Panther Commando

Chapter 4007: fierce battle

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Under the dim starlight, the mountains in front of the pass flickered with red fire from the muzzle, and the dark hillsides in the distance flickered in the firelight, and intermittent gunshots came and went in the dark night.

Wan Lin suddenly stopped under a rock at the foot of the mountain in front of him. He turned around and quickly observed the positions of the three groups, Chengru, Zhang Wa, and Xiaoya, and then raised his hand to face Zhang Wa, who was following from the back of the mountain. He Chengru pointed to the side pass and the hillside on the right.

Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru, who were running quickly from behind, saw Wan Lin's gesture, they immediately raised their hands and made an "ok" gesture, then turned to face Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang who were beside them. With a wave of their hands, the two groups of people rushed to the steep hillside on the right and the stone-covered pass ahead.

Wan Lin followed and flashed out from behind the boulder. He bent down and ran to the wind knife and Bao Ya, who were already on the rock at the foot of the mountain in front. No?" Fengdao replied immediately: "No, there is no mountain in front of the pass."

When Wan Lin heard Feng Dao's answer, he immediately stretched out his sniper rifle from the rock and glanced forward. He followed in a low voice and commanded: "Pay attention to the hidden whereabouts, let's go up the hillside to see who is fighting in front of you? Go. !"

After he finished speaking, he had appeared under a rock above the side with a sway, and then a few ups and downs quickly disappeared on the dim hillside above the side. Feng Dao and Bao Ya immediately took their guns and drilled out from behind the rock, and quickly chased behind Wan Lin.

At this moment, the gunshots of "da da da" in the mountains ahead suddenly became denser, and two explosions of "boom" followed through the pass, and the dim night sky flashed two dazzling lights like lightning. red light.

Amidst the gunshots, the figures of Wan Lin's group were like ghosts, appearing and disappearing in the steep hillsides on both sides of the pass and the dark rocks below, and they disappeared into the darkness after a short time.

At this time, Wan Lin, Feng Dao and Bao Ya had already appeared on the steep hillside on the left side of the pass. The three of them squatted among the dark rocks and raised their guns to aim at the mountains in front of them, their eyes flashing in the darkness. A burst of light.

This place is close to the edge area affected by the meteorite impact. This is not only the direction where the remaining militants escaped, but also the area where the border guards may come and go, so Wan Lin and the others were very excited when they heard the gunshots.

In the dim mountain in front, four black figures with guns were scattered among the jagged rocks, bent over and ran towards the foot of the mountain where Wan Lin and the others were. Ups and downs, the action is very fast.

Not long, the figures of several people have clearly appeared in the mountains below, only about 200 meters away from the hillside where Wan Lin and the others are. At this time, these people at the foot of the mountain had been dazed and completely entered the effective range of Wan Lin and all the leopard team members hidden on the pass and the right hillside. Several people are desperate to survive.

Wan Lin coldly checked the position of the four people down the mountain through the scope on the sniper rifle, and then he raised the muzzle and aimed forward. Between the rocks about 100 meters in front of the four people at the foot of the mountain, four red flames were sprayed towards the dark mountains in front of them. In the flickering firelight, the other four shadows were crouching under the rocks and raising their guns to shoot at the mountains ahead.

At this moment, the four black shadows near the foot of the mountain below were already lying on the rocks under the rocks. With the sudden sound of gunfire behind, the four shadows in front stopped shooting immediately, turned around and ran towards the foot of the mountain behind.

Wan Lin and the others quickly glanced at the people who were running, and then raised their guns to aim at the distant mountains. Under the dim starlight, the steep mountain peaks in the distance are ups and downs, and seven or eight dazzling fires are flashing in the dark mountains seven or eight hundred meters in front. Seven or eight black shadows are shooting forward and rising. Ups and downs chasing to the front of the mountains, chasing movements are very agile.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle to the surrounding mountains. From the fire from the opponent's muzzle, he immediately saw a few shadows swaying faintly on the undulating mountains on both sides, obviously under the cover of the firepower of his companions. , is quietly chasing towards the mountains ahead.

At this moment, the gunshots of "dadada" and "dadada" in the mountains in front of them were continuous. Clusters of sparks shot out by bullets in the splash.

Among the rocks on both sides of the hillside where Wan Lin and the others were hidden, and the rocks in the pass below, pieces of flying debris had been hit by bullets flying from a distance. .

At this time, Wan Lin had already seen through the flickering firelight in the mountains that two groups of people were fighting in the darkness in the mountains ahead. The eight people close to the foot of the mountain were already at a disadvantage in the strong firepower of the other side, and they are now retreating to the foot of the mountain alternately under the cover of the subsequent intensive firepower.

There were about a dozen people chasing from the mountain in front. At this time, they were divided into three groups from the left, middle and right to flank the foot of the mountain under the cover of firepower, trying to suppress the eight opponents in front of them at the foot of the mountain and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Wan Lin immediately frowned when he saw the battle situation in the mountains in front of The situation of the eight people who were already close to the foot of the mountain below was in critical condition, and at any time they might be blocked by a group of people chasing them under the steep hillside.

But he can't determine the identities of the two groups of people below. If the two groups below are gangsters who entered our China without authorization, at this time, he just watched them kill each other, and then wiped out the chasing group when they approached the foot of the mountain. But if the following are officers and soldiers of his own frontier troops, he must rescue them in time.

Just as Wan Lin hesitated for a moment, a cluster of fierce flames suddenly flashed from the mountains in the distance. The machine gun sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded, and a string of bullets went straight to the pass below Wan Lin's side. *Here, the whistling bullets smashed the rocks of the pass into a gleam of sparks.

Wan Lin hurriedly turned his head and looked down, a burst of anger immediately appeared in his eyes. At this time, he, Feng Dao and Bao Ya were already hidden on the left side of the hillside by the cover of darkness, Cheng Ru, Wang Dali and Wen Meng were hidden on the hillside on the right side of the pass, and Zhang Wa was hidden among the rocks of the pass below. , Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang.

At this time, the opponent's machine gun fire suddenly shot out from the darkness, and fired directly at the pass between the two mountains, which had directly threatened the safety of Zhang Wa's group.

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