Panther Commando

Chapter 3960: Piranha's natural enemy

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Just as everyone was laughing at Wu Xueying's nervous look, the group of fish gathered by the river and staring at the bank suddenly rioted. Countless small fish swam into the surrounding water in panic, and a white patch of water immediately swelled up on the water. ripples. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛ Everyone quickly looked at it, a slender shadow suddenly emerged from the dark river, its slender body twisted and rushed towards the fish in the water.

"Oops, water snake!" Lingling pulled Wu Xueying and took a step back. Professor Wang looked at it intently, and he followed up: "This is not a water snake, this is an electric eel, the natural enemy of this piranha!"

In the voice, the dense fish in the water have disappeared into the dark river water around, and there are more than a dozen piranhas that have turned their stomachs on the water. The slender big fish in the water glanced coldly at the crowd on the shore. It suddenly opened its big mouth and bit a small fish floating on the water. Then it quickly wagged its tail and dived into the water. disappear into the water.

The small fish that had just been densely packed in the dark river disappeared in a blink of an eye, and a small fish with its belly turned floating in circles of expanding water lines, Wu Xueying looked at the water surface in astonishment and called out, "Professor Wang, these food How did the mermaid die in an instant, how did this big snake-like fish get it? It's amazing! Why did it only eat one?"

Professor Wang stared at the dozen or so small fish that had turned to the surface and replied, "This big snake-like fish is called the electric eel, and it is one of the most frightening freshwater animals on earth. A strong current can not only electrocute this piranha, but also stun an adult on the spot, and the voltage generated can reach 300 to 800 volts. This electric eel is the natural enemy of these piranhas. It is not only I ate one, but saw us standing on the shore and was frightened, and it would come out and eat the rest of the fish in a while." In the voice, there was a sudden "crawl" in the water, followed by another small fish. The fish was quickly dragged into the water.

Lingling looked at the ripples in the water, Lingling asked in astonishment: "Professor Wang, how can a fish generate such a high voltage?" Xiaoya, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying also looked at Professor Wang in confusion.

Professor Wang explained: "The reason why the electric eel discharges is because it has a generator in its tail, and this generator comes from its muscle tissue. The muscle tissue on both sides of the fish has many muscle thin slices. These thin slices Just like a battery, the electric eel's tail is the positive pole and the head is the negative pole, and its body is like countless 'batteries' connected in series, so the electric eel can generate a very high voltage in an instant."

After hearing this, Lingling shook her head and said in horror, "This world is full of wonders. If you are electrocuted by such a high voltage in the water, you will drown without being electrocuted. This electric fish is too scary!"

Yu Jing, who was standing on the side, saw Lingling's astonishment and looked at the calm water surface and said, "This is the ecological balance of nature. This kind of piranha is very ferocious. If they are allowed to multiply without limit, the water will not be able to survive. All creatures will be eaten by them, so the appearance of piranha predators such as electric eels can just control their numbers." She followed Professor Wang and said, "Professor Wang, you are an expert in biological research, don't you think? "

Professor Wang turned his head to look at Yu Jing and nodded and said: "Yes, this is the ecological balance in nature. Researcher Yu, you have lived abroad for many years, and you should know a lot about this piranha. I can see from the relevant information. The living conditions of these piranhas are very harsh. They only live in water of about 20 degrees Celsius. Beyond this water temperature, their reproductive capacity will become extremely weak, and they are also accompanied by electric eels in the waters where they live. These kinds of predators, so we rarely see such a large group of piranhas outside."

Yu Jing sighed: "Yes, I did see this kind of piranha when I was traveling abroad. It is natural selection, right? There is competition between species and within creatures. Any species The disorderly development of all animals will destroy this balance in nature, and the electric eel and natural conditions inhibit the scale of this murderous fish, which is a manifestation of ecological balance."

She followed and looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, the river in front of you looks very calm, but it is full of murderous intentions. Everyone must be careful when they act, and they must stay away from the river as much as possible!"

Wan Lin replied immediately: "Okay!" He followed the team members around and said loudly: "Everyone remember the advice of President Yu and Professor Wang, and try to stay away from the river." After speaking, he looked up at the dark cave in front of him with some worry. Looking around, he shouted, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai."

Wan Lin's shouts rang out in the quiet and deep cave, followed by the roars of Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai from the dark cave in front of them, and there were bursts of "humming" sounds throughout the cave.

Wan Lin heard the voices of the two leopards, and his face immediately calmed down. He looked at the people around him and ordered, "Everyone, be careful, let's go!" After that, he stepped on the shore with his flashlight and air knife. The slippery rocks walked deeper into the cave. Xiaoya and the others immediately grabbed Yu Jing's arm and followed, while Dali and Da Zhuang also grabbed the arms of Professor Wang and Professor Xiao respectively, and helped them walk forward together.

The cave in front was dark and rugged, and the raised rocks on the shore were very slippery. Wan Lin and the wind knife hand picked up the raised rocks or cracks in the cave wall, slowly moving deeper into the cave, while carefully observing. shore. The other team members followed closely behind.

Although the river here is two or three meters away from the cave walls on both sides, the **** of the bank is steep, and if you are not careful, you may stumble on the slippery rocks and slip into the dangerous river next to you. The movements have become more careful, and the speed of travel has slowed down.

While walking forward cautiously, everyone raised their flashlights to shine on the dark walls of the cave on both sides, hoping to find the cracks or caves leading to the mountains outside as soon as possible.

Wan Lin's group of people walked forward for seven or eight hours in anticipation, but there was still no passage to the outside world in the dark cave, and Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai, who had been in the darkness in front of them, were also silent.

At this time, Wan Lin stopped by a huge rock in front of He raised his flashlight and shone into the dark cave in the distance. The cave and the dark river reflecting the light were hundreds of meters ahead. Turning diagonally to the left, the deep cracks and raised rocks on the front wall of the cave have clearly appeared in the flashlight beam.

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