Panther Commando

Chapter 3993: carrion smell

On the dark mountain top, Bao Ya put down his sniper rifle, took out the locator, and took a look. He said to Wan Lin and Fengdao who were beside him in disappointment: "There is still no radio signal here, and the positioning device can't be used. It seems that we haven't walked out yet. The area affected by the meteorite impact."

With that said, he put away the locator, raised his arm and pointed at the four-to-five-hundred-meter-high mountain in front of him and continued: "Leopard head, I feel that we can resume contact with the superior when we climb to the top of the mountain in front of us."

Wan Lin stared at the shadowy top of the mountain in front of him and nodded, then replied in a low voice, "The terrain is high there, maybe there will be a signal, we'll go over and take a look later." After speaking, he lay down behind the sniper rifle again, through the The scope looked towards the mountains ahead. At this time, at the foot of the big mountain in front, Xiaohua suddenly slanted up the side slope. It rushed to the hillside of more than 100 meters like a black smoke, and then turned to look back, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes. blue light.

Wan Lin's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice, "Xiaohua warns you, get ready for battle." As soon as he finished speaking, he took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "There is indeed a situation!" After speaking, he raised his right hand. He quickly pulled the bolt, and then raised his right hand toward the bottom of the mountain, making a "ready to fight" gesture!

A few Chengru people who were sitting beside the rock at the foot of the mountain to rest, they suddenly saw Wan Lin's gesture in the dark, and they immediately gave orders to the people around them. The bolt raised the gun and aimed at the surrounding mountains. With a low sound of the bolt being pulled, it was dim. The silent mountain immediately became tense!

At this time, Feng Dao and Bao Ya, who were squatting beside Wan Lin, were also lying behind the gun. They pulled the bolt and aimed forward along Wan Lin's muzzle. The two moved their guns and quickly scanned the dimly lit mountains in front of them. Bao Ya then turned his head in surprise and looked at Wan Lin. At this time, Xiaohua had disappeared on the steep hill in front, but nothing abnormal was found in the surrounding mountains.

Wan Lin lay motionless behind the sniper rifle, aiming the muzzle straight at the foot of the mountain in front of him. At this time, he saw Bao Ya looking at him in surprise, and immediately explained in a low voice: "Smell carefully, there is a smell of rotting corpses in the wind! Xiaohua was also using her eyes to warn you just now."

When Bao Ya and Feng Dao heard Wan Lin's explanation, they understood the reason for Wan Lin's nervousness. The two hurriedly lay behind the gun and aimed at the foot of the mountain in front of them, and then took a few breaths.

Wan Lin quickly observed the hillside in front of him, but not only did he find nothing unusual, but the little flower in front of him was silent and did not continue to emit a warning blue light.

He took a few more breaths, and then whispered to Feng Dao and Bao Ya who were beside him: "It seems that there are only rotting corpses ahead, but there is not much danger. Let's go, let's go and have a look!" , he turned around and made a "standby" gesture to the other team members at the foot of the mountain, and then stood up with the wind knife and Bao Ya with their guns, and the three followed the cover in the dark, bent down and ran down the hill in front of them. .

At this time, the other leopard team members scattered under the side of the mountain were already lying in the dim mountains, and the muzzles of the black holes were aimed at the surrounding mountains. Xiaobai was lying on the rock beside Xiaoya. While sniffing, it stood up and swayed its two front paws at Xiaoya, and then pointed at the foot of the mountain in front of it and swayed its right paw.

Xiaoya watched Xiaobai's movements intently, and then turned her head to see Wan Lin and the three of them running down the side of the hill. She reached out and touched Xiaobai's head and said in a low voice, "Go, protect Leopard and the others!" With her voice, Xiaobai flashed red light in his eyes, and then chased behind Wan Lin, Feng Dao and Bao Ya like a first-class white smoke in the dimness, Xiaoya turned her head and looked around,

In the darkness, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were sitting between the mountains on both sides, were lying among the rocks in the mountains, and their guns were aimed at the dark slopes and foothills in front of them.

At this time, Yu Jing, who was lying beside him, asked in a low voice, "Xiaoya, what did Xiaobai find just now?" Professor Wang and several people under the rock on the side also looked towards Xiaoya with binoculars. They have carefully observed the mountains in front of them, but no abnormality has been found.

Xiaoya lay behind the gun and sniffed hard, then she aimed at the foot of the mountain in front of Wan Lin and replied in a low voice, "Smell carefully, there is a stench of carrion in the air, there should be someone or an animal in front of her. The corpse, Xiao Hua and Leopard Head must have also smelled this stench, so they issued a warning."

As soon as Xiaoya's voice fell, the dim mountain seemed to suddenly become brighter, and everyone in the mountain was immediately enveloped by a warm atmosphere, and the dark and cold feeling in the mountain disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Yu Jing and the others immediately turned their heads and looked behind them. The top of the mountain in the distance was full of rays of light. The piles of cotton-wool-like white clouds on the top of the mountain were reflected in a fiery red at this moment. The rising sun is rising from the high mountain with a majestic momentum!

"What a spectacular sunrise on the plateau!" Yu Jing blurted out praise while looking at the magnificent scene behind Professor Wang and several others also looked at him obsessively, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

They followed and looked towards the surrounding mountains. The mountains, rivers, ravines, and thousands of grasses and trees that were just shrouded in darkness behind him have been bathed in a brilliant morning light at this moment, and the crystal dewdrops on the grass blades are suddenly shooting out in the morning light, reflecting the colorful rays of light.

Professor Wang and the others stared blankly at the magnificent sunrise. After a while, they remembered the smell of carrion that Xiaoya had just mentioned. They quickly sniffed and turned to look around. The white snow-capped mountains in the distance are reflecting a touch of warm white light in the morning light, and the layers of white clouds on the mountainside are rolling with the wind, and the faint clouds are inlaid with a golden halo.

Pieces of jagged rocks on the hillside in front of them were clearly visible, the twisted cracks on the rock wall had clearly appeared in front of them, and three black shadows were flickering in the morning light. The steep hillside, the twisted cracks on the stone walls, and the figures of Wan Lin and the three of them rushing to the left and right with their guns, made Professor Wang and the three suddenly awake from the fairyland-like sunrise. They quickly lowered their bodies again. He took a few hard breaths.

Associate Researcher Hao then turned to look at Yu Jing and said in a low voice, "Researcher Yu, why didn't I smell the corpse odor, did you smell it?" Professor Wang and Professor Xiao also sniffed at Xiaoya.

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