Wan Lin, and then placed Professor Wang next to Professor Xiao. He leaned on the shoulders of Professor Wang and Professor Xiao, and then reached out to support the two of them. body, preventing them from tipping forward. Wan Lin immediately raised his left hand, pressed his palm on Professor Wang's back, and whispered to Bao Ya, "Go out."

In the voice, Wan Lin's palms had already pressed on the backs of the two professors respectively, and the pink aura forced out by his side also enveloped Professor Wang. Bao Ya quickly turned around and exited the pink air circle. He walked to the side and quietly watched the leopard's head resting on the palms of the two professors. At this time, he could already see that the palm of the leopard head seemed to be sucked on the backs of the two professors, firmly controlling their bodies and preventing them from falling forward.

Bao Ya glanced at the leopard's head with admiration, shook his head and turned to the side of the wind knives. He knew that his internal strength was not deep enough to force out his true qi to heal others, and he really couldn't help him by standing beside him.

At this time, the wind knife sitting cross-legged on the rock was making a gust of gust-like gasping sound. Just now, he had forced out his full-body skills to rescue Professor Wang, and now he really felt exhausted and exhausted. Zhang Wa sat cross-legged behind him, and a wave of true energy was pouring from the right palm to the back of Feng Dao.

Using the dim flashlight on the side, Bao Ya walked to Associate Researcher Hao, who was resting with his eyes closed. He reached out and took out the metal box from the T-shirt on his chest, held it in both hands and brought it to Associate Researcher Hao and said, "You Now that you are out of danger, you should keep these scientific research specimens."

This is the scientific research specimen that Professor Xiao and the expedition team members exchanged for their lives. He cannot put it on himself unless it is absolutely necessary. Now that Associate Researcher Hao has woken up and is out of danger, he hastily returned it.

When Associate Researcher Hao heard Bao Ya's voice, he opened his eyes and looked gratefully at the unremarkable soldier in front of him. He nodded silently, took the metal box with both hands, and carefully stuffed it into the clothes on his chest. He turned his head and looked to the side, and when he saw that Professor Xiao and the two had been wrapped in a cloud of pink mist, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

At this time, he, a knowledgeable researcher, has already seen that these special skills around him are not equipped with stunts. They are using ancient Chinese internal skills to pull themselves back from the death line, and they are using this stunt now. Rescue the dying Professor Xiao! He really didn't expect that this legendary Chinese mysterious martial arts that had disappeared would actually reappear on the special forces around him!

Associate Researcher Hao glanced gratefully at Wan Lin, who was sitting behind the two professors, and then looked at Feng Dao, who was panting violently to the side. At this moment, a heat surged in his heart. He knew that in a cave like this that led to nowhere, physical strength was the capital of survival. But in front of these few Chinese soldiers who are also in desperate situation, they have done their best to rescue these Chinese scientists who they have never met before, regardless of their personal safety!

At this moment, he suddenly heard a slight sound of water coming from the side, and he turned his head to look, only to find that the special soldier who was standing in front of him just now had quietly slipped into the icy puddle on the side.

He looked at the surface of the water in surprise, and after a while, he saw a figure emerge from the water, and two small fish with big slaps and jumping around immediately flew straight in front of him: "Associate Researcher Hao, Hurry up and eat something to recover your strength, there are knives in the pile of clothes next to you." In the voice, the figure who emerged from the water dived into the dim water again.

Associate Researcher Hao quickly picked up a small fish from the rocks in front of him. He didn't bother to look for the saber that Bao Ya and the others had placed on the rock beside him. For many days in a row, they have not entered any grain of rice, and their physical strength has long been exhausted. Now that he saw the little fish beside him, he immediately devoured it and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this time, Feng Dao's breathing gradually calmed down, and he whispered to Zhang Wa behind him: "Old Zhang, take a break, I'm much better." Zhang Wa heard his voice, and then she recovered a little tiredly With his right hand resting on his back, he folded his hands on the dantian area and circulated his inner qi for a while, then stopped and slowly stood up.

Just as Feng Dao and Zhang Wa stood up in the dark, Bao Ya's voice came from the puddle next to him: "Old Zhang, Lao Feng, hurry up and mend your body." In the voice, two pans had already flown in the dark. Small fish the size of a slap in silver. Zhang Wa and Fengdao quickly stretched out their hands and caught the small fish flying from the side. The two immediately walked to Associate Researcher Hao next to them. Zhang Wa said, "Associate Researcher Hao, eat more."

At this time, Associate Researcher Hao was holding a saber to clean up a small fish. He quickly took the two small fish and placed them in the stone crevice next to him, then stood up and replied: "Thank you ~I have already eaten two, and I am cleaning up these fish for you and Professor Xiao and Professor Wang. You are working too hard, so hurry up and eat." After speaking, he bent down and picked up two fish from the rock next to him to clean up. The little fish handed it to Zhang Wa and Feng Dao.

Zhang Wa and Fengdao glanced at the seven or eight small fish placed on the rocks next to them, knowing that the hungry associate researcher Hao only ate two small fish, filling his empty stomach a little. He is now picking up the rest of the small fish, preparing to leave it to others.

Zhang Wa and Feng Dao looked at each other and nodded secretly. Zhang Wa raised her hand and pushed Xiaoyu back and said, "We're not hungry, you can eat more to regain your strength, and keep the rest for Professor Xiao and Professor Wang."

After speaking, Zhang Wa and Fengdao picked up the combat uniforms that were placed behind the rocks, put them on quickly, and then brought their weapons and leaned against the rocks beside them. In this unfamiliar environment, they really did not Dare to have the slightest carelessness. They sat on the rock on the bank and looked worriedly at Wan Lin, who was giving the two professors first aid.

At this time, Bao Ya threw four or five small fish from the water one after another. He looked up at Zhang Wa and the three of them on the shore in the dim water and said, "I basically caught the bigger fish in the water, and the rest It's too small, and even if it is fished, it's not enough to stick between the teeth."

(= one second to remember)

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