Panther Commando

Chapter 4014: complete outflanking

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In the dim starlight, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were scattered on the undulating mountains, chasing after the enemy fleeing in front of them. At this moment, their silhouettes drilled out from under the dim rocks, and then disappeared into the dark depression in front of them. The silhouettes of several people were like ghosts in the dark night, appearing and disappearing in the dim starlight. , time is fast and slow.

At this time, Cheng Ru carried his spear out from behind a dark lacquered rock, and rushed under a one-meter-high rock obliquely to the right. Then his figure suddenly emerged from the left side of the rock and went straight to the left. Another boulder 20 meters away in front rushed down.

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Ru's figure appeared on the top of the dark boulder. He jumped up and immediately set up his sniper rifle on the top of the dim rock, leaned on the sniper rifle and glanced forward quickly, and then turned his head and looked back.

Sixty or seventy meters away from the right rear was running a nimble black shadow. The shadow was bent over and ran extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had rushed into the rubble in front of it. At the same time, a black shadow flashed from the left rear. The fast-moving figure was rushing to the back of a rock from left to right, and then disappeared into the darkness under the rock. Cheng Ru's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw that Wen Meng was following behind on the right, and Lin Zisheng was hiding in the mountains on the left.

When they were rushing out just now, Cheng Ru ordered Wen Meng to follow in the gallop, to cover the few of them who were chasing forward quickly in the dark. At the same time, he was also worried about the fish slipping through the dark mountain. .

Sure enough, just as he and Zhang Wa, Wang Dali, Kong Dazhuang and Lin Zisheng rushed through the mountains in front, a dark shadow appeared under the undulating rocks at the side and rear, and was killed by Wen Meng, who was guarding at the back of the palace.

Cheng Ru saw the positions of the two snipers, Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng, and immediately turned his head behind the gun and aimed forward. At this moment, Zhang Wa, who had already rushed to the mountain in front of the right, suddenly slanted towards the back of a rock in front of him. He was in the air, the assault rifle in his hand had already shot a burst forward, and his figure disappeared under the dark rock.

"bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", two series of rapid machine gun sounds followed from the dim mountain behind Zhang Wa's side, and the machine guns of Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang, who were rushing forward, spurted two shots forward. There was a rush of fire, and the figures of the two disappeared on the dimly lit mountain.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Cheng Ru's eyes, he immediately moved his sniper rifle and aimed in the direction where Zhang Wa and the two machine gunners were shooting. On a piece of rubble four or five hundred meters in front of the side, the sparks swept away by Zhang Wa's bullets were splashing, and two rapid bursts of fire followed from the cracks in the rubble, and a whistling bullet went straight to Zhang Wa. Shoot on the hidden hills.

Cheng Ru just aimed at the fire from the opponent's muzzle and was about to pull the trigger, but the fire suddenly went out, and then three whistling fires flashed from the rocks in front of him, a dozen meters away, and a bullet went straight to Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang and disappeared. place to fly. The fire from the opponent's muzzle was very rapid, and then disappeared in a flash.

Cheng Ru frowned, and immediately raised the muzzle to aim at the mountains in front of the rocks. At this time, the shadow of the other party could no longer be seen in the dim mountains, and only vague rocks appeared in his sniper scope. middle.

He stared at the dimly lit mountains in the distance and said in his heart, "These **** have a lot of fighting experience, and their shooting at this time is obviously slowing down the speed of their pursuit, and now they must turn around and flee to the mountains in the distance. From this point of view, they did not panic after the heavy losses, but retreated step by step using alternate cover." He pondered in his heart, and the muzzle immediately aimed at the distant mountains.

Just as Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were hiding in the dark and raising their guns to carefully search for the enemy's figure, two rapid gunshots of "dadada" and "dadada" suddenly sounded from the side of the mountain, followed by I saw two black shadows thrown out from the rubble hidden by the opponent, and red sparks shot by bullets splashed on the surrounding rubble.

Cheng Ru was overjoyed, and the muzzle of the gun immediately moved towards the two black shadows that he had saved. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang", two strings of machine gun bullets had already shot from Wang Dali. He flew past the hidden position of Kong Dazhuang, and two faint firelights flashed from the mountains on Chengru's two wings at the same time. The two shadows that had just been thrown out of the invisible rubble immediately fell backwards on their backs.

Amidst the violent gunshots that suddenly sounded, a cluster of rapid muzzle flashes was also suddenly sprayed from the dark mountains more than 700 meters away, and a string of bullets swept directly to the side mountains. At the same time, a faint fire flashed out from the dark mountains on the side, and the fire that was spraying in the distance stopped abruptly!

Cheng Ru was overjoyed, and immediately understood that Feng Dao and Bao Ya had detoured from the side of the mountain to the enemy's side. They must have discovered the stealth position of the boys in front, so they suddenly shot from the side, forced the two boys who blocked Cheng Ru's pursuit out of the hiding place, and then let them shoot and kill each other.

And the faint light of fire that flashed in the darkness on the side was definitely the leopard head that had followed. He must have been hiding in the dark behind Feng Dao and Bao Ya, and shot and killed the boy in the distance who was trying to pick up the two companions in front.

It seems that the group of escaping boys are in the dim mountain in front. Now the leopard head and the others have completed the flank from the side, intercepting the other party's escape Sure enough, the side of the dark mountain , followed by the sound of a dense assault rifle, and the fire from the muzzle of the four or five assault rifles whistled and swept toward the undulating pile of rocks in front of Cheng Ru and them.

Cheng Ru saw the intense fire suddenly shot out from the side and immediately understood that Wan Lin must have been chasing after Xiaoya's battle group. The person indicates where the enemy is invisible.

Suddenly, the dense rain of bullets shot from the darkness knocked out a flying spark from the pitch-black pile of rocks in front of it. Four or five fires from the muzzle were also fired from the pile of rocks, and the whistling bullets flew straight to the side of the mountain where Wanlin Fengdao and the others were. The dark shadows lying on the rocks in the distance had already It manifested in the firelight from their muzzles.

Obviously, Wan Lin and Feng Dao suddenly attacked from the side, causing the boys who were alternately covering and evacuating in front of them to panic.

At this moment, the clusters of fire from the muzzles of these boys immediately illuminated the pile of rocks around them with a dark red, and one by one confused figures had appeared in front of Chengru's group of people.

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