Panther Commando

Chapter 3904: 1 way kill

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In the dim light of the flashlight, Wan Lin sat on the rock beside the puddle and looked at the three of Professor Xiao and continued: "At that time, your research institute and the State Security Administration immediately sent a rescue plea to the garrison here when they realized that the situation was critical. The local garrison immediately dispatched reconnaissance planes to scout your location from the air."

"The border guards also sent people to this area at the same time, preparing to take you out of this dangerous area as soon as possible. But the reconnaissance plane has already appeared abnormal as soon as it approached this area. Fortunately, our military pilots are very experienced. Immediately Steering away from this area, this avoided the accident of the crash."

Professor Xiao was shocked and moved when he heard Wan Lin's remarks, he looked at Wan Lin and said excitedly: "I didn't expect that a few of us would alarm so many people, and also put our air force in danger, we are ashamed! "

Wan Lin looked at him and waved his hand, and continued: "In this case, Deputy Director Wang of the State Security Administration personally flew to our military region and asked our special operations force to rush here to rescue you, and at the same time annihilate those who dare to hold weapons. The outlaws who entered my China! We were ordered to board the plane overnight, parachuted to the location where you last contacted the headquarters, and then arrived here on foot." He followed a frustrated look at Professor Xiao and said, "I didn't expect us to come anyway. One step too late, you have already suffered heavy casualties."

The three of Professor Xiao heard Wan Lin's narration, and their eyes were already moved with tears. Professor Xiao held Wan Lin's hand tightly and said, "Thank you so much for going into such a dangerous place to rescue us... "Speaking, he was choked up and speechless.

At this time, Associate Researcher Hao on the side had already extinguished the cassette furnace. He excitedly took a pot of fish soup and put it on the rock in front of Wan Lin and said, "Captain Wan, you've worked hard, drink some heat first. Fish soup." He lifted the lid of the pot, took out a few spoons and stuffed them into the hands of Wan Lin and Zhang Wa.

As the lid of the small pot was undone, a delicious smell filled the damp, dark cave immediately. Wan Lin and Zhang Wa hurriedly took the spoon, twisted and stuffed it into the hands of Professor Xiao and Professor Wang. Bao Ya and Fengdao also put the spoon back into Associate Researcher Hao's hand.

Wan Lin looked at the three of Professor Xiao and said, "The three of you are already seriously exhausted. Hurry up and drink some fish soup to recover your strength. We are not out of danger now. You can't get out of this dangerous cave without your physical strength. I've eaten a few small fish, you don't need to worry about us. Come, you can drink fish soup and we can chat."

As he said that, he looked at Associate Researcher Hao in surprise and asked, "There is fresh water and fish here, how can you be so weak? You probably haven't eaten for seven or eight days, right? By the way, since you have a stove with you. , there should be food, how can there be only cooking utensils and no food?"

When he rescued Professor Xiao and Professor Wang just now, he had already noticed that they were severely malnourished. Seeing that they had cookware and nothing to eat now really made him feel incomprehensible.

Associate Researcher Hao shook his head and replied sadly, "The cooking utensils are in my backpack, and the food is in two young and strong guide bags, but they failed to enter the cave with us!" Wan Linji Hearing this, his face immediately darkened. They already understood that the two guides must have been sacrificed in the mountains outside the cave.

Associate Researcher Hao said this, raised his hand and rubbed his red eyes, and he continued: "After entering the cave, the batteries we carried were almost exhausted, and the flashlight could still emit a little light at the beginning, so I am here. We also caught a few small fish in the water. But then the battery died and we couldn't see the fish in the pond in the dark, let alone catch them."

He pointed to the portable cassette stove next to him, and continued: "We also tried to use firelight to illuminate, but those small fish had become frightened, and I went down several times and didn't catch them. Later, in order to prevent the fuel in the gas tank from using We can only give up.”

He said and looked at Bao Ya who was standing aside and said in admiration, "Lieutenant Bao, you are amazing! How did you catch the little fish with your bare hands in the water?" Looking up at Associate Researcher Hao, he said, "Lieutenant Bao is a master at Eagle Claw Gate. Those two claws stretched out as fast as lightning. Those fish would never be able to run away if he was staring at them."

Professor Wang grinned and looked at Bao Ya's hand in admiration. Bao Ya raised his hands and looked at Zhang Wa and shouted, "Stinky boy, are you praising me or scolding me, is this a claw?"

In the laughter, Professor Xiao looked at Bao Ya and said with admiration: "So you are all martial arts masters, no wonder you can kill in front of so many armed legal elements, you are amazing!"

He then took another look at the dark cave around him, then looked at Wan Lin in surprise and asked, "There are only so many of you? After we entered the cave, gunshots were heard in the mountains outside, and there seemed to be many more around the lakeshore. There should be a lot of militants."

Wan Lin replied: "There are 15 people in our unit. We encountered several groups of militants in the mountains, and we did kill them all the way here. After arriving at the lake, a few of us moved separately from the other team members. Now they are also trapped in the surrounding Now we are trying to find them in the cave." He looked anxiously towards the dark cave ahead.

At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes flashed with an anxious look. After Xiaohua roared just now, she didn't make a sound, and there were no voices from Xiaobai and Xiaoya in the darkness, which showed that Xiaohua had not found them yet. But now they were exhausted trying to rescue the three of Professor Xiao, and they couldn't leave the three weak Professor Xiao here alone, so he was really anxious.

When Professor Xiao heard that other people were also trapped in the cave, he said worriedly: "This kind of cave is extremely dangerous. There are many branch holes with unknown directions in the cave. Once you get lost in it, it is difficult to get out again."

He glanced around and saw that Wan Lin and the others were not carrying backpacks. He shook his head and said, "If they are really lost in the hole, without water and food, I'm afraid they won't be able to last for a few days, do we? Hurry up and find them?" With that, he put down the spoon in his hand and struggled to stand up.

Wan Lin quickly pressed him and replied, "Don't worry! Like us, they all have rich experience of survival in the wild, and they still have some food on them, so they won't be in danger for the time being. A friend of mine has already gone to them. Well, there should be news in a while."

(= one second to remember)

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