Panther Commando

Chapter 3994: Titan Konjac

At this time, Yu Jing had turned her head and lay on the back and aimed in front of her. She heard the questioning voice of Associate Researcher Hao, and immediately replied in a low voice: "I smelled it just now, this smell is very mild, but very difficult Smell, it may be that you haven't practiced internal skills, and your sense of smell is not as sensitive as those of us. Just wait a moment, Leopard Head and the two leopards have already stepped forward to scout, and there will be results soon."

At this moment, a gust of mountain wind and a puff of dust suddenly blew from the foot of the mountain ahead. Professor Wang hurriedly raised his head and sucked his nose a few times. He then looked up from under the rock and looked at Yu Jing and said in a low voice, "Yes, it smells of carrion. It smells bad!"

He then took a few more breaths, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. He raised the binoculars in his hand and looked at the foot of the mountain in front of him, then suddenly climbed up from behind the rock and said, "This is not from a carrion. Smell, I once smelled this smell in a botanical garden abroad, this is the floral fragrance of konjac! Oh, how can there be such a rare plant here? It's amazing!"

Xiaoya and Lingling on the side suddenly saw Professor Wang climb up next to him, and the two quickly turned their heads to remind Professor Wang to pay attention to safety. At this moment, the two of them suddenly saw Wan Lin, who had rushed up the steep hill in front, turning around and making a "safe" gesture. The two of them hurriedly raised their guns and stood up. Jing asked, "Sister Yu, what is konjac? How can such a stinky smell be a floral scent!"

At this time, Yu Jing also raised her spear and stood up from under the rock. She blinked her big eyes and looked in front of her and replied, "Professor Wang should be talking about the titan konjac, which is an extremely rare plant that has been around for decades. It only blooms once, and the blooming time is very short, but it will emit this kind of smell similar to carrion, so people also call this plant corpse flower, or corpse flower. People rarely see this plant in the wild ."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Professor Wang, who had already stood up with a wooden stick, and asked, "Professor Wang, isn't the titan konjac a plant that mainly grows in the tropics, it belongs to the plateau climate, how can such a rare phenomenon appear? plant?"

Professor Wang looked at Yu Jing with admiration and said, "Researcher Yu is indeed very knowledgeable, and he actually knows a lot about this rare plant." He followed Professor Xiao, who had just stood up, and continued with excitement: "This is The botanical name of the species is indeed called Titan konjac, which mainly lives in subtropical and tropical rain forests, and is rarely seen in China."

He followed and looked at Yu Jing and the others and shouted: "Let's go, let's go over and have a look first, if there really is this kind of titan konjac in front of you, this is a rare plant! Hey, if we can really see this kind of plant in our lifetime. The flowers of plants, that is one of the great blessings of life!" After speaking, he hurriedly walked towards the mountains in front of him leaning on a wooden stick.

Professor Xiao and Yu Jing laughed when they saw him in a hurry. They knew that Professor Wang was an expert specializing in biology, and botany was also a major subject of his research. At this time, he found that there was a rare research target here. , it is indeed difficult to suppress the excitement in my heart.

Several people then smiled and glanced at each other, and they all hurried forward. At this time, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were lying between the mountains on both sides, also stood up, and everyone ran forward with their guns, while watching the surrounding mountains vigilantly.

Xiaoya and the others accompanied Professor Wang and they just ran to the foot of the mountain in front of them when they saw Wan Lin and two leopards standing under a steep rock wall on the side, and a strong rancid smell was coming into everyone's nostrils. Drill in.

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly circled around the cliff, then stuck out their tongues, suddenly twisted and jumped up the steep cliff on the side, and then ran towards the top of the mountain like a smoke.

When Xiaoya and the others saw the two leopards fleeing in panic, they all covered their noses and laughed. They had already seen from the appearance of these two little treasures that they must have been swept away by the strong stench!

Xiaoya. Lingling and Wu Xueying accompanied Professor Wang and ran to Wanlin's side. Lingling covered her nose and exclaimed, "My mother, why does it smell so bad!" Looking at it, he opened his eyes again and shouted, "Oh, why is this flower so big?"

Professor Wang leaned on a wooden stick and ran in front of Wan Lin and the others. He stared at the cliff in front of him with glowing eyes and exclaimed breathlessly, "That's great, it's really a Titan konjac. A rare plant!" He then leaned on a stick and ran trembling down the steep rock wall. Associate Researcher Hao quickly ran two steps, grabbed his arm and walked forward together.

At this time, Xiaoya and the others stood on the rock beside Wan Lin and could see clearly that the cliffs at the foot of the mountain in front of them were deeply recessed into the mountain body. The dark soil below appeared to be very moist, and the pits were more than ten meters in diameter and at least twenty meters in height.

A huge plant stood in the middle of the spacious hollow, and there were knee-deep weeds all around. The surrounding mountains are covered with dark gray rocks, and it is desolate, but the cave is indeed full of life, and a strong smell of carrion is coming from the cave.

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya and the others who were standing beside He followed Yu Jing and said in a low voice, "We smelled this stench just now from the top of the mountain behind us. A corpse appeared in between, I didn't expect it to be such a giant plant. President Yu, what kind of plant is this? How can it emit such a foul smell."

Xiaoya covered her nose and walked to Wanlin's side, she smiled and said, "Professor Wang said just now that this is a kind of flower, its name is Titan konjac, and its common name is corpse flower. When it blooms, it emits this strange smell. It is a rare plant that lives in the tropics or subtropics."

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's answer, he smiled and said, "No wonder it smells so bad, take a look and leave quickly. This smell is too bad. There is nothing strange in the world. Flowers can smell so bad." , he lifted his foot and walked towards the side of the mountain.

At this time, Wu Xueying came over and covered her nose with a smile: "Leopard head, stop for me. Professor Wang just said that seeing this plant is a great blessing in life. What are you running for?"

Everyone laughed when they heard Wu Xueying's cry, Wan Lin said with a smile, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it's a blessing, you hear more, I'll call Zhang Wa for you too, the two of you can hear it together. Right." After speaking, he held his breath and turned around and ran out.

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