Panther Commando

Chapter 3903: dangerous expedition

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In the dark cave, Wan Lin's flashlight on the rocks around him emitted dim light, illuminating the few people beside the puddle, and the calm puddle reflected a pale yellow light and shadow.

Sitting next to Professor Wang, Zhang Wa lowered his head to treat the wound on Professor Wang's arm and replied, "That is a rare life-saving medicine in the world. We call it Xiangmowan, which has the effect of bringing back the dead. After a while, the medicine will be on you. When the body is completely dissipated, you will feel better. Alas, if it wasn't to save you, we would be reluctant to take out this rare elixir."

He stopped talking here, looked at the still weak Professor Xiao and continued: "The situation of Professor Wang and Professor Xiao just now was too dangerous. If there is no such elixir, our captain will have deep skills, I'm afraid It's hard to save them."

When Professor Xiao and Professor Wang heard Zhang Wa's answer, they struggled to stand up from the rock to thank the rescuers. At this time, they already understood that these special soldiers had done their best to save their lives. They not only took out the extremely precious elixir, but also used the mysterious inner strength that was rarely seen, and only then did they forcibly pull the three of them back from the dead end.

Seeing their excited expressions, Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand to hold their shoulders and said, "Don't move, don't move, you're welcome, everyone is your own, you'll be fine!"

At this time, Bao Ya had already swam from the water to the shore, Feng Dao stretched out his hand and pulled him ashore and said, "Hurry up and put on your clothes, be careful of catching a cold." With that, Feng Dao walked to Associate Researcher Hao, staring at the already emerging firelight The cassette stove asked: "You are guarding this puddle with fish, and you have these cooking equipment, how come you haven't eaten for so long?"

Associate researcher Hao put a few small fish into the small pot and replied: "We are all researchers engaged in astrophysics and geology, and we often go out to the field to investigate, so we all have relatively rich experience in field survival. This time, we have considered that it may take a long time, so we brought a full set of wilderness survival equipment and fast food, just to prepare to stay in the wild for a long time. I didn't expect the conditions here to be so dangerous, not only there are many Mutated gigantic animals, but also those monstrous armed gangsters."

After speaking, he glanced at the weak Professor Xiao with lingering fears, and said in a low voice: "After we entered this mountain area, we suddenly found that there was no radio signal in the mountain, and we judged at that time that this must be the one. Strange phenomenon caused by meteorites from space."

"As researchers, we are all very excited, thinking that this is indeed a big treasure sent to us by the heavens, because only the presence of peculiar substances in meteorites can cause great changes in the Earth's magnetic field in this area. Once we find this From the debris after the meteorite explosion, we are likely to decipher the mysteries from it, which has extremely high research value."

Saying that, he took out a small bag of salt from his backpack and put it in the pot, then looked down at the steaming pot and continued: "We have carefully checked the satellite pictures before we set off, and we know that the topography of this mountainous area has undergone extreme changes. A big change. At that time, we also realized the danger and knew that if we lost contact with the headquarters, once we encountered danger in this uninhabited plateau and mountainous area, we would lose any backup.”

"Professor Xiao organized us to discuss together. In the end, everyone agreed that we all have rich experience in field survival, and we are professional researchers in astrophysics and geological research. The area can identify the general direction, and can also deal with various possible dangers. After listening to our introduction, the two guides with shotguns agreed to continue to follow us further into this mountainous area, so we ventured into This area. But we never thought that this expedition would be so dangerous!"

In the dimly lit cave, the fire from the cassette stove illuminated the surroundings with a dark red. At this time, Professor Xiao, the captain of the scientific expedition team, raised his head to look at Wan Lin and the others, with tears in his eyes and a weak voice, he said, "This expedition caused the deaths of three scientific expedition team members and two guides. This captain's responsibility! Why are you saving me? I deserve to die!" He raised his hand and patted his head heavily.

Seeing Professor Xiao's excited look, Wan Lin quickly reached out to hold his hands and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, no one can predict what will happen here. After losing contact with you, send your scientific research institutions and The State Security Bureau has realized the danger, so they immediately sent people to our military area and asked us to rescue you."

"National Security Bureau?" Professor Xiao and the three looked at Wanlin in astonishment. They really did not understand, how could even the National Security Bureau be alarmed by a scientific expedition?

Wan Lin immediately explained: "Yes, at that time, the border guards had discovered that many militants suddenly appeared in the border area. They sneaked across the border and went straight to this plateau area. The border guards immediately sent people to intercept some of the militants. The State Security Administration At the same time, they also obtained information. Some illegal foreign companies and intelligence agencies have discovered the peculiarities of this The researchers of these despicable countries also realized that this meteorite may contain many unknown secrets , has a huge research value for scientific research. Therefore, their intelligence agencies and illegal companies paid high salaries and recruited a group of hired organizations to enter our mountainous area, the purpose is to **** the meteorite fragments that landed in this area. "

When the three of Professor Xiao heard this, they all had angry expressions on their faces. Associate Researcher Hao raised his head and said, "No wonder there are so many armed men in the mountains. Say those militants speak foreign languages."

He followed and looked at Wan Lin and said, "Captain Wan, these militants are extremely vicious. They shoot when they see anyone. Their purpose must be to **** the meteorite fragments and the food they carried. At that time, we were forced into this place by these gangsters. Tiaoshan Cave, one of our expedition team members and two hunters, sacrificed by this lake just to protect us." As he spoke, another tear flashed in his eyes.

Wan Lin looked at them with grief and anger, and immediately said: "Yes, after your scientific research institutions and the State Security Administration obtained this information, they immediately realized that these gangsters came in to plunder the meteorite fragments that landed in our territory, and your situation is definitely extremely dangerous."

(= one second to remember)

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