Panther Commando

Chapter 3928: Dangerous

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In the dimly lit cave, Wan Lin sat on the rock beside the dark river and quietly watched a few players play, with a look of relief in his eyes. As the commander of this special force, he knows that the more in danger, the more optimistic they must maintain. Only in a relaxed state can they recover their strength as soon as possible and deal with various dangers that may arise later.

At this time, Wan Lin saw Bao Ya jumping behind him, he looked at Wu Xueying and the others with a smile and raised the fish in their hands and said, "The fish here is really delicious, this is a rare meal for us during this operation. , Everyone quickly sat down to fill their stomachs. Lingling, you can put some salt on the leftover fish and store it for everyone. We may not have time to go fishing on the way. "

"Yes!" Lingling replied immediately. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa also sat down, Xiaoya, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying handed over the sliced ​​fish, and a group of team members greedily ate it with the dim flashlight.

Everyone knows in their hearts that they are still in extreme danger, and no one can predict what dangers exist in the cave ahead? Therefore, they must replenish energy as soon as possible to deal with the dangers that may appear later with sufficient physical strength.

Twenty minutes later, Wan Lin glanced at the teammates who had quieted around in the dim flashlight. He lightly patted the little flower lying on the rock beside him, raised his arm and pointed at the dark cave in front of him. He then ordered to Zhang Wa, who was sitting on the side: "Zhang Wa, you and Bao Ya follow Xiaohua to explore the road ahead!" "Yes!" Zhang Wa and Bao Ya immediately stood up with guns.

At this moment, a blue light appeared in Xiao Hua's eyes. Following Wan Lin's gesture, he turned around and ran into the dark cave in front of him. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya immediately followed with their flashlights.

Xiaobai, who was lying beside Xiaoya, saw Xiaohua rushing out. It was about to get up and chase after it. Xiaoya quickly pressed it and said, "Xiaobai, you follow us!" What will happen in action? So Xiaoya hurriedly left Xiaobai behind so that in the event of a critical situation, she could use the peculiar sensing ability between Xiaobai and Xiaohua to help each other.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua, Zhang Wa, and Bao Ya running out. He stood up and ordered, "Clean up the scene and prepare to go!" The surrounding team members replied in a low voice, and everyone bent down and placed the fish bones and fish bones in front of them. They folded up and quickly shoved them into the crevice in front of them, and they immediately covered the crevice with gravel.

Everyone quickly cleaned up the traces that stayed around, and then they all put their hands into the cool river water to wash them, and then they carried their backpacks and weapons and stood up. Wan Lin immediately ordered, "Let's go!" After he finished speaking, he strode into the cave in front of him. Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Xiao Ya immediately took their group and walked toward the dark cave in turn.

The dark river meanders along the dark cave, and the flashlights of Zhang Wa and Bao Ya appear from time to time under the concave and convex walls in the distance.

Wan Lin held up his flashlight and stepped forward with his feet on the jagged rocks on the bank. From time to time, he raised his flashlight to look into the dark cave in front of him, and carefully observed the dark cave walls on both sides of the river bank. , Whenever he encountered a boulder in front of him, he stopped, turned around and made a warning sound to the team members behind to avoid danger in the dark.

They walked along the wide cave for five or six kilometers. The river surface, which reflected the flashlight, suddenly narrowed, and the sound of the river hitting the rocks suddenly came from the dark hole in front. Wan Lin stepped on a slippery rock in front of him and raised his flashlight to shine forward.

On the black wall of the cave in front of it, there are lumps of jagged rocks protruding. The originally spacious river surface gradually becomes narrow in front of it. Pieces of white water splashes are flying in the distance in the cave, and the water splashes one after another in the flashlight. The moving water waves were surging under the cave walls on both sides.

Wan Lin frowned as he looked at the narrowing cave in front of him, and then trotted forward. At this time, he had realized that the cave in front suddenly narrowed, and the river must have overflowed the cave below.

He stepped on the slippery rocks and ran for hundreds of meters. Sure enough, he found that the cave in front had turned white and barked under the flashlight. Half of the cave was immersed in the river water. The cave suddenly became low in front of him. Several stone pillars extending from the top almost touched the river surface.

Wan Lin stopped and raised his flashlight to shine on the cave wall in front of him. The wall of the cave exposed on the water surface was convex and concave, and the black rocks showed sharp edges and corners. The flowing river water was violently impacting the rocks beside the cave, and the walls of the cave were splashing with white waves.

The speed of the river water suddenly accelerated in the narrowing channel, and the sound of "rumbling" water was coming from the darkness ahead, and the pitch-black cave suddenly turned to the side about 200 meters ahead. From where Lin was, he couldn't see the situation in the cave in front of him at all. At this time, the cave that was just spacious suddenly became dangerous here, making Wan Lin feel a shocking feeling!

Wan Lin frowned slightly as he looked at the cave that had suddenly become dangerous in front of These agile leopard team members can completely climb on the raised rocks on the cave wall and walk through this dangerous cave safely. But now they are taking Professor Xiao and the three expedition team members. Once Professor Xiao and the three of them lose their hands and fall into the swift river water, it may be difficult for them to climb out of the water.

At this moment, a flashlight beam suddenly flashed from the corner of the cave in front, and the sound of "Boom Rumble" was followed by Zhang Wa's shout of infuriating: "Leopard head, can you hear it?" Wan Lin immediately raised his anger and replied, "I heard, what's going on ahead?" At this time, he was really worried that the cave in front of him would be completely submerged by the surging river, so they would have to turn around and return.

Zhang Wa's shout followed: "This section of the cave has suddenly narrowed, and the river's flow is extremely fast. It is hitting the wall of the cave at the front corner, which is quite dangerous. After turning the front corner, the flow of the river slows down. Continue to move forward against the rocks on the shore."

He panted and shouted loudly: "We have tied a safety rope to the cave wall, you can pull the safety rope and walk along the cave wall! There are still forty or fifty meters ahead to enter the safety zone. The rope is not long enough, I have asked Xiaohua to go back to you, you ask Xiaohua to bring us a bundle of ropes!"

(= one second to remember)

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