Panther Commando

Chapter 4027: Dangerous

On the dimly lit mountain top, Wan Lin acted like electricity, threw out a steel needle and killed the boy in front of him, and then kicked the enemy's machine gun away. He tumbled under the rock on the side, and immediately raised his machine gun and aimed at the dim top of the mountain ahead.

In the dim morning light, his eyes burst into flames, his fingers were lightly on the trigger of the machine gun, and his whole body exuded a strong murderous aura. The side of the mountain was quiet, and no enemy was climbing up from the hillside below. Only the sound of fierce gunfire reverberated in the mountains below, and clusters of red firelight were flickering in the dim mountains ahead.

Wan Lin took a deep breath and immediately understood that the enemy just sent two boys to climb the top of the mountain. The purpose was to establish a machine gun position on the top of the mountain, and then use firepower to suppress Zou Tao and Li Dongsheng. . But they would never have thought that their leopard commandos were hiding in the mountains next to them, and the two boys who climbed to the top of the mountain had been silently killed by them!

Lying behind the gun, he quickly glanced at the top of the mountain in front of him, stretched out his hand and pressed the rock under him and suddenly jumped up from the rock. He raised the machine gun with his left hand, and picked up the sniper rifle just placed under the rock with his right hand. under a rock.

He bent down and placed the machine gun in his left hand next to the rock, then turned and rushed under another rock four or five meters away. He lay down on the rock and set up the sniper rifle, and raised his right hand at the same time and pulled it gently. The gun bolt, he immediately lowered the muzzle and aimed at the fiercely fighting mountains below.

There was a fire at the bottom of the mountain, and the explosion of fire was rising from the bottom of the mountain with smoke and gravel. The sound of "da-da-da" assault rifles and "bang-bang-bang" machine guns sounded together, and explosions of fire light from time to time exploded from the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Wan Lin had already felt a wave of heat coming from the bottom of the mountain, and he moved his mouth and quickly swept across the mountains below. With the vague morning light and the explosion of fire, he could clearly see the terrain below. Below was a narrow hill. The surrounding hills were continuous, the surrounding hills were very steep, and the hills were densely covered with rocks.

Wan Lin's eyes quickly swept across the mountains. At this time, he had already observed that clusters of muzzle flashes were flashing in the mountain pass. On both sides of the mountain pass and at the foot of the mountain where he was, dense muzzle lights were being fired. Pieces of whistling bullets were sweeping towards the foot of the mountain about five or six hundred meters in front of him. On the foot of the mountain and the rocks on the **** in front of him, a patch of sparks had been swept out by the dense bullets.

He immediately raised the muzzle to the opposite hillside. In the intensive firepower attack, the opposite hillside and foothills had been shrouded in flying gravel and dust mist, black smoke columns were rising into the air, and the side of the opposite foothills was a pass formed by two mountain peaks.

Obviously, the opposing personnel who were being attacked from three sides must have entered this pass, and were suddenly attacked by the opponent who appeared, and then they were firmly suppressed by the dense firepower of the opponent at the foot of the narrow mountain next to the pass.

Wan Lin raised his gun and looked at the foot of the mountain that was being attacked by the intensive fire in front of him. His heart suddenly jumped violently. An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his mind. It's Li Dongsheng's group! But now the gravel was splashing and dust was flying on the opposite side, and he couldn't determine the identity of the person on the opposite side at all.

Just when he was anxious, a gust of mountain wind suddenly blew in from the side pass, and the dust mist and gunpowder smoke from the foot of the side of the pass suddenly rushed towards the opposite side of the col. Two dusty, yellow-green military off-road jeeps and an infantry special assault vehicle suddenly appeared in Wanlin's sniper scope.

The pupils in Wan Lin's eyes shrank immediately. At this moment, he could see clearly that an off-road vehicle had been blown up at the foot of the mountain, and the body and surrounding rocks were charred black. The body of the other off-road vehicle was already covered with bullet holes, the special assault vehicle next to it was spraying a violent machine gun fire, and a stray bullet generator on the side had fallen on the roof.

At this time, the three vehicles formed a semi-circular defensive position at the foot of the mountain. The rear of the vehicle was spraying fire from seven or eight guns, and the whistling rain of bullets was sweeping the foot of the mountain on both sides. Howling flew out from the hillside behind, and flew straight to a machine gun position at the foot of the side of the mountain.

A dazzling light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's eyes. At this time, he already understood that Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao were at the foot of the frontal mountain where the three military vehicles were located! Now they have been firmly suppressed by the intensive firepower of the enemy on both sides and at the foot of their own mountain. Judging from the firelight shot from the foot of the three sides of the mountain, the number of the enemy is at least 30 people, and the firepower is very fierce.

Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle to look at the foot of the side of the mountain. There were four or five black shadows dancing up and down at the foot of the dark mountain. There were also four or five dark shadows rising and falling between the rocks at the foot of the mountain on the other side. film. Obviously, the enemies at the foot of the mountain on both sides are gradually approaching the position that Li Dongsheng and the others are holding under the cover of the fierce firepower of their companions. Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao are already in danger!

Wan Lin quickly judged the situation on the battlefield. He frowned and quickly moved the muzzle of his gun to take a look down the side of the A shadowy figure with a bazooka on his shoulder just leaned out from behind a rock and immediately appeared at the scene. in his scope.

Just as he aimed at the opponent's head and was about to pull the trigger, a blue light suddenly shot out from under a rock above the boy's side, a small black shadow passed by the boy's face like lightning, and a * whistled towards Li. Dongsheng flew to the pass on their side. "Boom," followed by an explosion from outside the pass.

The blue light flashed on the hillside, and the black shadows that swept across the hillside like lightning disappeared under the jagged rocks. Just as the blue light disappeared, a red light shot out from under a rock not far away, the machine gun that was spraying violent flames suddenly disappeared in the darkness, and a white shadow followed from the side of the machine gun that was slumped into the hill above. among the rubble.

Wan Lin's eyes suddenly flashed a light, knowing that the two leopards were quietly approaching the enemy's firepower, and suddenly rushed out to kill the enemy's two firepower. The two leopards followed and took advantage of the complex terrain around them, and wisely jumped up the hillside to escape the enemy's retaliation.

Sure enough, at the moment when the two leopards disappeared, a black shadow who was lying on the side of the machine gunner and shot by the rock suddenly turned around and raised the muzzle, and a rain of bullets was swept toward the hillside behind. Xiaohua and Xiaobai were invisible. On the surrounding rocks, a piece of rock smashed by bullets immediately splashed.

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