Panther Commando

Chapter 4006: blue light in the dark

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Beside the dim stream, Wu Xueying heard Professor Wang's dissuasion. She raised her wet face to look at Professor Wang and replied with a smile: "Professor Wang, don't worry, we people have already practiced to be invulnerable to all poisons. The natural stream water is cold, when we eat cold drinks, it's so happy!"

As she spoke, she bent down and untied her shoelaces and said, "This water is so comfortable, I'll go down and wash my feet." As she spoke, she was about to stand up. Xiaoya, who was squatting on the side, stretched out her hand and grabbed her arm and said, "Yingying, the water is too cold, don't wash your feet, just wash your face."

At this time, Feng Dao, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa had already appeared around. When Zhang Wa heard Wu Xueying say that he wanted to wash his feet, he hurried over, grabbed Wu Xueying's arm and whispered, "Auntie, Dali, they are all You are going to get water downstream, and if you wash your feet here, you are not afraid that they will settle accounts with you?"

"Ah?" Wu Xueying screamed and hurriedly sat down. As she bent over to tie her shoelaces, she muttered in a low voice, "Oh, I almost caused a disaster. If Dali and Da Zhuang really drank my foot wash , didn't those two big guys beat me into a patty? It's too dangling, I'll put on my shoes quickly!"

Several people around heard her muttering and laughed softly. Wan Lin looked at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa and asked with a smile, "Is this stream flowing to the big river on the side?"

Zhang Wa replied immediately: "Yes, just now Lao Cheng and I walked along the stream to the side of the mountain, and the stream is indeed heading to the big river in the distance. Lao Cheng and I have arranged Dali and the others to be vigilant around the stream, and let them stop by. Replenish fresh water. Xiaohua and Xiaobai have already run from the river to the mountains ahead, and no abnormality has been found so far."

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's report and said in a low voice: "Okay, everyone rest here for a while, and you can wash too. The water here is very cool." After saying that, he turned around and walked a few steps towards the side hillside, holding up the The sniper rifle aimed at the dimly lit mountains ahead.

The mountains were dim, the dark blue sky was already full of stars, the crescent moon was hanging high above the dark mountains in the distance, and the silver-white moonlight was as clear as water.

Wan Lin quietly stared at the distant mountain for a while, then put down his sniper rifle and walked to the foot of the mountain again. He looked at Lingling who was sitting on a rock playing with the electronic countermeasure box, and asked in a low voice, "Is there no radio signal yet?"

Lingling raised her head to look at Wan Lin and shook her head and replied, "There is no signal at all. Strange, we are far away from the core area where the meteorite hit, why is there no signal yet?"

Wu Xueying, who was sitting next to her, turned her head and glanced at the dark mountains behind her. She blinked her big eyes and said in a low voice, "Sister Lingling, will there be something wrong with your electronic countermeasure box?" Lingling immediately replied, "No. , I just checked, everything is normal." After speaking, she turned off the power in frustration and gently closed the lid of the electronic countermeasure box.

At this moment, on a pitch-black hillside several kilometers ahead, a blue light beam suddenly flashed, and a bright red light also flashed away in the darkness!

"There is a situation!" Xiaoya immediately raised her gun and stood up and said. "Prepare to fight, let's go!" Wan Lin's low voice sounded, and everyone around immediately stood up with their guns. Cheng Ru and Feng Dao immediately ran to the side of the mountain where Dali and the others were, and Feng Dao also turned forward. They ran, and then waved forward to Bao Ya who was on the side of the hillside alert, and the two immediately accelerated and ran towards the dimly lit mountains ahead.

Wan Lin saw that the three team leaders, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa had rushed out. He immediately ordered Xiaoya in a low voice: "You protect President Yu and the others, and keep your distance from the front!" After speaking, he asked Chase behind Feng Dao and Bao Ya with a sniper rifle.

When Xiaoya, Wu Xueying and Lingling heard Wan Lin's order, they immediately spread out beside Yu Jing and Professor Wang. They followed and bent over and ran forward. After the break, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu also held assault rifles in one hand, followed a dozen meters behind Yu Jing and the others, and strode forward.

The mountains were very dark, and Wan Lin used the dim starlight from the sky to quickly catch up with Bao Ya and Feng Dao who were running in front of them on the undulating mountains. He bent forward and moved quickly, turning his head to look behind him.

In the mountains 100 meters away on both sides, the figures of Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa flickered. Xiaoya and the others, who were protecting Professor Wang and the others, had been pulled away by a distance of 400 to 500 meters. Wan Lin knew in his heart that the three expedition team members couldn't keep up with their marching pace, and Xiaoya and the others had slowed down in order to protect their safety.

Wan Lin followed and whispered to Bao Ya who was running in front: "Bao Ya, speed up, let's go over and see what's going on ahead." With his voice, Bao Ya immediately accelerated and rushed out, Wan Lin Hefeng Knife immediately opened a distance of more than 20 meters behind Bao Ya, and then kept the distance and ran forward.

Wan Lin and the others had just run forward for two kilometers. Between the two steep peaks in front of them, a dark red fire suddenly flashed in the darkness, and there were bursts of gunshots of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da". It also followed faintly.

Wan Lin's eyes suddenly shot a bright light. He jumped between the rocks and ran forward, while quickly looking at the terrain in the mountains in front of The front is what Xiaohua and Xiaobai shot out of the eyes just now. On the steep hillside of the beam, on the right is the same steep mountain with a height of several hundred meters. Under the steep slopes of the two mountains, there is a pass about two or three hundred meters wide. The two mountains in front have steep slopes, and the pass at the foot of the mountain is densely covered with rocks, and the terrain is very steep.

The three of Wan Lin rushed to the foot of the mountain in front of them, Bao Ya and Feng Dao rushed to the rubble in front of them and stopped, then lay down on the dark rocks, raising their guns to aim at the steep hillside and the dark pass in front of them. go. Wan Lin also stopped under a boulder and turned to look between the mountains on both sides and behind.

There were already a few flickering figures in the mountains behind the side, and the two groups, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, quickly followed. The Xiaoya team and the professor Wang they were protecting had been pulled apart by a distance of about a kilometer, and their figures had become shadowy in the dark.

At this time, the night sky ahead was flashing with red fire, and the intermittent gunshots seemed unusually crisp at night. Wan Lin let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Professor Wang and the others had been left far behind.

At this time, he was really worried that Yu Jing and Professor Wang were too close to the battlefield, but he was not worried about leaving them alone in the mountains behind. Now they were protected by Xiaoya and the Yuwen brothers, and this distance was just fine. keep them safe.

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