Panther Commando

Chapter 3927: excellent troops

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In the dark cave, only the flashlight held by Wen Meng glowed dimly, and the light in the cave was very dim. The dark river in the center of the cave flows quietly into the darkness ahead in the dim light, and ripples appear from time to time on the calm water.

At this moment, Wan Lin's group suddenly saw two strings of blisters appearing on the calm water, followed by Xiaohua and Xiaobai emerging from the water on the shore. The two leopards were biting a big white fish in their mouths. They got out of the water excitedly, and then swam to the shore. Xiaoya, Wen Meng, Lingling, and Wu Xueying saw two leopards returning home full of rewards. They knelt on the rocks on the shore excitedly and took the big fish from the mouths of the two leopards.

At this time, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng also emerged from the river. Both of their hands were tightly grasping a big fish of about half a meter. Bao Ya stretched out his head from the water and raised the big fish in his hands excitedly. He shouted, "Haha, there are a lot of big fish in here! And they are all stupid fish. They don't know how to hide when they see us." He threw the two big fish to the shore with all his strength, and then lowered his head and plunged into the water.

Wan Lin and Wang Dali were pleasantly surprised to hold down the big fish that were jumping around on the shore, and Dali and Kong Dazhuang followed by picking up a few big fish and walking towards the side cave. At this time, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa stood up from the side of the river happily. The two walked back with the big fish that the two leopards had just caught together. Then they bent down and put the cleaned big fish in Xiaoya. around a few people.

Zhang Wa took out the engineer shovel from behind and cleaned it in the river, and shouted at the wind knife and Wu Xueying who were squatting on the side: "Lao Feng, Yingying, press hard for me." In his voice, he raised the engineer in his hand. The shovel chops down.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wa had already chopped the long fish into seven or eight pieces, and Feng Dao smiled and said to Xiaoya and the others who were sitting beside him, "What are you waiting for? Eat it!" He and Zhang Wa picked up the river water to wash away the blood on the fish, then picked up two pieces of fish each and handed them to Professor Xiao.

The three of Professor Xiao happily took the heavy pieces of fish, and Associate Researcher Hao couldn't wait to pull out his dagger and cut a thick piece of fish into his mouth. I have never eaten such delicious sashimi before." Wan Lin looked at him and smiled and said, "Be careful, there are fish bones in it." After speaking, he took out his saber and washed it in the river water, using the sharp blade to expertly She cut off a thin slice of sashimi and put it in her mouth.

At this time, Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang also came over with a few fish that had been cleaned up. They put the fish on the rocks on the shore, and then reached out to take the two fish thrown up by Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng in the river. Then he shouted: "Enough to eat, you two come up quickly, the river here is too cold."

Bao Ya and the two agreed, and quickly swam to Xiaohua and Xiaobai, who had drilled out with two big fish in their mouths. The two took the big fish they were biting and threw it to the shore. Lin Zisheng followed and called out, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, go ashore." Said, they swam to the shore together.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai quickly swam to the river, and then jumped up directly from the water. They ran to the side and shook their bodies a few times. A drop of water quickly rose into the air, and the wet body became dry at this moment. .

At this time, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had already stretched out their hands to pull Bao Ya who had swum to the river bank, and Xiaoya and Wen Meng handed them two towels. Xiaoya saw that the two of them were freezing. Zi's ​​lips said: "Quickly dry your body and take a breath, don't catch a cold."

Bao Ya and Zisheng agreed, bent down and picked up the clothes on the rock and walked to the dark side. The two of them wiped their bodies with towels and quickly put on their military uniforms. Then they sat cross-legged on the rock to adjust their breath. Long, a layer of white water mist has emerged from the body of the two, and the purple lips have become rosy

It didn't take long, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng had already dressed neatly and walked to Wan Lin's side, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying quickly stood up and handed over two pieces of fish meat with the bones removed, Wen Meng said in a low voice, "It's hard work, you guys Hurry up and eat." Saying that, she gave Lin Zisheng a distressed look.

Lin Zisheng and Bao Ya took the fish meat handed over by Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, and then they noticed that the fish meat in their hands had been removed from the bones and bones. Lin Zisheng glanced at the shy Wen Meng moved, and Bao Ya said with a smile: "It's still my sister who loves us! It's not like they are stupid, they don't come and help us beat our backs because of our hard work."

Before he could finish his words, Wang Dali's rough voice came from behind: "Old Bao, who said I don't feel sorry for you anymore? Come on, I'll give you a good pounding." With two big fish that had just been cleaned up, he was kicking his back with a big foot.

"My mother, there is such a distressed person!" Bao Ya screamed, and jumped to the side of the rock like a spring. Everyone laughed when they saw his embarrassed look. At this time, Cheng Ru and Bao Ya also came over with two fish respectively. Zhang Wa smiled and said to Bao Ya, "Old Bao, do we also feel sorry for you, do we feel sorry for you?"

Bao Ya quickly put the fish fillet in his hand into his mouth, and he shouted vaguely: "Thank you, thank you, I want to live for two more days, I just have my two sisters, Yingying and Mengmeng, to take care of me! At this time Wu Xueying stood up and handed Bao Ya a piece of fish and said, "You are not allowed to bully our big brother Bao."

Bao Ya happily took the fish and said, "It's still my sister. Yingying, help me kick the doll!" Yingying immediately stared at Bao Ya and shouted, "Why are you kicking our doll, I'll kick you! "Speaking, she raised her little feet with a "squeak".

"My god, I'm hitting the donkey's hoof again!" Bao Ya screamed and jumped behind Wan Lin, and everyone laughed again when they looked at them.

In the dim flashlight, the three of Professor Xiao ate the delicious fish fillets with relish, and looked enviously at the group of special forces who still maintained an optimistic mood in the predicament. The faces of the three showed admiration.

At this moment, they all secretly said in their hearts: In this situation of life and death in front of them, every soldier in this unit can still make such a hearty laugh, such a special force is definitely an invincible mighty force. division!

They already understand in their hearts that every special soldier in this unit has a heart as tough as steel. Only such a group of special soldiers who can face danger and life and death calmly can they form an excellent special force that makes the enemy fearful!

(= one second to remember)

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