Panther Commando

Chapter 4031: crazy counterattack

In the clear morning light, the mountains were full of fire, smoke filled with gunpowder, and the deafening gunshots echoed in the mountains. The enemy who had been suppressed by the firepower of the Huabao team and the special forces of the Southwest Military Region at the foot of the mountain on both sides suddenly risked death and protruded the muzzle from the concealed place, and frantically shot a rain of bullets around.

Following the enemy's ferocious counterattack, Zhang Wa and Xiaoya, who were rushing towards the foot of the surrounding mountains, immediately hid under the rocks around them. The surrounding mountains were splashed with gravel swept away by enemy bullets, and a cloud of dust Immediately filled their surroundings. The enemy suddenly became fierce firepower, suppressing them at the foot of the surrounding mountains.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who were lying on the top of two adjacent hills, were holding their guns and pulling the trigger down the hill. At this time, they suddenly found the bullets ejected from the hillsides on both sides, and a few people quickly pulled back the guns and threw themselves under the surrounding rocks. "Boom", "Boom", two deafening explosions blasted from the rocks below the two mountain tops at almost the same time.

In the light of the explosion, the sound of the machine guns on the top of the mountain swept to the bottom of the mountain suddenly disappeared. Yamashita Zhangwa and Xiaoya's firepower swept towards the foot of the enemy's mountain, and suddenly became sparse in the enemy's counterattack.

At this moment, more than a dozen black shadows suddenly sprang from the foot of the mountain on both sides of the enemy. They swept out a string of bullets in the front and rear directions respectively, and then rushed frantically to the foot of the surrounding mountain where the peaks intersected.

Just after the fire that exploded on the top of the mountain went out, Wan Lin, who was lying under the rock, suddenly jumped out from under the hidden rock. He rushed to the edge of the mountain in front of him with a stream of dust, raised his gun and aimed at the foot of the side. "Pfft", a faint flame of fire erupted from his muzzle, and a dark figure that was turning towards the side of the mountain 800 meters down the right side of the mountain fell forward.

At this moment, the three black shadows following the boy were running forward while sweeping bullets at the foot of the mountain in front of Li Dongsheng and the others. At this moment, they suddenly saw their companions in front of them falling forward. They immediately turned around and swept out two strings of bullets towards the top of the mountain behind, and then went straight to the foot of the mountain in front of them.

At this moment, two figures emerged from Wan Lin's side. Wen Meng and Wang Dali rushed out of the dust and mist permeating the top of the mountain at almost the same time, and their guns shot out a flame of fire below. The three black figures running at the foot of the side mountain immediately fell to the ground.

At this time, the sound of machine guns was also heard from the top of the mountain where Chengru and the others were standing, and two fires simultaneously shot out from the mouths in front of Chengru and Lin Zisheng. The whistling bullet went straight to the left foot of the mountain and swept away.

Li Dongsheng and the others also spewed out seven or eight fires from the back of the military vehicle. The sound of the heavy machine gun that had just disappeared from the assault vehicle also sounded again. A burly figure was already standing behind the machine gun, and a string of whistling bullets went straight to the foot of the mountain. The dancing shadow swept away. Zhang Wa and Xiaoya, who were suppressed by the enemy's fire just now, followed them and got out from under the rock, and a string of fire went straight to the foot of the mountain on both sides and swept away.

Wan Lin and his group already understood that the group of enemies under the mountain had rich combat experience, and they must have realized that they were not facing ordinary combat troops, but special operators like them. Now they have been attacked by their opponents, facing the danger of annihilation at any time. So they suddenly risked their lives to get out of the rock and launched a frantic counterattack, trying to forcibly cut a **** path and escape this narrow mountain as soon as possible.

In a blink of an eye, the dense bullets fired by Wan Lin and the others had already knocked out pieces of dust and fog on the hillsides on both sides, and pieces of rocks shattered by the bullets were being picked up from the foot of the hill. The shadows that had just jumped at the foot of the mountain on both sides fell one after another on the dark gray **** and foot of the mountain, and the dark gray rocks at the foot of the mountain on both sides had been stained red with blood.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the sniper rifle on the top of the mountain. He slowly moved the muzzle and swept across the mountains. At this time, he could vaguely see through the diffuse dust and fog, and there were black shadows lying on the rocks at the foot of the surrounding mountains. Pieces of red bloodstains appeared on the rocks around the shadow, and the whole mountain pass gave people a shocking feeling.

At this moment, Li Dongsheng's low voice suddenly came from everyone's headphones: "Stop shooting! Snipers will kill the remaining enemies for me."

Following Li Dongsheng's sudden command, the deafening gunshots in the cols disappeared, and the Leopard team members who were rushing forward suddenly disappeared among the jagged rocks. The mountains that were still full of fire and the sound of gunfire suddenly became silent!

In the silent col, smoke of gunpowder was rising from the foot of the mountain around the col, and the flying gravel and dust mist shrouded the foot of the mountain on both sides. At this moment, a mountain wind suddenly blew in from the pass on the side of Li Dongsheng and the others. The diffuse gunpowder and morning mist dissipated with the wind, and the mountain was immediately shrouded in clear morning light.

At the foot of the mountain, the corpses that were riddled with holes by the dense rain of bullets, as well as the bright red blood on the surrounding rocks, suddenly appeared clearly in the eyes of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru who were on the top of the mountain. The enemy's forcibly organized breakout operation this time exposed them to everyone's guns. In a blink of an eye, the group of boys who rushed out of the rocks had fallen into the dense rain of bullets.

Wan Lin was lying under the rock and slowly moving the muzzle, staring at the sight in front of him with a cold expression, his index finger on the trigger suddenly bent slightly. "Pfft", a whistling bullet was immediately ejected from his long barrel, and a dark shadow was slowly moving between the rocks at the foot of the left side of the mountain, and then vibrated violently under the rocks, a red Blood mist immediately spewed from the back of this kid's At the same time, Wen Meng, who was lying about 20 meters away from Wanlin's side, also pulled the trigger, and the one on the right was dragging a The shadow of a bazooka also lay down among the rocks, and a cluster of pink blood mist also rose from the back of the head.

At this time, on the top of the mountain on the right side of Wan Lin and the other side, three faint flames followed, and three clusters of red blood mist immediately appeared between the rocks at the foot of the mountain on both sides.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the entire mountain with cold eyes. He saw the faint flames emerging from the opposite hillside, and immediately understood that the team that Zou Tao brought out had already been equipped with snipers. In the battle just now, he had already judged from the muzzle fire shot at the foot of the opposite mountain that Zou Tao and Li Dongsheng only had a special operations team of about ten people with them.

Fortunately, these special forces members of the Southwest Military Region Special Forces were well-trained and did not panic in the sudden attack, but immediately organized a ferocious counterattack under the orders of Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao. They used military vehicles to quickly establish a defensive position at the foot of the mountain on the side of the pass, and they were equipped with very powerful firepower, which made the enemy fearful and did not dare to get too close.

Otherwise, Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao would have had a hard time holding out until their reinforcements arrived amid such unfavorable terrain and several times the enemy's firepower.

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