Panther Commando

Chapter 4013: sniper in the dark

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In the dim starlight, the three wounded lying on the rock heard Yu Wenfeng's question, and they quickly turned their heads to look at them and answered in unison: "No, we are all bruises, and the hygienist has already given us medicine. "

One of the wounded gritted his teeth and said, "This injury is nothing, as long as we can kill those bastards, we are worth dying here!" Another wounded also said angrily: "Yes, don't kill those **** for Xiao Li and the others take revenge, I will never go back!"

Before the words of the wounded could finish, Yu Wenyu, who had been lying behind the gun and aimed at the surrounding mountains, suddenly whispered, "If there is a situation, it's two o'clock! Professor Wang, get down!" On the shoulder socket, he raised his right hand and pulled the bolt with a "crash" sound.

The surrounding people followed and pulled the bolt, moved the muzzle, and aimed at the mountains ahead to the right. At this time, Yu Wenfeng had already turned his gun quickly and saw that in the dimly lit mountains more than 400 meters ahead, a shadow was bending over and running towards the dark hillside in the distance.

At this time, a dark shadow suddenly stood up on the dark hillside on the right side of the pass and shouted loudly: "Stop, the person in front of the right stops immediately, or we will shoot!" Yu Wenfeng saw the hillside on the right suddenly stood up and alerted The frontier guards, he shouted in shock: "Get down!"

At this moment, a flash of fire suddenly flashed from the dark shadow that was flying towards the side in the darkness, "Da da da", a string of bullets whistled, and flew straight to the hillside where the guard soldiers on the right were. On the dimly lit hillside on the side, a stream of red sparks was immediately hit by bullets.

"Da da da", "da da da", the gunshots of Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu sounded at the same time, and the two strings of bullets flew straight to the mountains in front of them with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Company Commander Liu and the surrounding soldiers were just laying on the back of the gun and aiming, and the two seriously injured special forces around him had already pulled the trigger with one hand. Just as Captain Liu and the others were about to pull the trigger, the dark figure in the distance running towards the hillside in front suddenly staggered and fell headfirst on a dark rock.

"Good marksmanship!" Company Commander Liu and the surrounding soldiers turned their heads excitedly to look at the two special forces around them when they saw that the other party was shot. At this time, the two Yuwen brothers were still lying on the rock, and the gun muzzles quickly swept across the dimly lit mountains in front of them. Yuwenfeng saw that no one had come out, so he turned his head to look at Company Commander Liu beside him and said with a wry smile: " We didn't kill it!"

Yu Wenyu also moved the gun and aimed at the dark side of the mountain, and he scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, shooting with one hand gun is far less accurate. We didn't kill that kid, we were in the mountain ahead. The female sniper in the room killed it!"

Just now, he and Yu Wenfeng had already seen that Wen Meng was carrying a sniper rifle and was moving forward rapidly in the mountains on the right side. When they pulled the trigger just now, they had already seen a flash in the mountains on the right side of their eyes. There was a faint fire, so the two of them immediately judged that it was Wen Meng who turned around in time and shot the escaped fish.

Company Commander Liu and the others heard that the female sniper had killed the enemy, and looked at the dimly lit mountains ahead in astonishment. While aiming at the side mountain, Yu Wenyu continued to whisper: "Don't look for it, you won't find the location of our snipers. To chase the enemy in this complex mountainous terrain, without the firepower of snipers and machine gunners Cover, this is not going up to find death."

At this time, few people in the company commander understood that these special forces were in rapid pursuit, and their snipers had been vigilantly watching the movements in the surrounding mountains, monitoring the movements of the enemy in the entire mountain at any time.

The boy on the side of the mountain must have seen his companions fall one by one, and he was so frightened that he immediately hid in the darkness. Now he saw that the chasing soldiers were already chasing forward, so he suddenly got out of the darkness and wanted to take the opportunity to escape to the side of the mountain. But he didn't expect that as soon as he showed up, he was shot by these special forces snipers to kill him.

Captain Liu glanced at the dimly lit mountains in front of him, then turned to look at the two special forces soldiers beside him and sighed: "You special forces are so powerful, it's no wonder Colonel Wan and the others killed half of the other side as soon as they made a move."

The surrounding border guards heard Company Commander Liu's sigh, and everyone glanced at the two special forces around them with admiration, then leaned behind the gun and aimed at the distant mountains. At this time, they all knew in their hearts that if they hadn't encountered this fierce brother army, they would have fallen under the intensive firepower of the enemy.

Now, these special forces can catch up so fiercely, because their machine gunners and snipers have firmly controlled the situation on the battlefield. As long as the enemy dares to show their heads, accurate bullets will definitely follow up!

At this moment, Yu Wenyu turned his head to look at the side of the hillside, he frowned and said, "Lieutenant Commander, why are your people so careless? He appeared casually on the battlefield, wasn't he injured?"

Company Commander Liu quickly turned his head to look at the side hillside and shouted, "Erhu, are you alright?" Another half figure appeared on the dim hillside, followed by a naive voice: "It's okay! Who fired the gun just now? Too accurate!" Captain Liu stared at him and immediately roared, "Why are you **** courting death? Hidden!" Following his roar, the shadow on the hillside quickly fell into the darkness again.

Company Commander Liu saw Erhu retreating into the darkness Then he smiled bitterly and sighed to the Yuwen brothers who were lying beside him, "Alas, none of us have actual combat experience, although we are training. Everyone in China worked hard, but once they entered the battlefield, they all went out of shape, otherwise we would not have suffered such a large number of casualties in the operation." At this point, his eyes were red.

Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu silently glanced at the soldiers lying around in the darkness, and then lied behind the gun and aimed at the mountains ahead. At this time, they already understood in their hearts that although these soldiers have undergone strict military training, the battlefield and the training ground are two different things.

When most soldiers enter the battlefield for the first time, they will feel panic in the rain of bullets whizzing past and violent explosions. The tactical movements must be deformed, and the deformation of tactical movements means that they may be hit by the whistling bullets. . When they first performed a combat mission, there was also such a panic situation. Fortunately, there were old special forces around them, who could cover them in time to calm down.

Now, the brothers of the frontier defense company who participated in the actual combat for the first time have been able to persist until now despite the sudden attack of the opponent and the dense rain of bullets, which shows that the combat quality of this unit is quite good. After the baptism of this battle, Must be more mature. The two of them thought in their hearts, and then slowly moved the gun body and aimed at the dimly lit mountain ahead through the scope.

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