Panther Commando

Chapter 3902: finally woke up

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When Associate Researcher Hao heard Bao Ya's cry in the water, he quickly turned his head to look at Bao Ya and said, "This brother, hurry up and rest for a while, this puddle is too cold, and it will hurt your body for a long time. By the way, trouble. You go to the cave and take out our backpacks, I really don't have the strength to swim right now. We have picnic utensils in our backpacks, and I'll make some hot fish soup for you all to make up for it."

Bao Ya heard Associate Researcher Hao's cry in the dim water. He said with great joy, "It's great, I haven't eaten something hot for a long time, you wait!" After speaking, he turned around and turned back. Down the dark cliffs.

Drinking some hot fish soup in the cold environment of the cave is really good for the body. Especially for Associate Researcher Hao and the other expedition team members who have not eaten for many days, the hot fish soup is more conducive to their recovery as soon as possible.

At this moment, two low-pitched sounds suddenly came from the side. The three Zhang Wa standing on the shore stood up with great joy, and Zhang Wa and Feng Dao stepped over to Wan Lin in one step. In the dim light of the flashlight, the pink aura that Wan Lin forced out had disappeared in the darkness, and his pale hands, which were withdrawing from the backs of the two professors, slowly pressed towards the dantian area on his lower abdomen.

The two professors sitting in front of Wan Lin had already opened their eyes, and the two of them stared blankly at the dim cave, as if they didn't understand how they suddenly returned to the world from the dark.

At this time, Associate Researcher Hao excitedly stepped in front of the two professors. He bent down and grabbed the arms of the two professors and exclaimed excitedly, "Professor Xiao, Professor Wang, you are finally awake!" He followed and stepped over to Xiao Beside the professor, he squatted down and looked at Wan Lin and shouted excitedly, "Thank you, thank you!" After speaking, he opened his arms to hug Wan Lin, who was sitting cross-legged on the rock.

Zhang Wa and the wind knife grabbed his arms, Zhang Wa whispered, "Don't disturb our captain." After speaking, he sat cross-legged behind Wan Lin, raised his right palm and pressed it on Wan Lin's back, lifted it up A stream of True Qi was forced into Wan Lin's body, condensing the scattered True Qi in Wan Lin's body, and slowly revolving in the meridians.

At this time, Feng Dao also quickly took out a snake treasure pill with the miraculous effect of nourishing Yuan Guben from his first aid kit, raised his hand and stuffed it into Wan Lin's mouth. The two of them had already seen that Wan Lin was exhausted. , the body's True Qi has appeared scattered signs.

Fengdao then looked at the stunned Associate Researcher Hao and said, "Associate Researcher Hao, let's lift the two professors up and rest on the rock next to us. Our captain needs to rest for a while." After speaking, he pulled the excited Hao. The associate researcher, together with the two professors, walked towards the rock next to them.

Feng Dao's internal strength is different from Wan's internal strength. He is not a last resort, and he really does not dare to easily send qi into Wan Lin's body. Besides, he has spent a lot of qi in the treatment of Professor Wang just now, and now he is really unable to assist Wan Lin's recovery. physical strength.

Assistant Researcher Hao supported Professor Xiao, turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin, who was still sitting cross-legged on the rock and closed his eyes to adjust his breath. He followed the wind knife supporting Professor Wang and asked in surprise, "Who is that little brother? Your captain?" He was indeed a little surprised, he didn't expect that the soldier who looked very young was actually the captain of this special force, and he also possessed such profound skills.

Feng Dao bent down and helped Professor Wang to sit down on a rock on the bank. He looked up at Associate Researcher Hao and replied, "Yes, that's our Captain Wan. My surname is Feng, so you can call me Lao Feng." He Then he pointed at Zhang Wa and Bao Ya who was drilling out of the cave and said, "That's Lieutenant Zhang and Lieutenant Bao."

At this time, Professor Xiao and Professor Wang, who were already awake, heard the introduction of Fengdao, and they looked at the surrounding benefactors in amazement. They already understood that the special forces who saved them were all officers in the special forces. , they must be the most elite special forces in China, otherwise these team members would not have such a high rank!

Professor Xiao stretched out his hands tremblingly. He grabbed the hand of the wind knife and said in a weak voice: "Thank you so much! How could you all appear in this hidden cave? A few hours ago, we faintly heard outside There was a loud gunshot, and then a violent vibration was felt in the cave, is there an earthquake in this mountain?"

These days, they have been hiding in this dark cave. Just now, they only faintly heard the gunshots coming from the mountains outside, and then felt the strong vibration of the mountain, but they didn't know what happened outside.

At this time, Wan Lin had finished adjusting his breath. He walked up to Professor Xiao and replied, "Yes, the sound of gunshots and explosions was made when we were fighting the enemy outside. The strong vibration was the sudden violent eruption of a volcano in the mountains, and at the same time It also caused tremors in the mountain. A few of us just annihilated a few enemies at the entrance of the cave, and then rushed into the cave when the volcano erupted."

He looked at the two professors with concern and said, "You are too weak, you save energy and talk less, and you will recover faster by eating something for a while."

After speaking, Wan Lin glanced at the bandage on Professor Wang's arm, turned his head and said to Zhang Wa, "Old Zhang, treat Professor Wang's wound to prevent infection." "Yes!" Zhang Wa replied in a low voice, followed by He took out the first aid kit from his body, walked to Professor Wang and sat down.

At this time, Bao Ya had dragged four large out of the dark hole under the cave wall. He looked at the wind knife on the shore and called, "Old Feng, then." After speaking, he lifted a backpack and threw it vigorously towards the shore.

The wind knife quickly stood up and lightly caught the backpack flying in the air and placed it next to it, then took the other three flying backpacks one after another and bent over and placed them on the rocks on the shore. Bao Ya threw out his backpack and immediately raised his arms to swim towards the shore.

At this time, Associate Researcher Hao had already turned around and pulled a backpack. He quickly took out a sealed bag, and then took out a cassette gas stove and a gas tank. He skillfully assembled the gas stove and placed it on a flat rock in front of him. He then pulled out a small pot from his bag, bent over to scoop up a pot of water from the lake next to him, and put it on the stove with great interest. superior.

While turning the **** on the cassette stove to light the fire, he turned his head to look at the people around him and said, "I haven't eaten for several days. I'll make some hot fish soup for you. This stuff is a big boost."

He took a few deep breaths, looked at Zhang Wa beside him and asked, "Lieutenant Colonel Zhang, what kind of medicine did you give us just now? Not only did you have a fragrant mouth, but also felt warm on your body, and now my physical strength has recovered. A lot, it's just amazing."

(= one second to remember)

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