Panther Commando

Chapter 4003: smelly

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After listening to Yu Jing and Cheng Ru's analysis, Xiaoya also said, "Judging from the tactical actions of the few boys who were killed just now, these people have rich experience in field combat and survival. Leopard head, we Are you expanding the alert range in the following actions?" She turned her head to look at Wan Lin beside her.

Wan Lin stared at the undulating mountains in front of him and shook his head and replied: "The mountains in front are undulating, the slopes are steep, the valleys are vertical and horizontal, and the field of vision is very narrow. Once our troops are too scattered, it will be difficult for us to communicate with each other in a short time in an emergency. Support, at this time it is not appropriate to spread the force to expand the alert range."

Xiaoya nodded when she heard Wan Lin's analysis, she raised her hand and hugged Xiaobai, who was lying on her shoulders, and said, "That's true, then let Xiaohua and Xiaobai search too much, this can prevent those The gangsters quietly approached us under the cover of the mountains."

Wan Lin looked at her and said, "Okay, Xiaohua and Xiaobai are far ahead of us in both feet and eyes. Let them expand their reconnaissance range, and we will still follow the battle formation."

Cheng Ru and several people next to him also nodded. They all knew in their hearts that when traveling in this complex terrain, hidden enemies could emerge at any time behind the rugged valleys and mountains, so they must strengthen their vigilance.

Wan Lin looked at Professor Wang and asked, "Can you three persevere?" Professor Wang quickly replied, "We can persevere. After walking out of the cave, our physical condition has improved a lot. A lot of blood blisters have been ground out, and the speed of travel will definitely drag you down."

Wan Lin hurriedly looked at Xiaoya and the others and said, "Xiaoya, you guys should quickly treat the blood blisters on the soles of your feet to Professor Wang and the others." He then looked at Professor Wang and the three of them and said, "If you have anything on your body, If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell Xiaoya quickly, so that you can diagnose and treat in time, and once you become seriously ill, our speed of travel will be slower."

At this time, he already understood that the three of Professor Wang were incomparable with himself and the others. Blood blisters must have been rubbed out on the soles of their feet, but they just limped and insisted without telling them aloud.

At this time, Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying had already stood up and walked towards Professor Wang. They asked Professor Wang to take off their shoes as they walked. The three of Professor Wang looked at the three young girls with embarrassment. Professor Wang said embarrassedly while untying his shoelaces: "Why is this so embarrassing? You can tell us how to deal with it, and just give us some medicine."

Xiaoya squatted beside Professor Wang, reached out and untied his shoelaces and said, "What's so embarrassing about this? Speaking of foot odor, Leopard Tou's feet stink more than yours."

When Wu Xueying, who was squatting beside Associate Researcher Hao, heard Xiaoya's voice, she "giggled" and raised her face and said, "That's right, when they take off their shoes, they smell much more than that titan konjac. People fainted on the spot!"

When Wan Lin heard Wu Xueying's laughter, he glanced at Zhang Wa and a few people around him and said, "Do our feet really stink?" Zhang Wa said with a smile, "What do you think? In summer, we never take off our shoes. It's stinking, and there must be no one around, but the mosquitoes are rushing towards us." Several people around heard Zhang Wa's description, and they all covered their mouths and laughed in a low voice.

An hour later, Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Professor Wang, whose feet were covered with bandages. Xiaoya, who was sitting next to him, reached out and touched Wan Lin's arm lightly, then shook his head. Wan Lin immediately understood what Xiaoya meant, and he whispered helplessly to the Chengru people around him, "Let's rest for a few more hours, and let Professor Wang and the others recover."

Cheng Ru and several people nodded silently. They knew in their hearts that the soles of Professor Wang's feet were covered with blood blisters. Now that Xiaoya and several people had just finished their treatment for them, they really needed to rest for a while. Now is the time to set off, and the speed of the three of them will definitely be affected, so haste is not enough.

The three of Cheng Ru followed with their guns and stood up, and Feng Dao said, "Leopard head, let's go around and replace the guarded brothers." After that, the three of them carried their guns and walked towards the surrounding mountains, and Xiaoya patted them lightly. Xiao Bai, who was lying on the rock beside him, said, "Xiao Bai, go around and report back immediately when you find the enemy's situation."

With a flash of red light in Xiaobai's eyes, he jumped out directly from the rock, and ran towards the side of the mountain like a smoke. Wan Lin also stood up and said to Xiaoya and the others, "You guys can rest here, I'll go to the side hillside to have a look." After speaking, he took his sniper rifle and strode toward the side hillside.

By evening, the view of the mountains had become blurred. Wan Lin then walked down the side hillside. He walked over to Professor Wang and the others, lowered his head and asked, "Professor Wang, have you rested?" The three of them quickly put on their shoes and stood up with wooden sticks. Professor Wang replied, "Captain Wan, because of our We've delayed the trip, we feel much more comfortable under our feet now, shall we go now?"

Wan Lin nodded and said, "Okay, if you guys feel better, then we'll set off. In fact, we're almost out of this lost contact area, we don't care about the time. Now that the sky is dark, starting at this time can hide us. Whereabouts, it is relatively safe. You pack up, we are ready to go. "

He followed Xiaoya and the others who had stood up and said, "Take care of Professor Wang and the Let me know if there is any situation. Xiaoya, bring Xiaobai back." "Yes!" Ya replied immediately, and she followed with her head raised into the air and made a loud hawk croak.

Wan Lin immediately turned around and made a "go" gesture to the surrounding players who heard the sound of eagles looking towards him. He followed with his gun and walked forward.

Xiaoya made a gesture to Lingling and Wu Xueying who were beside her, and Yuwen who was sitting at the back, and they immediately scattered around Yu Jing and Professor Wang, protecting them as they walked towards the rocky mountains in front of them.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the steep peaks in the mountains have turned into graphite-like shadows, the blue sky during the day has also become gray, the mountains are silent, only a few white clouds floating above the top of the mountain are still in the air. drift. A few white clouds stood out in the dark and silent mountains.

At this moment, two blue dots suddenly appeared at the foot of the rock-covered mountain. Xiao Hua's eyes flashed blue light, jumping up from the rocks and jumping directly onto a rock more than two meters high in front of her. It stood on the top of the rock, and its two sharp eyes quickly swept the dim mountain, and it turned its head and looked back in the haze.

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