Panther Commando

Chapter 3997: absolutely not

When Wu Xueying heard Lingling's explanation, she hurriedly said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I went to space to be a hero, not a thief. If a thief, wouldn't it ruin the reputation of our earthlings, or our sister Lingling is smart, I can't After stealing the earth, go to space to steal it!"

The surrounding Yu Jing and Professor Wang couldn't help laughing when they heard their conversation. Wu Xueying rolled her eyes, raised her hand and pushed Lingling away and shouted, "Sister Lingling, when did I steal something on Earth?" Lingling squatted down with a big laugh covering her stomach and said, "Giggle, I didn't say you are the Earth. The thief on the go!"

Xiaoya laughed and took Yingying's arm. Yu Jing also bent down and pulled Lingling up. She smiled and said to Professor Wang, "Professor Wang, we're going out. The smell here is too bad." Professor Wang smiled. He said, "Go ahead, I'll take some specimens from this plant and go back to study it. By the way, do you still have a specimen bag? When we retreated, we threw away the excess on our bodies."

When Yu Jing heard Professor Wang's question, she quickly took out two small plastic bags from her backpack and said, "Professor Wang, I have two here, are two enough?" Professor Wang hurriedly took it and said, "Enough, enough. , go out quickly, the smell here is really unpleasant." With that, he pulled out his dagger and carefully looked at the cherished plant in front of him.

Xiaoya and the others accompanied Professor Xiao and Associate Researcher Hao out of the cave. They all left the cave and took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. Wu Xueying took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Smother me to death. It's been a long time since I didn't breathe dry. This smell is too unpleasant, and it's still in such a narrow space. If it stays for a while, it won't kill me. "

Xiaoya and the others also laughed and took a deep breath, and quickly drove out the disgusting smell that had been inhaled into their lungs, Lingling looked at Wu Xueying and shook her head and said, "Yingying, if you are really here, After being smoked to death, we couldn't write our eulogy, and we couldn't say: In the execution of an extremely arduous task, our heroic Comrade Wu Xueying was finally smoked to death by the smell of flowers. Yingying, you must not be honored here. ."

"Giggle giggle", Xiaoya and Yu Jing couldn't help laughing, Yu Jing pulled Yingying who raised her foot and kicked Lingling, she said with a smile: "Yingying, let's get out of here quickly. We are honorable, we must also Go to a place where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and definitely not here."

Yingying said with a smile: "Yes, yes, we must not be here. Let's go, let's get out of here quickly." As she said that, she took Yu Jing and Lingling's arms, "giggled" and walked down the side **** with a smile. .

Xiaoya and the others walked to the side of the hillside while talking and laughing, and they followed and looked around. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were already sitting in the surrounding mountains with their group members, and everyone's guns were aimed at the dark mountains on the sides and in front.

Xiaoya followed and looked up to the side of the mountain. Wan Lin and Bao Ya were already standing under the side of a boulder on the top of the mountain. The two were raising their guns to observe the rolling mountains in front of them. The wind knife was half squatting behind a rock halfway up the mountain, raising his gun to look at the mountains ahead.

At this time, Professor Xiao had also observed the location of a group of special forces, he sighed and said to Associate Researcher Hao and Professor Wang who walked out of the hole: "Look around, Captain Wan, they have already closely protected us. Alas, we are really a burden to Captain Wan and the others!" As he said, he greeted the two of them and walked towards Xiaoya and the others.

At this time, Lingling had already walked under a rock on the side. She took off the electronic countermeasure box she was carrying and placed it on the rock to open it. She followed Yu Jing, Xiaoya and Wu Xueying and whispered, "It's still unacceptable here. As for the radio signal, it seems that Leopard Head and the others did not receive the signal from the top of the mountain."

Xiaoya and Yu Jing looked up at the top of the mountain, and nodded with a frustrated expression. At this time, Wu Xueying looked at Lingling and said, "Sister Lingling, give me the electronic countermeasure box. I will climb to the top of the mountain to have a look. The terrain there is higher and there may be signals." Yu Jing smiled and held the energetic man. The little girl asked, "Yingying, aren't you tired?"

Lingling closed the lid of the electronic countermeasure box and turned her head to look at Wu Xueying. She smiled and said, "This little girl is pretending to be sick in the cave and deceived Leopard Tou and Zhang Wa. Of course she is not tired anymore!" Xiaoya and Yu Jing" Puchi" laughed, Wu Xueying stared at Lingling with wide eyes and shouted: "Sister Lingling, I didn't pretend to be sick, that's really wrong!"

Yu Jing smiled and pulled Yingying to sit down and said, "If you are sick or not, hurry up and take the time to sit down and rest for a while. After a while, the leopard's head will come down, and we will continue our journey." Xiaoya sat beside Yu Jing and Wu Xueying, Raising her wrist and looking at the time, she followed up: "It's eight o'clock in the morning, I guess I'll leave after a two-hour break."

She looked at Lingling and continued: "Lingling, judging from the plant under the cliff that should have grown in the tropical rainforest, we haven't left the area affected by the meteorite. You can try to contact the military area again in the afternoon or tomorrow morning."

Lingling agreed, put away the electronic countermeasure box and sat on the She then raised her head to look at Xiaoya and Yu Jing and said, "That's the only way, I hope I can contact Li Tou sooner. Come on. I have lost contact with the military region for so long, and Li Tou, Minister Gao and Deputy Minister Wang must be very anxious. "

Yu Jing nodded silently. She knew clearly that Li Dongsheng saw himself and the entire leopard commando suddenly disappear in such a dangerous mountain. He must be very anxious, and he would definitely contact the border guards close to this area. Troops step up their search! But under the current situation, although they have escaped from the dangerous meteor impact point, they still can't get in touch with Li Dongsheng, and it's useless to worry.

She took out the kettle and took a sip in silence, and then said helplessly: "It's no use for Minister Gao and Li Tou to be in a hurry. We still can't contact them now. Everyone, please rest for a while, this place should have reached the place affected by the meteorite. On the fringes, maybe we'll get a radio signal in the afternoon."

After speaking, she put away the kettle and leaned on the rock behind her, looking up at Wanlin and Baoya on the top of the mountain. At this moment, there was an anxious look in her big red eyes.

Although they have walked out of the cave now, they may encounter those ferocious militants at any time in this mountain, and she and the scientific expedition team members both carry precious meteorite fragments. She is indeed worried about another accident.

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