Panther Commando

Chapter 3978: 0 perseverance

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But Professor Xiao and Professor Wang were already extremely weak. After walking in the dark cave for a while, they were exhausted, and then they stopped and supported the cave wall and gasped violently. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

At this time, the surrounding Wang Dali and several people immediately surrounded him, and they took turns carrying Professor Xiao and walked here with difficulty. But everyone really did not expect that they had just come here full of hope, but things have changed dramatically.

As soon as they entered this spacious cave, they suddenly heard the sound of the cave collapsing on the side wall of the cave. Although with the concerted efforts of everyone, Wan Lin and the two leopards returned here safely, but their hope of getting out from here was completely dashed with the small cave that collapsed on the side.

At this time, Professor Xiao and Professor Wang heard Yu Jing's calm questioning voice, and they suddenly raised their heads and looked at Yu Jing. When they saw Yu Jing's beautiful and calm face, admiration appeared in their desperate eyes at the same time. They really did not expect that this young woman who looked soft on the outside actually remained calm in such a desperate time.

The two looked at each other, and Professor Xiao murmured to Professor Wang: "Ashamed, no wonder Yu Jing has made such great achievements in scientific research, this calm attitude really makes us seven-footed men ashamed! "

Professor Wang and Associate Researcher Hao nodded deeply. They are all scientific researchers and know that scientific research cannot tolerate any falsehood. Any great scientific achievement is the result of a researcher's perseverance in countless failures and setbacks, which requires the researcher to have a very tough character, excellent psychological quality, and firm confidence to persevere in difficult situations.

They already understand that the reason why Yu Jing has become a world-renowned scientist is because she not only has a smart brain, but also has a tenacity that is unmatched by ordinary people. She can achieve such great achievements as a weak woman. Not by chance!

The three of Professor Xiao followed and looked at the surrounding Wan Lin group. At this time, they suddenly found that although the faces of the surrounding special forces seemed dark, their eyes still glowed brightly, and no one was depressed in this desperate situation. ,despair.

The three of Professor Xiao stood up tremblingly with the rocks around them. Professor Wang's eyes flashed brightly. He looked at Yu Jing and replied loudly, "Yu Jing, you remind me! It's no accident that the giant salamander appears here. There must be other channels leading to the outside world!"

When the Wan Lin group heard Professor Wang's answer, a look of joy appeared on their faces, and everyone quickly gathered around. They know that the scientists around them are very knowledgeable, and they will definitely use their extensive knowledge to find a new way out for everyone!

Professor Wang looked at the crowd and explained: "The scientific name of the giant salamander is the giant salamander. This wild giant salamander has extremely harsh living conditions. It usually lives in the mountains with fast currents and cool water. Its active area is mainly in the mountains with many caves. In streams, rivers and lakes. And caves are its main habitat, and the caves where it is located are generally very spacious and have enough space for it to maneuver.”

He raised his finger and pointed to the wide cave around him, his voice full of joy and continued: "If it wasn't for researcher Yu's reminder, I would never have thought of this place. You see, this spacious cave is only suitable for giant salamanders to rest, but there is no giant salamander here. It needs food, so it must have a way to go out to the mountains to find food."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard Professor Wang's explanation. Wu Xueying looked at Professor Wang and said hurriedly, "Professor Wang, do you mean that there are other passages in the cave leading to the mountains outside?" Professor Wang replied affirmatively: "Yes, definitely have."

He looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Captain Wan, how big is the giant salamander you saw just now?" Wan Lin quickly replied, "It's about one meter long. When we came over, it twisted and ran to the ground. There is a puddle on the side." Saying that, he raised his flashlight to look at the puddle under the side of the cave.

Everyone immediately followed the light of the flashlight and looked to the side. Bao Ya pulled Lin Zisheng and said, "Zisheng, let's go over and take a look." Dream ran to the side of the puddle. Yu Jing smiled, she looked at the backs of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying and said, "Yingying, Mengmeng, be careful, giant salamanders are carnivores, be careful not to let them bite."

At this time, Bao Ya had already dragged Lin Zisheng to follow him. As he strode forward, he shouted with a smile: "Mr. Yu, don't worry, we'll be with you." In his voice, lying on Wan Wan Xiaohua and Xiaobai on Lin and Xiaoya's shoulders have also jumped out.

The two leopards landed on the rock in front of them, and then jumped forward from the rock. They landed lightly on the shoulders of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, and then stuck their heads and looked forward. Although they didn't understand what Professor Wang was saying, they saw Wu Xueying and Wen Meng running to the side, and immediately chased after them curiously.

Yu Jing immediately looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Leopard head, can the big giant salamander drill through the crack you just saw?" Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's immediately Knowing that she was worried about the salamander, and that it was drilling out of the mountain to find food through the crack in the cave wall, he immediately replied affirmatively: "The crack is too narrow, such a big fish can't get out."

Wan Lin looked at Professor Wang and said, "Professor Wang, according to your analysis, there must be other passages leading to the mountains outside?" Professor Wang replied with a light in his eyes: "Yes, there must be!" At this time Professor Xiao also followed up: "Yes, according to the giant salamander's living habits, this is just the place where it rests. There must be a passage for it to go out for food in the cave. Captain Wan, let's look for it quickly?"

"Okay!" Wan Lin replied immediately. He turned to look at Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao who were standing beside him and ordered, "Use all your flashlights and search your surroundings carefully."

"Yes!" Cheng Ru immediately shouted excitedly, he took out the remaining two batteries in his pocket and handed them to Zhang Wa and Fengdao, then turned on the flashlight in his hand, and shouted to the surrounding team members: "Everyone, come with us, Search the surroundings carefully, and be sure to find the exit in the cave!" The three of them immediately raised their flashlights and led the team members scattered to the bottom of the surrounding cave walls.

The cave suddenly became quiet, and there were only a few dim flashlight beams swaying under the surrounding cave walls in the darkness. Xiaoya gently pulled Wan Lin's arm in the dark, she whispered, "You are too tired, sit down and rest for a while."

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