Panther Commando

Chapter 3996: interstellar thief

Yu Jing looked at the Titan konjac standing quietly in the cave, and asked a little puzzled: "Professor Wang, this is a plateau area with a special climate and geographical environment. How can this rare tropical plant grow here?"

Professor Wang squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil with his hands and took a closer look, then raised his head and looked at the wet cave wall and said, "The conditions of this cave are completely in line with the growth conditions of konjac."

He stood up and continued: "This plant has very strict requirements for growth conditions. The growth period requires a suitable temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius, and the annual average temperature is 14-16 degrees Celsius. It begins to sprout when the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. Shade crops are most afraid of direct sunlight, requiring weak sunshine intensity and short hours. Moreover, it is suitable for growing in sandy loam soil with good soil drainage, low groundwater level and high soil moisture content.”

He opened the soil in his hands and continued: "Look, the soil here, temperature, humidity and light are all in line with its growth requirements." After that, he looked up at the rolling hills outside the cave and sighed: "I It is speculated that, like the dense plants near the fall of the meteorite, this peculiar plant has grown rapidly because of the dramatic changes caused by the meteorite hitting this mountain. Otherwise, the climate and soil of this plateau will not be affected. There is no natural environment suitable for the growth of konjac at all.”

Professor Xiao also looked at the dark top of the volcano under the blue sky in the distance, and sighed: "Yes, the material that erupted from the meteorite is very strange. It not only caused great changes in the topography of this area, but also made The genes of the surrounding animals and plants have undergone some drastic changes, so it is not surprising that any miracles occur here."

When Associate Researcher Hao heard Professor Xiao's sigh, he raised his right hand and tightly covered the metal box on his chest and said, "What secrets does this meteorite that suddenly burst into our Earth's atmosphere contain? I feel it It contains a lot of energy. Otherwise, it is so small in size, it is impossible to cause such a big change in the topography of the impact, and it is impossible to change the genes of these animals and plants!" He said, he looked at Yu Jing. His research direction is similar to that of Yu Jing, so he would like to hear the opinions of Yu Jing, a world-renowned scientist.

Hearing his questioning, Yu Jing looked up at the blue sky outside and said: "In the vast universe, we people on earth are frogs in the bottom of the well, and we can't see the whole picture yet. For the mysterious universe, we We can only analyze and conjecture based on the obtained bits and pieces, and it is impossible to draw very accurate conclusions.”

Saying that, she raised her arm and pointed to the dark top of the volcano in the distance, and she continued: "Now, based on the meteorite fragments obtained, we can conclude that this meteorite does contain some unknown energy! We are now Only a few meteorite fragments have been obtained, most of the meteorite remnants should be at the bottom of the impacted lake, and those large numbers of meteorite remnants are the key to truly solving our mystery."

When Yu Jing said this, a look of regret suddenly appeared on her pale face, and she said in a dejected voice: "These large fragments that carry the origin of the meteorite and its mysteries have been deeply engulfed by the sudden eruption of volcanic magma. It's buried deep in the ground, and we can't find its secrets at all, what a pity!"

Associate Researcher Hao and several people heard Yu Jing's regretful voice, and their faces also showed regretful expressions. They knew that what they got was really only the skin of some meteorites, and it was really difficult to solve the mystery of this mysterious meteorite. .

Wu Xueying, who was standing on the side, saw Yu Jing's regretful look, she quickly looked at Yu Jing and comforted: "Sister Yu, don't worry! We will find an engineering team when we go back. If the lava-filled lake can't be dug up, I can't believe that you can't find what you want!"

Yu Jing looked at Yingying's innocent look and smiled, she hugged Wu Xueying's shoulders and said, "Yingying, you think too simple. From what we know so far, the remains of that meteorite contain unknown elements. The huge energy, once it is violently hit by a large construction machine, I am afraid that the entire area will be destroyed by the huge energy."

"Besides, judging from the lake water conditions I observed at the time, this lake is bottomless, and those meteorite residues may have penetrated deep into the earth's crust! We must not be reckless in the exploration of such unknown things, otherwise it is very likely that It will cause a great ecological disaster to the earth.”

She followed and looked at Professor Wang and said, "Professor Wang, when the volcano erupted, you already entered the cave. I'm afraid you haven't seen the spectacular scene on the top of the volcano, let alone the amazing scene of the churning lake. Yingying , tell Professor Wang and the others about the spinning cloud-shaped flying saucers and the tumbling lake water that you saw at that time." Professor Wang and the three hurriedly looked at Wu Xueying.

When Wu Xueying heard Yu Jing's order, she immediately started talking excitedly. At this moment, there was a bright lustre in her big eyes looking at the distant mountains. She then vividly described the peculiar scene she saw at that The magical red beams of light on the top of the volcano, the rapidly rising saucer-shaped clouds, and the overwhelming waves in the lake were vividly displayed. Professor Wang was in front of several people.

After describing the situation at that time, she followed up: "Professor Wang, you didn't see that kind of scene at that time. It was so spectacular and mysterious, but your smelly plant was much better looking. At that time, we were all in a mysterious atmosphere. Attracted by the power, I couldn't help walking towards the lake below the mountain. At the time, I thought we were going to go to the sky with those flying saucers!"

A few people around laughed. Professor Wang looked at the little girl fondly and said, "Yingying, if you follow those flying saucers to the sky, you won't be able to come back."

With a psychedelic look in Yingying's eyes, she looked at the blue sky and replied, "It's okay, I'm very capable. When the time comes, what high-tech stuff do you need to study, I'll secretly send it back to you from those flying saucers." She Speaking of this, I suddenly blinked my big eyes twice and said, "No, I'm not going to space to be an interstellar thief."

"Hahahaha..." Professor Wang looked at her and laughed. Lingling took Wu Xueying's arm and smiled: "Yingying, you are called a thief on earth, but you are not called a thief when you go to space. At most, you are a spy who has penetrated into the enemy's heart. That is a hero."

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