Panther Commando

Chapter 4029: Divine Soldier descends

Wan Lin crawls under the rock in front of him. He then lays on the ground under the rock and turns his head to look behind. At the same time, he raises his right hand and quickly takes out the bow from the backpack. He quickly takes out the slender metal box from the backpack and puts it on the rocks around you.

At this time, Wen Meng and Wang Dali had already drilled out from under the rock behind, and they were running towards the top of Wanlin's side with their spears covered with dust. Wan Lin saw that the flying shrapnel and gravel had fallen behind him, and Wen Meng and Wang Dali were running forward with their guns bent.

Wan Lin saw the figures of Wen Meng and Dali, and the worried look in his eyes disappeared immediately. Just now, he was really worried that the * that exploded on the top of the mountain would hurt Wen Meng and Dali behind him.

Wan Lin quickly opened the metal box beside him, stretched out his hand and pulled out a short arrow with a metal tube fixed to the arrow. Holding the bow in his left hand and the tail of the nock in his right hand, he quickly placed the short black arrow on the bowstring, and his right arm suddenly pulled back.

The small half-moon-shaped bow was rounded by him like a full moon, and there was a low "quack" sound from the rigid bow. At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes shot brightly. His eyes were fixed on the hillside, and his right hand, which was clenching the bowstring and the tail of the arrow, suddenly loosened.

The short arrow "swoosh" out of the string, and flew straight to the steep hillside on the left like a bolt of lightning! He has already judged from the sound of the air breaking just now that the enemy who launched the bullet is at the foot of the mountain on the right side. This kid is equipped with a bazooka, which is extremely dangerous. He must kill this enemy as soon as possible to prevent him from continuing to attack him. Your comrades are a threat!

"Boom", a deafening explosion sounded from the side of the hillside, and the steep rock wall on the left side was full of fire, and large pieces of rock fell off the rock wall, and the pieces rolled back against the blasted rocks. Rush to the foot of the mountain below.

Wan Lin picked up a sniper rifle and placed it on the rock in front of him, pulled the bolt and aimed down the mountain. Wen Meng and Wang Dali, who had just rushed from the top of the mountain behind, had already rushed to the rocks on the side of the mountain. They quickly lay on the rocks dozens of meters away on both sides of Wanlin, and raised their guns to aim at the mountains below.

On the steep rock wall in front of the left front, in the flames of the arrows shot by Wanlin*, the "crashing" collapsed downward, and pieces of blown-up rocks the size of grinding discs were rolling down the steep hillside towards the mountain. fall. At the foot of the mountain, four or five black shadows were darting out from among the rocks on the side, trying their best to avoid the rocks that fell from the sky.

"Pfft", "Pfft", two faint flames spewed out from the mouths of Wan Lin and Wen Meng, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang" Wang Dali's machine gun sound also followed from under the rock on the side , a string of bullets whistled towards a group of black shadows fleeing at the foot of the left side of the mountain.

At this moment, the machine gun sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" also sounded on the top of the mountain on the right side, and a string of whistling bullets went straight to the right side of the mountain and swept away. Amidst the sudden sound of machine guns from the two tops, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were also followed by a burst of assault rifles at the foot of the mountain where they were.

Zhang Wa and Xiaoya, who had just rushed out from the foot of the two mountains, were raising their guns to sweep out a rain of bullets on both sides. In the whistling rain of bullets, a cluster of fierce fire suddenly flew out of Zhang Wa's position, and a * roared towards the foot of the mountain where Wan Lin was.

"Boom", a red flame erupted from the foot of the mountain below Wan Lin, and the top of the mountain where Wan Lin and the others were shaking violently. At this moment, the sound of Wang Dali's machine gun on the mountain on the right side of Wan Lin suddenly disappeared. Wan Lin quickly pulled the trigger at a black shadow running at the foot of the left side of the mountain, then turned his head nervously and looked sideways.

Wang Dali was kneeling beside the rock on one knee, and the bazooka on his shoulder shot out a burst of fire with a "swoosh" at the foot of the mountain on the right. With a burst of fire from the foot of the mountain on the right, he threw away the bazooka on his shoulder, lay down under the rock and quickly replaced a new magazine, and the machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" sounded again.

At this time, Wan Lin already understood that Li Tou and the others were in extreme danger. Dali and Zhang Wa below had already shot out the only one left on their bodies.

In a twinkling of an eye, the sound of gunfire in the col was deafening, the explosions of fire came one after another, and the black smoke had filled the narrow col, which was filled with waves of fiery air.

Wan Lin's group of special operations team members are like magic soldiers descending from the sky. They suddenly appeared in this fierce battle, and immediately changed the battle situation in the mountains.

On the opposite foot of the mountain and the hillside, which were originally suppressed by the enemy's intensive firepower, there were already several clusters of fire from the muzzle, and a string of whistling bullets were also fired around the three cars, and the string of bullets went straight to the foot of the mountain on both sides. . At this time, Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao, with the support of strong reinforcements, had already raised their guns and drilled out from a hidden place to start a counterattack.

The bullets pinched back and forth immediately formed a cross-fire network in the col, and the whistling bullets knocked out pieces of gravel on both sides of the hillside and the foot of the mountain. Descending towards the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin grabbed another short arrow from the metal box beside him. He was about to put the short arrow on the string and shoot it towards the foot of his mountain when Zhang Wa's hurried voice suddenly came from the earphone: "Leopard head, we As he was approaching the foot of the mountain where you are, there was a loud explosion at the foot of Wan Lin's mountain, followed by the sound of a "da-da-da" assault rifle.

At this moment, Xiaoya's urgent voice sounded: "Leopard head, we are already close to the foot of the mountain in front of you." Wan Lin quickly put down his bow and arrow and looked behind the sniper rifle.

"Da da da", "da da da", the rapid fire was spewing out from the foot of the mountain on the right side of the mountain where Chengru was located, and a few black ***** were thrown out from the fire, just now Xiaohua and Xiaobai attacked Immediately, there was a "boom" explosion at the foot of the enemy's mountain. Several vigorous black shadows were emerging from the foot of the mountain on the right, and a violent assault rifle flame followed to the side where the enemy was located. Squirt from your feet.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the sniper rifle. He quickly aimed at a black shadow on the right hillside that was being saved from the explosion, and then pulled the trigger with the index finger of his right hand. Wan Lin pulled the trigger, and while moving the muzzle, he shouted into the microphone: "Snipers, machine gunners, cover the attack team at the foot of the mountain!"

Following Wan Lin's shouting, the machine guns of Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang on the two tops of the mountain turned their directions and swept towards the right side and the foot of the mountain where Wan Lin was, respectively. The firelight that the other party spewed from the foot of the mountain dimmed immediately.

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