Panther Commando

Chapter 3985: edge area

The three of Professor Wang are sitting on the rock on the side. They are looking at the green mountains in the distance, breathing the fresh mountain air greedily, and their chests are heaving violently in the deep breath. When they heard Wan Lin's questioning, they hurriedly supported each other and stood up. They looked at each team member standing around affectionately, and the three of them bowed to Wan Lin and bowed deeply.

Professor Wang said with a trembling voice: "Thank you brothers and sisters, thank you Captain Wan. Without you, we would never be able to see such bright sunshine or breathe such fresh air again, thank you, thank you for keeping us here. To such a splendid mountain!"

Wan Lin smiled, he stretched out his hand to support the three of them, looked at them and said with a smile, "Thank you for what? To say thank you, we should thank you all. Without your rich scientific knowledge, we wouldn't be able to walk out so quickly. A dark cave."

At this time, Yu Jing came over accompanied by Xiaoya and Lingling. She looked at the excited Professor Wang and said with a smile: "Why are you thanking them again?" She followed Professor Wang's arm and said: " Professor Wang, you are an expert specializing in biology and plants, hurry up and find something to eat for us, thank you again and again, our belly will be attached to the back."

"Okay!" Professor Wang replied quickly. At this moment, a huge energy seemed to be poured into his weak body suddenly, he turned his head to look at Wang Dali and several people around him and shouted: "Brothers, follow me, I will take you to find something to eat. Things go, this is my profession!"

The people around laughed when they saw Professor Wang's suddenly refreshed appearance. Wang Dali came over to hold Professor Wang's arm and said with a smile: "Ha ha ha, Professor Wang, we are also experts in hunting for food in the wild, please take a break. Son, leave this little thing to us."

At this moment, a burst of cooking smoke with a strong aroma suddenly came from the foot of the mountain in front of the side. Everyone sucked their noses greedily and Wang Dali shouted: "Haha, barbecue!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bao Ya's head was already exposed from the foot of the mountain. He looked at the crowd and shouted: "Dali, Da Zhuang, Yuwen, come and help me make a fire. Xiaohua and Xiaobai just caught us two Yanyang, I've already cleaned up the frame and put it on fire. Yingying, Wen Meng, you all hurry up and kill me!"

When everyone heard Bao Ya's shouting, their eyes widened with excitement, and Wu Xueying immediately shouted: "Brother Bao, you're amazing, Mengmeng and I are going to burn you now!" Bao Ya listened At Wu Xueying's cry, she stared at the abalone and shouted, "Stinky girl, why are you burning me? I finally got out of the cave and you are going to burn me?!"

The crowd laughed loudly. Wu Xueying was stunned for a moment, and then she let out a burst of crisp laughter. She and Wen Meng hugged two leopards while laughing like silver bells and ran to Bao Ya quickly. Wang Dali, Kong Dazhuang and Yuwen The brothers also laughed and ran over. Wan Lin looked at their backs and shouted with a smile, "Old Bao, where is the son?"

Bao Ya hurriedly looked at Wan Lin and replied: "Leopard head, Zisheng is on the top of the mountain to be alert!" Wan Lin nodded, turned to look at Feng Dao and Cheng Ru who were standing beside him, and ordered: "Feng Dao, Cheng Ru , now we don't know the specific location of this mountain, you go to the surrounding to help the children to be vigilant." "Yes!" Feng Dao and Cheng Ru replied immediately, carrying their guns and running towards the mountain in front, the two ran as they ran. Quickly check the firearm in your hand.

Wan Lin followed Xiaoya and the others and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look." After saying that, he grabbed Professor Wang's arm and walked forward. Xiaoya and the others also quickly supported Professor Xiao and Hao. The associate researcher followed.

The rising sun is already hanging high on the top of the mountain, and the sun is shining brightly in the mountains. The grass and leaves on the surrounding hillsides are covered with bright dewdrops, and the streams flowing on the side hillsides are like silver chains reflecting the crystal light.

Wan Lin took Professor Wang's arm and walked to the foot of the mountain in front of him. A pile of raging flames had already risen at the foot of the mountain. There were several dead trees and dry branches scattered across the fire. Obviously, when Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng were the first to run here to guard, they had already collected a lot of firewood.

Wan Lin helped Professor Wang to the fire, then released his hand and looked around. The terrain at the foot of the mountain is basically similar to that of the puddle just now. The hillside on the side is very steep. The location of the fire is in the depression of a boulder. The ignition here can prevent the smoke from rising directly above. Moreover, the firewood that Bao Ya picked up was very dry, which could effectively avoid the generation of smoke. It seemed that Zisheng and Bao Ya were still vigilant in the extreme excitement.

At this time, Wu Xueying and Kong Dazhuang ran to the fire, quickly flipped the two fat sheep that were roasting on the fire, and then sat by the fire and quickly checked the weapons and equipment.

Wan Lin then looked at Dali and Wu Xueying who were quickly checking the weapons. He nodded with satisfaction, knowing that everyone was still vigilant in He followed Professor Xiao beside him The three said: "Hurry up and take off your coats and dry them by the fire to prevent catching a cold." He then looked at Yu Jing and the others and warned them again, and then walked towards the steep hillside with a sniper rifle.

Xiaoya saw Wanlin carrying her gun towards the hillside, and knew that he must have gone to the top of the mountain to observe the surrounding terrain, and at the same time judge the current position between the mountains. She then turned to look at Lingling and said in a low voice, "Lingling, let's see if we can contact the outside world?" "Yes!" Lingling replied in a low voice, and then she quickly opened the electronic countermeasure box while sitting on the rock beside the fire.

Lingling quickly opened the electronic countermeasure box, and then stared at the screen of the countermeasure box and quickly adjusted the **** for a while. She shook her head in disappointment and said, "There is still no radio signal, and it is still in the area of ​​strong electromagnetic interference."

At this time, Yu Jing had already taken off her body armor and placed it beside the fire. She turned her head and glanced at the surrounding green hills and said, "Judging from the surrounding vegetation, this place should be located in a place that is not affected by the sun. borderland."

Professor Xiao, who was taking off his coat, also looked at the surrounding mountains and said, "Yes, the core area of ​​the meteorite's impact is barren, while the surrounding areas are lush with vegetation. Look around, the distribution and growth of vegetation here are already similar to those in the plateau area. So I conclude that this is close to the edge of the disturbed area."

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