Panther Commando

Chapter 4028: howling bullet rain

Wan Lin's muzzle moved quickly, and his fingers gently pulled the trigger. He moved the muzzle along with it, and quickly locked onto another black shadow on the side, and a faint flame of fire erupted from the muzzle.

"Pfft", "Pfft", Wan Lin's sniper rifle made two muffled gunshots in succession, and the two shadows at the foot of the mountain on the right jumped out from under the rock at an angle, and then fell to the side in pitch black. on the rocks. The two clusters of red blood mist sprayed from each other's heads immediately dyed the dark rocks around each other into a dark red.

At this moment, Li Dongsheng's anxious voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard head, where are you now?"

Wan Lin was overjoyed, and immediately replied in a low voice to the microphone: "Vice Minister Li, I have reached the top of the mountain in front of you at six o'clock, and my people are entering the top of your five o'clock and the foot of the mountain on both sides, two The leopard is on the hillside on your left, please report our location to the people in the Zou Brigade immediately, please report our location to the people in the Zou Brigade immediately." At this time, he had to let Li Dongsheng and the others know the location of his team members to prevent them from Shooting a rain of bullets towards him.

In the voice, his muzzle was already aimed at a machine gun that was spraying at the foot of the left side of the mountain, and his fingers were gently twitched. The black shadow lying behind the gun in the distance fell down beside the machine gun and was spraying The flaming machine gun stopped abruptly, and the machine gun on the rock fell to the side.

At this time, the machine gun on the assault vehicle at the foot of the opposite mountain had turned its direction, and a string of bullets whistled towards the foot of the mountain on the left side of Wanlin. The foot of the mountain and the **** on the left side are swept away.

Obviously, Li Dongsheng has quickly ordered the team members around him to focus their firepower and sweep to the foot of the side mountain to prevent the bullet from accidentally injuring the leopard team member in front and the two leopards on the right side of the mountain.

At this time, Li Dongsheng's rich voice sounded from the deafening gunshots: "Leopard head, wipe out these **** for me!" At this time, Zou Tao's angry roar also sounded from Wan Lin's earphones: " Leopard head, we will attack back and forth, kill this group of bastards, and we must not let them escape!"

"Okay, not one!" Wan Lin immediately replied sharply into the microphone when he heard the roars of Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao. His fingers twitched slightly, and a cluster of jetted fire from the hillside on the right immediately disappeared into the darkness. At this time, the heart hanging in his throat finally fell, and Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao could still roar furiously, which showed that they still maintained their fighting power!

At this moment, there was a sharp smashing sound from above the hillside below Wanlin. There was a loud banging sound on the rock in front of him, and a piece of gravel followed from the rock on the side of the mountain. The top roared, and several bullets flew past his helmet with hot winds.

Wan Lin rolled to the side holding the gun. He rolled under the rock on the side, quickly pulled out the emptied magazine from the sniper rifle, and quickly inserted a new one. He then put the sniper rifle next to him, picked up the machine gun that had just been placed under the rock, stuck out the muzzle, and swept out a string of bullets against the hillside below.

In the roar of the machine gun, Wan Lin's mouth followed with a loud leopard's roar, ordering the two leopards hiding on the right hillside and waiting for an opportunity to attack the enemy to retreat immediately to avoid accidental injury to them by bullets fired by their own people.

At this time, he already understood that after he killed several enemies in a row, the enemies at the bottom of the mountain had already discovered that there were snipers on the top of the mountain behind, and they must have realized that the two companions who were sent to the top of the mountain had died, so they immediately turned to face each other. A string of machine gun bullets swept across the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin held the machine gun in both hands and pressed it tightly against his shoulders. He "bang bang bang" swept out a shuttle of machine gun bullets at the foot of the mountain below, then threw away the machine gun and picked up the sniper rifle beside him. The top of the mountain tumbled for a few weeks, then bent down and stood up like lightning, and rushed towards a boulder more than two meters high, dozens of meters away from the side.

At this moment, his eyes followed to see Wen Meng's figure appearing among the rocks behind him, and his strong and sturdy body was rushing from the mountain behind him with a machine gun.

Wan Lin shouted loudly behind him as he ran: "Hide!" At this time, he already knew in his heart that the fierce firepower of the machine gun just now would definitely allow the enemy to find his exact location, and then a violent blow would definitely follow. .

With the roar he made to Wen Meng and Wang Dali behind him, a sharp "woo" sound of breaking through the air had already sounded from the hillside below him, and a * roared towards the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin rushed under the rock on the side, and immediately flew under the rock. He landed and rolled behind the rock with his sniper rifle in his arms. "Boom", an ear-piercing explosion sounded, followed by a blast from a rock thirty or forty meters away from Wanlin's side, and a cluster of dazzling flames, carrying gravel and steel fragments, whistled towards the top of the mountain. .

The dazzling fire on the top of the mountain just went out, and a cluster of weak fire suddenly flashed on the top of the mountain to the right of Wan Lin. Immediately after, another faint fire flashed from the top of the mountain on the right side, and a ***** under Wanlin Mountain roared over the top of the mountain where Wanlin was flew straight to the back of the mountain.

At this time, the voices of Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng came from Wan Lin's earphones one after another: "Leopard head, leopard head, Cheng Ru is in place", "Lin Zisheng is in place, hear the answer!" Obviously, the sniper Cheng Ru He Lin Zisheng had already climbed to the top of the side, and the two quickly shot and killed the two enemies who were attacking the top of the mountain where Wan Lin was.

Wan Lin suddenly raised his head from under the rock when he heard the sound, he shook the rubble all over his body vigorously, and then crawled forward while shouting into the microphone: "In front of us are our brothers, the enemy. Distributed on both sides of the hillside and under our mountain, immediately kill the enemy firepower to reduce the pressure on Litou!"

In the roar, two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, suddenly shot out from the back of the mountain on the right side, and two deafening leopard roars, "Ow" and "Ow," also sounded. Wan Lin quickly crawled under the rock in front of him with his spear, and he shouted hurriedly: "The two leopards have already withdrawn. Concentrate the firepower to kill the enemies in the col, annihilate them on the spot, and leave no one behind!" The roar had told him that they had withdrawn safely to the back of the mountain, and there was no need to worry about bullets accidentally hurting them.

As soon as Wan Lin's roar fell, Li Dongsheng and the others immediately shot out a dense fire at the foot of the mountain, and a rain of bullets flew down the mountain in front of Wan Lin on the right, and the firepower of the enemy who was shooting the dense rain of bullets weakened immediately. down.

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