Panther Commando

Chapter 3995: evolution

Xiaoya and Yu Jing looked at Wan Lin's escaped back, covered their noses and laughed "haha". While they were laughing, they followed Professor Wang's curiosity and walked down the cliff ahead.

Although this odor is too unpleasant, according to Professor Wang's introduction, it is a very rare opportunity for everyone to see such a novel plant, so everyone, driven by curiosity, walked into the concave hole under the cliff and gazed attentively. .

A large flower basket-like green plant stands on the mud floor in the center of the hollow. In the center of the flower basket stands a pagoda-like yellow stamen. The top of the flower basket is rolled out with purple leaves. The shape of the whole plant is very peculiar. The diameter of the corolla is more than two meters, the upright flowers are about one meter two, and the smell of rancidity is emitting from the flower basket.

Everyone stared at this strange plant, and seemed to have forgotten the stench from the flowers. At this time, Professor Wang was already standing on the lace with glowing eyes. He circled the huge flower twice, followed the probe and looked towards the center of the stamen, with a very excited expression.

Xiaoya and the others stood under the cliff on the side, covering their noses and looking at the strange big flower in front of them, Lingling blinked her big eyes and asked, "This big flower is really beautiful, but why does it smell so bad? the taste?"

When Professor Wang heard Lingling's questioning, he turned to look at Lingling and the others and said, "This is the magic of this plant. Most flowers emit fragrance to attract insects, and then when they are sucking their own nectar When the time comes, get your own pollen to complete the pollination task for yourself."

When he said this, he raised his finger and pointed to the stamens beside him and continued: "But the titan konjac emits a foul smell when it blooms. This is the unique magic weapon of this plant's "heritage". scavenging insects, while also allowing those parasitic insects to lay their eggs in their own stamens."

He then raised his finger and pointed to the huge stamen: "When the larvae in the stamen mature, these new insects can help the konjac to spread the pollen to complete the reproduction task. At the same time, the stamens emit this kind of similar The smell of carrion also attracts scavengers to help it spread its pollen."

Professor Wang said excitedly, and then sighed: "The evolution of organisms is very strange. Every animal and plant will have its own unique way of reproduction in order to continue its own life. This strange konjac blooms for decades. Once, and its flowering time is very short, only a few days. But in these few days, the corpse odor it emits will gradually increase, trying to attract those parasitic insects to come to lay eggs and help itself to produce offspring.”

He followed Yu Jing and Xiaoya and said, "Don't dislike this smell. Human development has caused great damage to the climate and vegetation. This plant is now very rare and can be said to be on the verge of extinction. , the only remaining titan konjac also grows in inaccessible tropical and subtropical rainforests, and it is difficult for us humans to see this wild and strange plant."

He followed with deep feeling and said: "This plant has only bloomed two or three times in its decades of life, and each time it is only a few days, and we can see such a strange plant in the plateau area this time, it is true It is the luck of our life! You may not know that there are many experts who specialize in botany, and they have never seen this strange plant in the wild in their entire lives. Unfortunately, my camera has been thrown away during the escape, otherwise I must record this moment well! It is of great research value to see this peculiar plant in the plateau area!"

Seeing Professor Wang's regretful appearance, Yu Jing quickly took out a small camera from the backpack behind her and handed it over: "Professor Wang, I have camera equipment, you can take a few pictures quickly, and I'll take pictures when you go back. I'll pass it on to you." Professor Wang was overjoyed, he grabbed the camera that Yu Jing handed over and shouted, "That's great!"

He then stepped back a few steps, raised the camera to face the whole plant, took a few panorama pictures of the plant, and then took a dozen consecutive pictures from different angles up and down around the flowers. , he then looked up at Yu Jing and Xiaoya and shouted: "Girls, stand beside the konjac, I'll take a group photo for you next to the konjac, this is a rare opportunity!" The camera was put in front of him.

Xiaoya saw him raise the camera and aim at them, they quickly raised their hands to cover their faces and took a few steps to the side. Yu Jing also stepped in front of Professor Wang. She raised her hand to block the camera and said: "Professor Wang, you can't follow us!"

Professor Wang and Professor Xiao and Associate Researcher Hao who were standing next to him were stunned. Yu Jing reached out and took the camera in Professor Wang's hand and said, "Professor Wang, I'm so sorry, you can't take pictures of us, we are all engaged in confidential work. People, you can't reveal the image. Even if you took a photo for us, I can't pass the photo to you."

The three of Professor Wang suddenly realized when they heard Yu Jing's explanation. Professor Wang quickly handed the camera in his hand to Yu Jing and said, "I'm sorry, sorry, I wanted to leave a souvenir for you in front of this cherished plant, but I forgot your secret identity!"

Yu Jing took the camera with a smile and said, " Not to mention Xiaoya and the other special soldiers, even those of us who are researchers don't like to show up. I rarely take pictures outside."

Saying that, she put the camera on and put it in her backpack, then looked at Professor Wang and said, "I'll pass you these photos of the Titan konjac when I go back. By the way, don't publicize your participation in this inspection. Not to mention the discovery of meteorite fragments, otherwise it is very likely to attract the attention of those outlaws abroad, and it will also affect your personal safety."

Professor Wang quickly replied: "We know that this inspection is a confidential mission, and we have been notified about confidentiality before we came out. Don't worry, we will not disclose what we saw and encountered here to the outside world."

At this time, Associate Researcher Hao reached out and touched the metal box placed in the underwear on his chest, and he whispered nervously: "Yu Jing, these meteorite fragments found by our scientific expedition team are very precious. here you are?"

Yu Jing pondered for a while, then waved her hand and replied: "You take it first. For this inspection, you were dispatched by the Institute of Physics. After you go back, you can just hand it over to the institute. They will organize you and relevant experts to conduct research. I also obtained some meteorite fragments here, and I will study them in my research institute after I go back."

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