Panther Commando

Chapter 4026: shadow on the mountain

Chapter 4026 The shadow on the top of the mountain

Following the orders issued by Wan Lin and the others in the dark, all the Leopard team members rushed forward with all their strengths. At this time, their feet were on the rocks, and the figures passed over the tops of the rocks, rushing towards the slopes on both sides and the foot of the mountain in front like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Wan Lin's figure had appeared on the side of the mountain, 100 meters high, but there was still no response from his earphones, and a layer of cold sweat had already formed on his forehead. The deafening explosion that came from his earphones just now made his eardrums hurt. In danger, this made his heart beat to his throat!

At this time, a layer of white light had already shrouded the dim mountains, and the surrounding steep hillsides had become clear. Wan Lin quickly rushed under the steep rock wall in front of him, and he looked up.

The screeching gunshots and deafening explosions seemed to be ringing in Wan Lin's ears. A rock wall had clearly appeared in front of him. The cliffs that were almost straight up and down were covered with twisted cracks. Clusters of green grass were swaying in the wind in the crevices of the rocks, and several raised rocks hung high on the rock wall of the wound above his head.

At this time, Wan Lin couldn't care to call Zou Tao, who had lost his voice. He quickly put the sniper rifle in his hand behind him, slammed his right foot down the rock, and his figure suddenly jumped up. He grabbed a protruding rock about three meters above his head and kicked the edge of a crack under his left foot, and his body like a monkey appeared on the top of the rock.

In the dim vision, Wan Lin's figure jumped up again, and his left hand was like a knife into a twisted crack above the side. He bent his left arm, lifted his figure up sharply, and quickly inserted the toes of his right foot into a deep rock crevice below, followed by a vigorous kick to the rock crevice, and immediately threw himself to the side of the other crevice...

Wan Lin's figure rose and fell on the steep rock face, and in a blink of an eye he had appeared under a rock below the top of the mountain. He suddenly stopped, crouched under the rock and looked at the top of the mountain, then turned his head to look down. ,

He then quickly pulled out a bundle of ropes from his backpack and quickly tied the end of the rope to a rock beside him. He pulled the rope hard to make sure it was safe, and then raised his hand and threw the rope behind him.

At this time, a slender figure had appeared beside the steep rock wall halfway down the mountain. Wen Meng was jumping up with a sniper rifle on her back. She grabbed a raised rock above with both hands, hung her body in the air, and stretched out her left foot to explore the crevice below.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell from the top of her head, and a thin rope was hanging right beside her. Wen Meng immediately looked up, and the figure of the leopard head was disappearing from the top of the cliff above.

Overjoyed, she grabbed the rope and climbed up with both hands alternately. She followed the right foot to kick the raised rock under her body, and jumped up and grabbed a crack on the top of the rock. Rope, ups and downs to climb to the top of the mountain. At this time, Wang Dali's figure had also appeared under the dark cliff. He raised his head and saw Wen Meng's figure above, then grabbed the hanging rope, and then grabbed the rope and quickly climbed to the top of the cliff.

Wan Lin threw out the rope, immediately took off the sniper rifle on his back, and jumped up to the top of the mountain. He jumped up to the top of the mountain and immediately jumped behind a rock in front of him. He then leaned under the dark rock and raised his gun to look around.

There are many rocks on the dim top of the mountain, boulders are scattered on the top of the mountain, and between the rocks are huge slabs, covered with black cracks. At this time, intense gunshots and explosions were ringing from the mountains ahead. Clusters of flickering firelight have already turned the gray sky into a dark red.

Wan Lin quickly observed the surrounding situation. He took the gun and drilled out from behind the rock. Holding the gun, he bent down and swayed between the rocks and rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, his figure had appeared under a dark rock near the edge of the mountain.

The moment he stuck his head out from the side of the rock, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needle awns, his left hand quickly swept past his waist, turned around, and threw himself under another one-meter-high rock on the right.

Just when he saved the rock in front of him, two black shadows had appeared on the top of the mountain two meters away in front of him! At this time, Wan Lin's sharp eyes could see clearly in the hazy morning light. The boy who had just climbed the top of the mountain was wearing a soft hood, a dirty camouflage uniform and a travel vest.

A person who has already reached the top of the mountain is kneeling on one knee from under the rock on the side of the mountain. He is aiming at Wan Lin with an assault rifle on his shoulder. The person in the back is putting a machine gun on the rock and climbing up the mountain with both hands on the rock. The two of them are wearing exactly the same clothes as those who attacked Captain Liu!

Wan Lin's reaction was quick, his eyes flashed, and his left hand slammed forward in the air. "Wow", three cold lights flew towards the boy who was aiming his gun in front of him like lightning.

At this time, the shadow in front had already seen the shadow that was thrown horizontally in front of him. The boy shouted and pulled the side trigger to turn the muzzle. But just as he was about to pull the trigger, there was a sudden pain in his eyes and He let go of the assault rifle in his hand with a groan, and turned his back to the one who had just climbed up behind him. The boy on the top of the mountain fell in front of him.

The boy who had just climbed to the top of the mountain heard the shouts of his companions in front. He jumped up to the top of the mountain in shock, grabbed a machine gun and placed it on the rock. Shuan wanted to raise the muzzle.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a flower in front of him, a black shadow leaped past his colleague who was falling in front of him like lightning, and a strong force suddenly came from the machine gun he was raising, a big foot. A strong wind appeared in front of his chest at the same time.

Before the boy could make a defensive action, a crisp bone shattering sound had already sounded from his chin, and the big flying foot kicked his chin firmly.

The boy's head suddenly fell back in the violent blow, and his two horrified eyes turned into a blank look like a dead fish. An arc was drawn in the top of the mountain, and then it fell to the steep hillside with a gust of wind!

Wan Lin's few movements were lightning fast. From finding the enemy to throwing a steel needle to kill the enemy in front, to kicking the opponent's machine gunner, the movements were almost completed in the blink of an eye.

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