Panther Commando

Chapter 3959: bloodthirsty fish

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Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao finally entered the side hole. Several people stood firm in the side hole and immediately raised their flashlights to look at both sides of the cave. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛ The cave is dark, and several bright flashlight beams are like shaking searchlights, slowly crossing the dark walls of the cave on both sides, and then shining into the depths of the cave.

The cave walls on both sides of the cave are covered with jagged rocks, and the concave and convex cave walls are covered with crystal water droplets. The quiet river reflects a white water light in the center of the cave, like a winding jade belt, it drills into the dark cave in the distance. This quiet river is flowing.

At this time, Yu Jing was standing on a rock on the side of the cave. She greedily breathed the fresh air in the cave while sweeping the entire cave with the bright flashlight beam. She followed and looked at Wan Lin and said excitedly: "Leopard head, this cave is also relatively spacious, the air inside is very fresh, there must be a way out to the outside world nearby."

Standing in the dark, Professor Xiao also sniffed hard and said: "Yes, there is indeed the smell of green grass in the mountains outside, which means that there has just been a heavy rain in the mountains outside, otherwise the smell of this grass will not be so strong, nearby There should be an exit to the mountain for takeaway!"

He followed his mood and looked at Wu Xueying standing beside him with a relaxed smile and said, "Miss Yingying, why didn't you see the big fish you want to eat in this dark river?" When everyone heard Professor Xiao's voice, they all looked at Wu Xueying and smiled. .

Wu Xueying was staring at the calm water attentively. She heard Professor Xiao's voice and replied immediately: "Yes, there must be big fish in such a calm river, where about Xiaohua and Xiaobai? ."

Saying that, she bent down and picked up a palm-sized rock from under the rock, raised her arms and threw it **** the water. "Pfft", a dull sound of water followed from the silent cave, and white waves rose to the surroundings like petals that suddenly bloomed.

Wan Lin stared at the waves rising on the water, frowned and said, "The water in this dark river is very deep!" He followed and looked down at the bank, only then did he notice that the banks on both sides were slanting toward the water like a funnel. Go, the wet rocks on the shore looked very slippery. He followed and looked at everyone and said, "Everyone should be careful while traveling. The river here is very deep, and the rocks on the bank are very slippery. It is easy to fall and fall into the river."

Before he could finish his words, Wu Xueying suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, look, what is in the river?" Everyone quickly looked at the calm water around the water, and suddenly a white flower appeared, densely packed. Terrible.

"It's a small fish! Why are there so many?" Lingling shouted, and she and Wu Xueying ran to the shore excitedly. At this time, Professor Wang suddenly shouted: "Miss Yingying, be careful, this looks like a piranha, very fierce!"

At this moment, a school of white flowers in the middle of the river was already rushing towards the shore. It seemed that they saw Lingling and Lingling running towards the shore, each with their flat fish heads scrambling to get out of the water. Stretched out, looking very scary. Obviously, the stones that Wu Xueying threw into the river just now were mistaken by the creatures in the water for delicacies that fell into the water.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were standing under the cave wall, saw the school of fish rushing out of the river. They grabbed Lingling and Wu Xueying's arms and pulled them hard. The electric light in the hands of the wind knife and Wan Lin also shone on the water immediately.

At this time, everyone could see clearly through the flashlight beam that the dense fish in the water was composed of countless small flat fish more than ten centimeters long. The teeth are as sharp as serrated teeth, and the small eyes on both sides of the fish head have a gloomy look, staring at the crowd on the shore, as if these people on the shore are already the prey in their mouths.

Assistant Researcher Hao supported Professor Wang and took two steps towards the shore, and the two of them stared at the water. Professor Wang stared at the school of fish that had already rushed to the shore, took a breath and said, "My dear, it's really a piranha. This kind of fish is very rare here. How can there be so many here? It's scary!"

Wu Xueying was dragged to her side by Zhang Wa. She looked at the dense fish on the river in a daze. "Professor Wang, what kind of fish is a piranha? It looks scary."

Professor Wang stared at the school of fish swimming to the shore and explained, "Don't underestimate this small fish, which is commonly known as piranha." He then raised his head and looked at the people around him and said, "This group of piranhas It is very ferocious, and any animals that stray into the water will be eaten by them in a short period of time to nothing but bones, and there are often rumors of people being eaten by this kind of fish outside the country.”

He then raised his finger and pointed to the school of fish by the river, and continued: "Look, this fish is about ten centimeters long, and its teeth are extremely sharp, and it can tear off a muscle ten centimeters long from the animal's body in one bite. Everyone is on the shore. Be careful not to fall into the water!"

Everyone took a deep breath when they heard Professor Wang's explanation. Cheng Ru looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, we seem to have encountered this kind of piranha when we were performing missions before."

Wan Lin replied: "Yes, it was also in a dark river in the cave at the time! I remember that this fish was very bloodthirsty. We were injured at the time. Like small knives, the bamboo rafts under us were all bitten by these little fish 'clicking'!"

Professor Wang and the others looked at Wan Lin and the others in astonishment. They never thought that these special forces had encountered such a ferocious and terrifying school of fish in the water, and they were still injured. Professor Wang shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous! This kind of piranha is extremely rare in our territory. They mainly live in South American countries, and it is said that after a teenage child unfortunately fell into the water a few years ago, only a pile of bones remained in ten minutes."

When Wu Xueying heard Professor Wang's description, she exclaimed: "My mother, these little fish are so cruel! I don't dare to eat them." She followed Lingling and took a step back.

Professor Wang looked at her and smiled and said, "Ms. Don't look at the ugly fish, but its flesh is very delicious. It is a famous delicacy in the world. Don't you want to try it?" Wu Xueying He quickly waved his hand and said, "I won't eat it, I won't eat it! If it doesn't eat me, I will be Amitabha Buddha." Everyone laughed when they saw her nervous look.

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