Panther Commando

Chapter 3990: affectionate gaze

When Yu Jing said this, a layer of excited tears welled up in her two big eyes, she raised her finger and pointed at the backs of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were leaving, and continued: "Maybe you can't think of it, it's Xiaoya and Lingling. , Wen Meng, and Yingying, these four delicate-looking girls, protected me from rushing to kill in the fierce enemy group, and protected me to get closer to your location step by step! They are just like Captain Wan and the other male team members, they are fighting There are ferocious tigers in the middle!"

She turned around and looked at Professor Wang and the three of them, and said affectionately, "You have all seen the bandages wrapped around them, right? I tell you, the **** wounds in the bandages were all for their protection and to catch up in time. It was only when I got to your place that I was injured by the enemy's bayonet in the hand-to-hand combat with the enemy!"

The three of Professor Wang listened intently to Yu Jing's story. At this time, they all widened their eyes in astonishment. They were deeply shocked! They really didn't expect that these soldiers who took the three of them out of desperation, in order to get to their destination in time to rescue their scientific expedition team members, had already fought countless times with the enemy to the death. And Yingying, these lovely girls, are actually so brave against the enemy!

They stood up from the fire with excited expressions and silently looked at the leopard team members who were vigilant in the surrounding mountains, with a grateful look in their eyes.

Yu Jing retracted her gaze from a distance. She looked at the three professors standing beside her and said, "As you all know, I am working in a military research institute. I have fought with Captain Wan and the others several times. They are very familiar with Captain Wan. These special soldiers never care about fame and fortune. You don’t need to thank them with words. They are not used to these worldly things. "

She followed Professor Wang's arm and said, "Professor Wang, sit down and eat something quickly. In this situation, we don't drag them down, that's our best thanks to them."

At this time, Brother Yuwen, who had been sitting on the side, also turned to look at Professor Wang and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Mr. Yu is right! We are afraid that you will thank you, we are really not used to it. Courtesy."

Professor Wang looked at the two special forces with serious arm injuries in front of him, he nodded deeply, then turned to look at Professor Xiao and Associate Researcher Hao beside him and said, "Old Xiao, Xiao Hao, Researcher Yu is right, let's hurry up. Eat more to recover your strength, and now don’t cause them any trouble, that’s our best thanks to them. Come, let’s sit down and eat hard to recover our strength as soon as possible!”

With tears in his eyes, he glanced affectionately at the thick bandages wrapped around Brother Yuwen's shoulders, then sat on the rock, raised the dagger and inserted it into the barbecue. Professor Xiao and Associate Researcher Hao also sat down excitedly. They simply put away their daggers, reached out and grabbed a handful of barbecued meat and sent it to their mouths, and then they devoured it.

The three of them already knew that along the way, it was these brave special forces who pulled them back from the brink of death. If they could recover their strength as soon as possible, it would indeed be the best thanks to these benefactors!

Yu Jing saw that Professor Wang and the three were gobbling up, with a satisfied smile on her face. She picked up a few fresh mushrooms in the plastic bag and handed them to the Yuwen brothers. Then she took out another chanterelle and gently tore it open. , raised his hand and put a piece of mushroom into his mouth and slowly chewed it.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked down the hillside carrying sniper rifles. Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa, Feng Dao, Lingling, and Wu Xueying also carried guns and walked quickly from the front of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Brother Yuwen saw a few people from Leopard Head coming. They pulled out their sabers and quickly cut open the skeleton beside the fire. Then they used the saber to stick the remaining barbecue on the bone and stood up. Yuwenfeng smiled at Cong from the hillside. Wan Lin and Xiaoya, who came up, said, "Leopard head, hurry up and eat, this is a serious roast lamb chop."

Wan Lin and Xiaoya just took the two pieces of browned pork ribs, when Wu Xueying's voice was heard from behind: "Brother Yuwen, did you keep a sheep's tail for me and Sister Lingling?" Yuwenyu turned around and replied with a smile : "Of course, keep it, your big tail is right behind you."

Wu Xueying ran to the fire and turned her head to look back. She said in surprise, "No?" At this time, Zhang Wa, who was following her, had already bent down to pick up a small stone, and he raised his hand and threw the stone at Yu Wenyu. Go: "Ayu, are you looking for death? You are the sheep's tail! Yingying, are you stupid? He scolds me."

The people around laughed when they heard Zhang Wa's cry, and Wu Xueying also "giggled" and ran towards Yu Wenyu. Yu Wenyu smiled and avoided the stones thrown by Zhang Wa, bent down and picked up two browned sheep tails from the fire and handed them to Wu Xueying: "Yingying, hurry up and take it, absolutely can't give the big tail behind you. eat."

Wu Xueying smiled and took the two roasted mutton tails. She turned to Zhang Wa, who came running, and shouted, "Don't bully my brother Ayu." Zhang Wa glared at Wu Xueying and shouted, "Stinky girl, a Bought you with a sheep's tail? We're a team."

Wu Xueying smiled and handed a goat tail to Lingling, then looked at Zhang Wa and said with a smile: "Hee A Yu Da Ge wants to keep us delicious food, I can't protect him. Well, when I eat everything, let's get together again." She turned her head to look at Xiaoya, raised the brown sheep's tail in her hand and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaoya, I know you and Mengmeng are not the same. If you like to eat fat, then Sister Lingling and I will eliminate them, right? This big tail is a good thing for me and Sister Lingling! "

Xiaoya smiled and raised the lamb chop with the saber in her hand and said, "Hurry up and eat it, I like to eat this." At this time, Yu Wenfeng had already cut the leg of lamb on the rock, and he looked at the wind knife coming. , Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa shouted, "Come here, it won't be delicious after a while."

Cheng Ru and the others hurried over. They pulled out their sabers and stuck a few roasted legs of lamb. They sat beside Wan Lin and bowed their heads, nibbling on the fragrant lamb legs, and then devoured them.

The sun was shining brightly in the mountains, and the warm sunlight shone on the people of Wanlin. The cool mountain wind was blowing slowly from the side, and the mountain wind contained a strong scent of grass.

Wan Lin was sitting on a rock. He quietly chewed the tender roast meat while looking up at the mountains ahead. The rolling fields are green, and the large meadows are like furry green carpets spread among the mountains. Not far away, there are several towering mountain tops with bluestones, and the snow-capped mountains in the distance are surrounded by white clouds.

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