Panther Commando

Chapter 3979: last hope

In the dark cave, Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's voice, and immediately took her arm and sat on the rock wearily. He looked up at Yu Jing and Professor Wang who were standing beside him and said, "You guys also sit down and rest for a while, and let the brothers go find it." He then leaned his head on the rock behind him, silently Close your eyes.

At this moment, a fragrant fragrance suddenly filled the air, and Wan Lin felt a soft little hand pressed against his lips, and a refreshing fragrance went straight to his nostrils. Wan Lin took a greedy breath, already clear from the fragrance, Xiaoya took out another precious incense magic pill and stuffed it into his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Xiaoya was about to shake her head when Xiaoya's stern voice had already sounded: "Eat it!"

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya's big eyes full of concern, he silently opened his mouth and put the incense magic pill that Xiaoya brought to his mouth, then closed his eyes tiredly and leaned against the rock. .

Wan Lin is really tired! When he was in the crack just now, in desperation, he used all his strength to hit the hard rock, and then went through life and death in the collapsed cave. At this moment, he did have a feeling of tiredness that he had never felt before. The strength of his whole body seemed to have suddenly disappeared at this moment, and bursts of soreness rushed towards his whole body. Xiaoya and Yu Jing didn't speak anymore when they saw Wan Lin's appearance. They both grabbed Wan Lin's hand and sent a burst of true energy to Wan Lin's hand.

The three of Professor Wang also sat silently on the rock beside them. They quietly looked at the young captain beside them, and there was a look of reverence in their eyes. Along the way, they saw with their own eyes Wan Lin rushing ahead. Whenever danger comes at a critical moment, he always rushes in the front and retreats at the end!

In these few short days, these unarmed scientific researchers have already known what a real Chinese soldier is, and why these soldiers are invincible!

Time seemed to suddenly stand still in this dim cave! The original sound of running water in the cave disappeared suddenly because the cracks blocked the water source outside, and the cave seemed extremely dark and silent.

At this moment, Wu Xueying's surprised voice suddenly sounded from under the dark side wall of the cave: "Hey, why isn't that big salamander?" Following Wu Xueying's voice, the air in the cave suddenly became tense. The team members who were searching carefully under the surrounding cave walls suddenly straightened up when they heard the sound. Everyone looked at the puddle where Wu Xueying, Wen Meng, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng were, and their faces suddenly became nervous!

At this time, Professor Wang suddenly pressed Yu Jing's shoulder and stood up with difficulty. He looked at Wu Xueying next to the puddle and exclaimed excitedly, "Miss Yingying, that's right! This means that there must be a path in the puddle. The passage between the mountains outside!" Everyone was stunned when they heard Professor Wang's excited voice, followed by cheers, and everyone immediately ran to the puddle where Wu Xueying and the others were.

At this point, everyone already understood that the giant salamander disappeared in the cave, which indicates that there must be a passage to other places in the cave. If the big fish with four short legs escaped along the cave towards the dark river, then When they came over, they would definitely see this big guy, but they didn't see this big fish when they came from the cave.

Now, they have carefully searched the entire cave, but there is no way to escape the giant salamander. The only possibility is that in the puddle where Wu Xueying and the others are, there is a secret passage leading to the outside world. The frightened giant salamander must have escaped the cave along this secret passage. Otherwise, they would not be able to explain why this giant salamander suddenly disappeared in the cave!

At this moment, Wan Lin, who had been closing his eyes to adjust his breath, suddenly opened his eyes. He turned his head to look at the puddle where his comrades were running. At this moment, "Puttong" and "Puttong", two sounds of jumping into the water had already sounded from the side, and Wu Xueying's voice followed: "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, be careful!"

In her crisp cry, the sound of "putong" and "putong" entering the water came one after another, followed by the voices of Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng: "Let's go down with Xiaohua and them to see!" "Wen Meng, show us the picture. water surface."

At this time, Wan Lin had already withdrawn his hands from Xiaoya and Yu Jing's hands. He held their shoulders and stood up and shouted loudly, "Bao Ya, Zisheng, go down with the rope and flashlight, and be careful!" Xiaoyahe Yu Jing also quickly stood up, and the two of them supported Wan Lin and walked towards the puddle together.

Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng hurriedly responded to Wan Lin who was walking in the water. They followed the ropes handed by Dali and Kong Dazhuang and tied them to their waists, and raised their hands to take the two handed by Chengru and Fengdao. Flashlight, they raised their heads and took a deep breath, and then plunged into the dim puddle.

Wen Meng saw Lin Zisheng diving into the water, she lay beside the puddle and stretched out her arm to probe into the puddle, then raised her arm and said, "This puddle doesn't look like much, but it's so deep down there, it's not at all. I can't touch it to the end!" As she said that, she looked into the water worriedly, her two big eyes staring at the flashlight beam that moved quickly underwater.

Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Yu Jing walked to the puddle, and they immediately squatted by the puddle and looked down attentively. The three of them also supported each other and walked over. Professor Wang walked up to Wan Lin, looked down at the water surface reflecting the light of the flashlight, and said, "Captain Wan, don't worry, there must be a passage under the water leading to the mountains Otherwise, there won't be any here. So much water!"

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa saw Professor Wang and Professor Xiao trembling, they quickly reached out and grabbed their arms, then helped them, and carefully sat on the two rocks beside the puddle. Wan Lin looked at Professor Wang who was sitting down and nodded, and then looked at the water with everyone.

At this time, everyone's faces looked very nervous, and everyone knew in their hearts that the cave that might exist under this puddle might be their last hope!

The dim cave suddenly became quiet again, and everyone stared at the ripples that were spreading out on the water, with a very nervous look in their eyes. Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang stood on the shore, holding the other ends of the two ropes tightly in their hands.

The two ropes stretched out silently into the water in the dimness, indicating that Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng, who were tied to the ropes, were moving forward in the water. At this time, the eyes of the two strong men, Dali and Da Zhuang, were already wide and round, and their hands were ready to pull the rope at any time to prevent the two Bao Ya in the water from having an accident. <(https://) "Leopard Commando" only represents the views of the author Zhuxiang Bookstore. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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