Panther Commando

Chapter 4012: eye for eye

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At the foot of the dim mountain, Yuwen blocked in front of Professor Wang and the three of them. He turned his head to look at Captain Liu and said in a low voice, "Captain Liu, immediately set up guards on the slopes of the two wings, and the rest formed a fan shape to protect the three expedition team members."

Yu Wenyu followed and pointed his gun at a boulder more than two meters high on the side, and said to the three professors: "Professor Wang, sit behind the rock. Remember, don't probe." The three professors glanced worriedly Wan Lin and the others, who were running towards the darkness in front of them, quickly turned around and sat down behind the rock.

At this time, Company Commander Liu had already directed the two soldiers to run towards the back and the side slopes, while the others carried their guns and ran to the boulder where the three of them were, and then lay on the dimly lit rocks and raised their guns to the side. Aim around.

At this time, the sound of gunfire in the mountains ahead was intermittent, the fire from the muzzle flickered in the darkness, and the backs of Chengru and the others chasing had gradually disappeared in the dim mountains.

Yuwenfeng and Yuwenyu's assault rifles were already on the rock in front of them. The two of them were lying behind the guns and stared at the rapid flashes of fire from time to time in the distance. Their expressions were a little gloomy.

They knew that Leopard Head kept them here not only to protect Professor Wang, but also to worry about their arm injuries. But in such a fierce battle, they could only watch their teammates charge from a distance, which really made them feel a little depressed.

The two kept watching Wan Lin and Xiaoya disappear into the dimly lit mountains on the side. Then they withdrew their gazes and moved their guns to look around. When they saw that several frontier defense company soldiers were already on the hillsides on both sides and in the middle. The pass was alert, and the two turned their heads and glanced at each other, then shook their heads with a wry smile in the dark.

At this time, Company Commander Liu finished arranging the surrounding vigilance, and bent over with a gun and ran to Yu Wenfeng's side. Lying on the rock next to him, he glanced at the arms of the two special forces soldiers beside him in the dim moonlight. He asked with concern, "These two brothers, are you serious? We have hygienists here." Yuwen Feng turned his head and shook his head and replied, "It's been a long time ago, this little injury is nothing, it's fine!"

Company Commander Liu looked at the ragged special forces soldier beside him with admiration, then looked up at the direction where Wan Lin and the others disappeared, and asked in astonishment, "Brother, why are there female soldiers in your special forces?"

The border guards who were lying around also turned their heads to look at Yu Wenfeng. Just now, they all heard the crisp sound coming from the dark, and then they saw a few young female soldiers rushing out with the sniper, so they all felt in their hearts. Amazed.

When Yu Wenfeng heard Captain Liu's question, he glanced at the soldiers who were looking at him in the dark, and said lightly: "Why, you look down on these female soldiers in our team?" Captain Liu quickly said: "No, No, we just admire it, we just didn't expect that among you field special forces, there are still female team members, they are amazing! Are you from the special forces of the military region?"

Yu Wenfeng didn't answer, but glanced forward behind the assault rifle sandwiched on the rock, and he followed up and asked, "Captain Liu, how many of you are here?" Captain Liu saw that the other party didn't answer his question question, and immediately understood that the other party was unwilling to reveal the number of the unit they were in.

He heard the other party's question, and quickly replied in a low voice: "Our border defense battalion sent two platoons into this area under the order of the military region more than ten days ago. We have been looking for you at the edge of the radio shielded area. At the same time, we were ordered to annihilate those militants who smuggled in. In the process of searching for you, we have killed more than a dozen militants who were wandering in the mountains. "

When he said this, he turned his head and glanced at the dark mountains behind the pass, and then asked in a low voice, "More than 20 days ago, the mountains behind suddenly became bright, and a strong earthquake occurred immediately. And all the radio signals in this area suddenly disappeared, and there are many armed men of unknown origin who smuggled in. A few days ago, there was a sudden volcanic eruption here, what happened in this mountain?"

Yu Wenfeng's eyes lit up when he heard his story, and immediately raised his head from behind the gun to look at him and asked in a low voice, "Where did you find the radio signal lost?"

Lieutenant Commander Liu was lying on the rock, raised his finger and pointed to a tall mountain in front of him and replied, "In the evening, we still had a communication signal behind that mountain, and we were searching down the mountain to move forward. But right here When the gang of gangsters suddenly emerged from the foot of the side of the mountain, they attacked us directly when they appeared. We immediately followed the foot of the mountain and retreated into this mountain. Just when we were about to call for support, we found that there was no communication here. signal."

He followed in a low voice with some fear: "The group of boys has a lot of fighting experience, and they came up from the foot of the surrounding mountains. They were also equipped with machine guns and rocket launchers. Our three brothers were shot on the spot. If it wasn't for the sky darkening , we have been surrounded by them at the foot of that mountain."

When Company Commander Liu said this, he continued angrily: "Mummy, we were dispatched urgently. In order to speed up the march, we only carried light weapons, otherwise we would fight to the death with these **** for the sake of those who sacrificed. Comrades-in-arms take revenge!"

He raised his finger and pointed to the pass behind the side and said, "Brothers used the cover of to work together in the dense firepower of the enemy, and desperately smashed a **** path to highlight the enemy's siege. At that time I I saw that there was a pass here, so I wanted to rush through the pass, and then blocked the pass with firepower for help. I didn't expect you to come here, otherwise we would be in danger. The other side's firepower had already blocked the pass, and we couldn't rush at all. past!"

When the soldiers around heard their company commander's sigh, they all looked at Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu who was lying on the rock on the side, with grateful expressions in their eyes.

When Yu Wenfeng heard this, he turned his head to look at Company Commander Liu and said, "Captain Liu, we should be grateful to you brothers. You came to meet us at risk."

He turned to look at the soldiers around him, and said in a firm tone, "Brothers, don't worry, blood for blood! Now our captain has personally led people to catch up, and none of those **** will escape from here. Brothers' revenge, we will avenge it!"

He swept the soldiers around him with staring eyes. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the arms and shoulders of the three soldiers were all wrapped with bandages, and red blood had oozing from the bandages. He hurriedly asked: "Are these three brothers seriously injured? We have a special medicine here. Come here."

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