Panther Commando

Chapter 3980: roar of surprise

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In the blink of an eye, the flashlight beam emerging from the water has disappeared under the dark cave wall. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛ Professor Wang stared at the water surface under the cave wall and exclaimed in surprise: "Look, they have disappeared under the cave wall, which means that there must be a cave leading to the outside on the cave wall in the water!"

When everyone heard Professor Wang's cry, there was a look of joy on their faces. The disappearance of the electric light in the water indicated that Bao Ya and Zisheng had entered the cave leading to the outside. But at this time, everyone's eyes were still very nervous, and everyone's eyes were looking at the rope that the two of them were holding. Now, the situation under the dark water is unknown, and no one can predict what will happen to Bao Ya and the two of them underwater? The ropes in the hands of Dali and Da Zhuang were the only way for them to communicate with Bao Ya.

The air in the cave seemed to freeze suddenly at this moment. Both Wen Meng and Wu Xueying held the flashlight tightly in both hands and stretched out forward. The dim electric light shone straight on the rope hanging on the water. In the already dim light of the flashlight, this spacious cave appeared extremely dim.

The ropes in the hands of Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang slowly stretched out into the water. Two or three minutes later, the ropes that were quietly extending into the water suddenly vibrated violently! Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang were shocked, thinking that Bao Ya and Zisheng had encountered danger underwater and sent an emergency signal. As soon as the two grasped the rope, they would pull back hard, and the soft rope immediately tightened.

Wan Lin, who was squatting next to him, hurriedly shouted, "Wait a moment!" Everyone's expressions became extremely nervous, and all their eyes were on the hands of the two of them. Following Wan Lin's voice, the two of them quickly let go of the rope they were holding tightly.

At this moment, the rope suddenly and quickly stretched out into the water, extending three or four meters into the water, and the rope suddenly stopped. Professor Wang's face, who was sitting on the side, was as pale as a blank sheet of tension. He stared at the two stationary ropes that stretched out to the water, and asked in a trembling voice: "Wan... Captain Wan, rope... rope , did it suddenly stop...?"

At this moment, the stationary rope suddenly rhythmically shook, and the ropes held by Dali and Kong Dazhuang also twitched tight and loose. Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang's big, round eyes suddenly burst into light, and they both shouted at the same time, "Old Bao, the son is gone!"

The sudden roar of the two strong men in the silence was like a blast of thunder in a dark cave, and a piece of gravel rolled down the steep rock wall! The people squatting around stood up abruptly, their eyes staring straight at the water surface reflecting the shine of the flashlight.

The three of Professor Wang also stood up abruptly when they heard the roars of the two of them, and the weak Professor Wang and Professor Xiao immediately plunged into the puddle. Associate Researcher Hao next to him screamed, grabbed the vests of Professor Wang and the two of them, and was dragged into the water by the two of them.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa reacted quickly, they turned around and hugged Professor Xiao, who was facing the water, Xiaoya also grabbed the arm of Associate Researcher Hao, and the three hurriedly supported Professor Xiao and they sat down. At this time, they already knew that Professor Xiao and Professor Wang were already extremely weak physically, and when they stood up suddenly, they must have fallen into the water when they were black.

The roars of Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang echoed over and over in the dim cave, and everyone's eyes widened, staring at the calm water in front of them. At this moment, two dim yellow lights suddenly lit up from under the dark water surface, and the lights rushed towards the edge of the puddle, and then suddenly jumped out of the water.

Everyone looked closely, and it turned out that Xiaohua and Xiaobai were biting a lit hand and drilling out of the water, and they rushed to the shore with a splash of water all over their bodies, and rushed directly in front of Wanlin and Xiaoya. At this moment, in the four big round eyes of the two leopards, there was a flash of blue and red light.

"Xiaohua, Xiaobai!" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng screamed with tears, and they turned around and hugged tightly! They already knew in their hearts that Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng must have drilled out of this cave from the water, and asked the two leopards to return with flashlights, telling everyone to hurry down and swim across the water. Outside this dark puddle in front of you, it must be a mountain full of vitality!

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already tightly embraced the two leopards that were rushing towards them with splashes of water, and their eyes flashed with excitement. They took off the flashlights from the mouths of the two leopards, and then handed the flashlights to Zhang Wa and Yu Jing who were standing beside them. The two followed and placed the two leopards on the rocks on the shore.

Several beams of dim flashlight beams shone straight on the two leopards, and everyone in the cave focused on them. Everyone's faces showed extremely excited expressions, and their red eyes were all over the place. There is light in the dark!

Wan Lin and Xiaoya put the two leopards on the rock, Xiaoya immediately raised her hands and gestured towards them quickly, she asked hurriedly: "Xiaobai, Xiaohua, you can see the mountains outside. ?"

"Ow!" The two leopards, who had already stood up, let out an excited low roar at the same time. They then raised the two thick tails behind them and swayed vigorously, and their raised front claws also pointed to the dark wall opposite the puddle!

When everyone saw the appearance of the two they all shouted in surprise: "Okay!" Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were standing on the side, picked up the two leopards, followed by "haha" Laughing and throwing two leopards into the air! Two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, suddenly flashed in the eyes of the two leopards. They opened their big mouths in the air and let out a strange laugh, their two thick tails swaying vigorously in the air. up.

Professor Wang, Professor Xiao, and Associate Researcher Hao had already stood up tremblingly. They looked up at the two leopards in the air, and two big teardrops suddenly burst out of their eyes. They embraced with open arms. Weeping with joy, Professor Wang choked and cried, "We are finally saved!"

Wan Lin stood on the rock beside the puddle. He quietly looked at a group of cheering comrades and a few expedition team members. A smile finally appeared on his pale face. He held Xiaoya tightly in the dark. Arm, a look of relief in his tired eyes. After life and death, he is finally going to take his comrades, expedition team members and his beloved woman out of the desperate situation!

At this moment, he suddenly felt a burst of soreness all over his body, and his body swayed slightly. Xiaoya, who was standing by the side, hugged his body and exclaimed, "Lin'er!" Fengdao, who was standing beside him, heard Xiaoya's hurried cry, he turned around and grabbed Wan Lin's arm, followed by He and Xiaoya helped Wan Lin to sit on the rock together.

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