Panther Commando

Chapter 3989: Rare Matsutake

On the hillside with dense forests, Xiaoya heard Professor Xiao praise the physical fitness of her female soldiers, and while supporting Professor Wang down, she replied with a smile: "We are all soldiers, sit with you. The people who do research in the office are different. Except for going out to perform tasks, we spend the rest of the time training strictly in the base, so our physical strength must be stronger than yours.”

Lingling also looked at the three of Professor Wang playfully, and said with a smile: "Hehe, we are all masters of internal skills, and you can't compare to us." The three of Professor Wang laughed, and Professor Xiao looked at Lingling and said: "Yes, you are all masters of internal skills, of course we can't compare with you."

At this time, although the footsteps of Professor Wang, Professor Xiao and Associate Researcher Hao were still a little staggering down the mountain, their faces were filled with excited smiles. They saw the bright sunshine and the green grass again. This really made them feel the beauty of life and the extreme excitement of escaping from death.

Professor Wang walked to the fire under the cliff in front of him. A strong aroma was emitting from the two fat sheep above the fire. The two fat sheep had been roasted by the flames, and the oil was burning. There was a "呲呲" sound.

At this moment, Wu Xueying was shaking the two wooden sticks worn on the sheep with both hands, Yu Jing held a handful of hay dipped in barbecue sauce and smeared it on the browned mutton, and Wen Meng on the side was holding a sharp saber blade to burn the already-cooked slices of meat. The originally pale faces of the three girls were already reddened by the flames, and their red faces looked extremely delicate, and a strong aroma of meat was permeating the foot of the mountain.

Wen Meng saw several of Professor Wang approaching. She bent down and picked up a small basket made of grass blades from the rock next to her and called, "Professor Wang, you have to try it." The three of Professor Wang quickly walked over and looked down. Go, the small basket was full of browned meat slices, and the three quickly pulled out the daggers around their waists, inserted the meat slices and sent them to their mouths.

Professor Wang exclaimed excitedly while chewing the delicious taste that was tender on the outside and tender on the inside: "Oh, this is the best barbecue in the world!" Professor Xiao took the small basket in Wen Meng's hand and chewed the fragrant slices of meat. , looking at the small basket attentively and said, "Miss Wen Meng's hands are so skillful, this small basket is so beautiful."

He followed and looked up, only to find that Xiaoya was already holding a small basket full of sliced ​​meat and ran up the side of the hill; Lingling also held another small basket in both hands and ran towards the mountains in front.

Professor Wang was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly understood that the two female soldiers were giving food to the comrades who were guarding the top of the mountain and the mountains in front. He quickly retracted the dagger that was inserted into the barbecue and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Captain Wan and the others haven't eaten it yet. We have eaten it first." Professor Xiao and Associate Researcher Hao also quickly stopped the arrows that were reaching for the barbecue. Dagger, an embarrassed look appeared on his face.

Yu Jing saw them stop embarrassedly, and said with a smile: "Professor Wang, you are already very weak, eat quickly, you are different from our soldiers."

Wu Xueying also raised her face with a smile, looked at Professor Wang and said, "Professor Wang, the barbecue won't taste good when it's cold. You should eat it quickly, don't worry about us." She followed Lingling and placed it next to Professor Wang. The backpack asked: "By the way, what delicious food did you eat just now?" Wen Meng also looked up at the backpack with glowing eyes.

The three of Professor Wang laughed, and Associate Researcher Hao hurriedly carried his backpack and ran to the side of the stream: "Hehehe, you wait, Professor Wang has already found a lot of delicious food for you."

He ran to the clear stream and immediately squatted down, then took out the fresh ones from his backpack and put them in the clear stream, followed by careful cleaning. He then put the cleaned mushrooms into several plastic bags and ran back with the bags.

Professor Wang took a plastic bag and smiled and took out three matsutake mushrooms and handed them to Wu Xueying, Wen Meng and Yu Jing. He smiled and said, "Girls, hurry up and try this good thing." Wu Xueying and Wen Meng looked at Bai Jing's Mushrooms shouted in unison: "Matsutake! It's so big." They took the Matsutake and sent it to their mouths.

Professor Wang watched them greedily eating the mushrooms he had found. He smiled and said, "Yingying, Wen Meng, you are really well-informed, you even recognize this rare pine mushroom. Don't eat it dryly. Matsutake mushrooms, it will taste different if you eat it with barbecue."

With that said, Professor Wang picked up the straw basket filled with sliced ​​meat and handed it over. Wen Meng and Wu Xueying heard Professor Wang's suggestion, and quickly grabbed a few pieces of barbecue and put them in their mouths, and then stood by the fire again and got busy.

At this time, Yu Jing was chewing the pine mushrooms with relish and raised her flushed face. She looked at Professor Wang and said, "Professor Wang, don't underestimate Yingying and the others. Although they are not very old, they are already They are experts in wild survival, they are very good at all kinds of fungi, edible plants and wild fruits. In addition, Captain Wan has lived in deep mountains and wild forests since he was a child, and is very familiar with all kinds of plants. He also taught Yingying They have a lot of knowledge."

At this time, Wen Meng had already removed most of the meat from the two sheep, and she and Wu Xueying carefully moved the remaining skeletons from the fire to the rock next to They followed and picked up two The straw basket filled with sliced ​​meat said, "Professor Wang, you eat first, and then we'll go to Leopard Head and Zhang Wa, and then send some barbecued meat and mushrooms." The two of them said, and bent over to pick up the one in front of Professor Wang. Two plastic bags full of mushrooms, turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain and the mountains ahead.

Professor Wang narrowed his eyes and looked at the two female soldiers who were running forward like a deer. He sighed and said, "No wonder this unit will become the best special operations unit. They not only have a strong physique and exquisite skills. With the ability to kill the enemy, and the camaraderie of working together, such an army must be invincible!"

When Yu Jing heard Professor Wang's sigh, she looked at the backs of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng affectionately and said, "Yes, everyone in this unit is for our excellent soldiers in China who gave up their lives! There is such a thing. Our soldiers protect us in China, we scientific researchers, there is no reason not to dedicate our knowledge to China, and there is no reason not to work hard for our prosperity!"

She turned her head to look at Professor Wang and continued: "This time, in order to get to the meteor impact point in time to rescue you, they fought countless desperate battles with those fierce militants in the mountains. They were in a hail of bullets and those who Among the ferocious beasts, they rushed to the lake at the risk of death."

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