Panther Commando

Chapter 3984: see the light again

With the crisp sound of water, Wan Lin lifted Professor Wang out of the water, and his own figure emerged from the water, and a strong beam of light shot towards Wan Lin and Professor Wang. Shot in the eyes, the two quickly closed their eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air!

At this time, two black shadows were swimming quickly in the water, and the voices of Cheng Ru and Feng Dao followed: "Leopard Head, Professor Wang, put on your sunglasses!" In the voice, two pairs of sunglasses were already stretched out in front of their eyes.

Wan Lin and Professor Wang quickly reached out and took the sunglasses and put them on their faces. At this time, the air knife had already submerged, and they quickly untied the safety rope tied to Professor Wang's waist and shook a few times, notifying Wang in the hole behind. Dali several people, Leopard Head and Professor Wang have arrived safely outside the cave.

Cheng Ru followed and shouted: "Leopard head, give Professor Wang to me." After speaking, he supported Professor Wang's body and swam to the shore. Xiaoya and Lingling, who were standing on the shore, had already stretched out their arms happily and waited on the shore. They followed and dragged Professor Wang up from the water.

At this time, Wan Lin and Feng Dao had already turned to look at the water surface under the cave wall, and Wu Xueying and Wen Meng had already emerged from the water. Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang also came out of the water one after another with the Yuwen brothers who were seriously injured in their arms, and there was cheers next to the puddle. So far, all the leopard team members and scientific expedition team members have come to this mountain full of vitality safely from the dark and dangerous cave!

Wu Xueying got out of the water and looked up at the sun shining in the air. She quickly took out her sunglasses and put it on her face and shouted, "My mother, I finally see the light again, but why is the sun so dazzling! It's so dazzling! Would you let me out?" Wen Meng also shouted with a bright smile in the water, "That's right, how can you welcome us so much."

Zhang Wa next to him swam over and grabbed Wu Xueying's arm. He looked at Yingying and Wen Meng and said with a smile: "Yingying, Wen Meng, if you think it's dazzling, I'll send you back to the cave? It's definitely not dazzling there. ."

"Fuck you, go back by yourself!" Yingying and Wen Meng laughed "giggling", grabbed Zhang Wa's shoulders and pressed them underwater. The two followed with a string of silver bell-like crisp laughter, and turned to swim to the shore.

At this moment, Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang grabbed the right arms of Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu and swam to the shore. The four of them turned to look at Zhang Wa, who emerged from the water again, and laughed. Xiaoya and Lingling on the rocks on the shore bent over and grabbed the bulletproof vests on the shoulders of Brother Yuwen and lifted them to the shore.

At this time, Wan Lin was already standing wet on the rocks by the shore. He didn't care to touch the water droplets on his face, he looked up and looked around with a look of relief in his eyes.

The puddle is just as Bao Ya said, under a steep rock wall, the surrounding rocks are covered with dark green moss, and there are jagged rocks on both sides of the puddle. Several gurgling streams are descending down the steep hillside on the side, and crystal water splashes in the sound of "rushing" water.

Wan Lin looked at the gurgling stream on the side, and greedily took a few breaths of the fresh mountain air. He followed and looked up at the distant mountains. There are green grass on the hillside in the distance, white clouds float on the blue sky, a fiery red sun is rising from a black top of the mountain, and the brilliant morning light has sprinkled the mountains, and the mountains are clear!

At this moment, there was a burst of "wow wow" baby crying on the side of the hillside, and the crisp bird song also sounded from the surrounding mountains, and pieces of birds with gorgeous feathers suddenly flew from the top of the mountain in the distance. , waving up and down to the distant mountains.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the clear streams on the side of the hillside and smiled, and everyone around looked at the streams jumping on the hillside and smiled! They have already seen that the big giant salamander that led them out of the dark cave is in the stream on the side of the hill!

Now, the sudden baby-like cry of this giant salamander is a burst of cheerful laughter in their ears; it means that one new life has come to this vibrant mountain.

A group of people in Wanlin have gone through life and death in the dark cave, and now they finally come out of the darkness that symbolizes death, see the bright sunshine in the mountains again, and breathe the fresh air outside. Each of them has a kind of Feeling reborn.

Wan Lin quietly looked at the clear stream on the side of the hillside, he suddenly bent down and bowed deeply to the side of the hillside where the clear stream was flowing, with a very pious demeanor.

In the dark cave, it was this long-lived giant salamander that attracted him and everyone to the puddle, and its disappearance made everyone suddenly aware of the cave hidden in the puddle. They came out of the dark. Therefore, Wan Lin is indeed grateful for this hundred-year-old longevity star in his heart.

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly ran back from the mountain in front. The two leopards turned their heads to look at the side hillside. They heard the sound of the stream above, and then they let out a low roar and ran into the stream. Wan Lin saw two leopards rushing towards the salamander on the He quickly straightened up and shouted, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, don't disturb this big salamander, it saved us."

In the voice, a black giant salamander with a length of more than one meter suddenly emerged from the rock crevice halfway up the mountain. It glanced at the two leopards in the stream below with a panicked expression, and then stretched out four short arms. , shaking his head and shaking his tail, ran towards the stream above the hillside. The big giant salamander's running in panic was very funny, but it was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it had already got into a wet rock crevice above the hillside.

Everyone laughed when they saw the big salamander running away in panic. The two leopards heard Wan Lin's cry and looked up at the big salamander above. Laughing, and then imitating the way the giant salamander runs, running towards the crowd at the foot of the mountain, shaking its head and tail.

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed when they saw the mischievous appearance of the two leopards. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng laughed "giggling" and ran quickly to meet the two leopards. The two ran to the foot of the side of the mountain, bent down and picked up the two lovely leopards, then lifted them to their mouths and kissed.

Wan Lin smiled and glanced at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who were holding two leopards, and then walked over to Professor Wang and asked with concern, "Professor Wang, Professor Xiao, and Associate Researcher Hao, are you all feeling well? "

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