Panther Commando

Chapter 4004: quiet mountain

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With the blue light from Xiaohua's eyes, two dark shadows emerged from the darkness behind like ghosts. Bao Ya and Fengdao quickly rushed behind the rock under Xiaohua, and the two followed from both sides of the rock and raised their guns to the front of the mountain. Aim away.

Among the hazy mountains, the figures of Cheng Ru, Wang Dali and Wen Meng also appeared on the steep hillside in the left rear; almost at the same time, Zhang Wa and Kong Dazhuang also appeared in the rough and dim rocks in the right rear. And the figure of Lin Zisheng. The two groups of people were scattered among the mountains, running up and down into the darkness ahead.

They quickly ran to the mountains near Baoya and Fengdao, and then disappeared behind dark rocks, and the muzzles of the black holes silently stretched forward.

Until this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya surrounded Yu Jing and Professor Wang and they appeared in the mountains behind. Wan Lin looked up at the team members who were already lying in the surrounding mountains. He turned to look at Xiaoya who was following behind him. He ordered in a low voice, "Rest on the spot, I'll take a look at the front."

Xiaobai, who was lying on Xiaoya's shoulder, heard Wan Lin's voice, and he quickly stood up, with a faint red light in his eyes, and looked towards the dimly lit mountains ahead. Wan Lin looked at it and smiled, knowing that it couldn't bear the loneliness anymore, and thought of following Xiaohua to the mountains ahead.

He smiled and said, "Xiao Bai, go!" Xiao Bai raised his big tail excitedly and shook it, then jumped out from Xiao Ya's shoulder, landing like a white smoke running straight to the mountains in front of him.

Wan Lin then looked at Yu Jing and Professor Wang and said, "You all sit down and rest for a while, the terrain in the mountains in front of you is estimated to have changed, or Xiaohua will not stop. After you rest for a while, you can see the safety ahead. follow."

After that, he bent over and ran forward with a sniper rifle. Just now, he saw Xiaohua, Fengdao, and Bao Ya who had arrived for reconnaissance suddenly stop, and immediately realized that there must be a fork in front of him, and he was waiting for him to give an order.

Wan Lin ran under the rock where Xiao Hua was in front of him with his gun in hand. Xiao Hua, who was standing on the top of the boulder, saw Wan Lin running. He immediately raised his right paw and pointed to the rolling hills on the right. With a flick of her hand, Xiaohua immediately jumped down from the top of the rock and ran straight to the mountains in front of her with Xiaobai, disappearing into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

The wind knife lowered the muzzle and turned to look at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "A big mountain three kilometers ahead blocked the way. There was a sound of running water echoing from the mountain on the right, and I couldn't see the situation in the mountain on the left." With his gun he took a step behind the rock, clearing the side of the rock.

After listening to Feng Dao's report, Wan Lin immediately took a step forward and raised his gun to aim forward. Not far from the front, there is indeed a 400 to 500-meter-high, dark mountain. The steep peak is like a thick stone pillar standing in the dark mountains. In the hilly area full of rocks, they could not see the distant scene from their location, and the field of vision was extremely narrow.

Wan Lin took a breath and listened to it. A slight sound of running water was coming from the front right, and the sound was extremely low. Feng Dao could see Wan Lin after observing the surrounding terrain, he said in a low voice: "After we walked out of the cave, we have been walking obliquely towards the direction of the big river, I feel that from the front hillside, we should be able to see the one between the mountains on the left. Great river."

At this time, leaning on the rock on the right, he raised his gun and aimed at the Baoya in front of him. He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, shall I go to the hillside in front of me to observe it?" Wan Lin lowered his gun and replied. : "Xiaohua and Xiaobai have already run to the left side of the mountain. The surroundings should be safe. Let's go to the front hillside to observe."

After he finished speaking, he flashed his gun from behind the rock and ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him. Feng Dao and Bao Ya rushed out with their guns, Bao Ya accelerated faster than Wan Lin, and Feng Dao followed Wan Lin's left side. The three figures rose and fell among the dim rocks, and they appeared in front of them in a blink of an eye. Dark foothills.

Wan Lin and Fengdao rushed to the foot of the mountain in front. Fengdao immediately raised his gun and glanced around. He followed with his right hand and pointed towards the steep hillside towards the cliff that was crouched under the rock on the side.

Bao Ya immediately ran up the hill with his gun. At this time, his movements were fast, ups and downs on the steep hillside, and in a short time he had appeared on the half-mountain of a hundred meters high. He stopped under a raised rock, and then jumped to the top of the rock to lift The gun was aimed at the surrounding mountains. He quickly observed the dimly lit mountains, then leaned out from the top of the rock and made a "safe" gesture to Wan Lin and Feng Dao, who were hidden at the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin and Fengdao immediately picked up their guns and ran up the hillside. The hillside is very steep, and the sloping rock walls are covered with twisted black cracks, and clusters of dry weeds are drilled out of the cracks.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao jumped up the hillside and used both hands and feet, and they had already appeared around the hillside where Bao Ya was located in a short time. At this time, Wan Lin stretched out his right hand and grabbed a crack in the rock above, followed by pulling his right hand upward, and nimbly jumped up to a raised rock on the side. He immediately leaned his body against the steep rock wall and raised his gun to the side. Aim at the mountains.

At the same time, the air knife also grabbed the crack on the top of the rock, and quickly ran up to a protruding rock on the side He followed by sticking his body tightly to the rock wall, and raised his gun to aim at the top of the mountain. In a blink of an eye, the three Wan Lin, who were still ups and downs on the dim hillside, had merged with the dim surrounding cliffs.

At this time, Wan Lin's eyes had passed through the rolling hills below. A quiet river was emitting a faint silver light in the dimness, and the sound of "rushing" running water was clearly audible. The surrounding steep mountains are set off by the river, giving people a quiet and peaceful feeling.

Fengdao raised his gun and quickly observed the dark top of the mountain. He followed with his gun and looked at the mountains in front of him. He whispered: "Leopard head, Lao Bao, that big river really is on the side of this mountain, and I see small flowers. , Xiaobai?" Bao Ya immediately turned to look at the wind knife and said in a low voice, "I saw the red and blue light flashing in their eyes, and now they are close to the river."

Wan Lin didn't speak. He leaned against the dark cliff and raised his gun quietly to observe the surrounding mountains. At this time, the gray sky has turned into a dark blue, a few twinkling stars have hung high in the distant night sky, and a bright moon is quietly hanging over the distant mountain tops.

He slowly moved the muzzle and swept across the dimly lit mountains in the distance, his face extremely calm. At this time, a faint blue light suddenly flashed by the bank of the river with a faint white light, and the blue light quickly disappeared into the darkness.

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