Panther Commando

Chapter 4032: hidden sniper

At this time, Wan Lin was indeed a little scared. The group of boys who suddenly attacked Li Dongsheng and the others were not only fierce, but also very methodical in combat, showing a wealth of practical experience in combat.

This group of people attacked Litou and the others with three-sided firepower, forming a cross firepower network from the two wings and front, forcibly suppressing Zou Tao's counterattack with fierce firepower, covering the companions at the foot of the mountain on both sides to rush towards Li Dongsheng rose to the foot of the mountain where they were.

Just when this group of boys tried to force a breakout just now, they still maintained their fighting formation, and rushed out of the mountain under cover of echelons, showing a very fierce fighting style.

Wan Lin was lying quietly between the two rocks on the top of the mountain, and a golden morning light had passed through the cracks in the rocks around him and shot obliquely on his back. He stared motionless at the scope on the sniper rifle, his fingers lightly on the trigger.

At this time, he really felt a burst of palpitations in his heart. He had seen from the battle just now that the group of militants who suddenly appeared in the mountains at the foot of the mountain were indeed a group of well-trained militants with rich actual combat experience. It is difficult for armed personnel to have such combat literacy. If it wasn't for their leopard commandos just approaching this area, it would have been very difficult for Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao to retreat.

While analyzing the battle situation just now, he gently moved the muzzle and slowly swept the foot of the left side of the mountain, carefully observing whether there were any remaining enemies among the rocks below the mountain. At this moment, his gun suddenly stopped on a corpse lying on its back on the rock. He suddenly saw through the sniper scope that the corpse lying under the rock had yellow hair on its head.

He immediately moved the muzzle to look at the opponent's face, only then did he see clearly that although the opponent's face was covered in blood, he could still tell that it was a Westerner with yellow hair and a high nose. With a move in his heart, he moved the muzzle to aim at the other corpse, and then he could tell from the other's blood-stained body that it was also a tall white man.

At this moment, the roar of an engine suddenly came from Li Dongsheng's side pass. Wan Lin's group of people's guns immediately aimed in the direction of the pass. At this time, Zou Tao's urgent voice suddenly sounded: "Don't shoot, it's your own!" Wan Lin and a group of people heard Zou Tao's shout in the headphones, and quickly released their fingers on the trigger.

A special operations assault vehicle painted in camouflage suddenly appeared among the undulating rocks of the pass. There were two figures lying behind the machine gun and the gun on the roof of the car, and the black muzzle was aimed at the surrounding hillside. The assault vehicle made a rapid roar, and was rushing towards the mountain pass as it jolted among the rocks.

Following the assault vehicle that suddenly rushed in, two assault vehicles emerged one after another. The three fully armed assault vehicles roared toward the mountain, and the mountain behind the vehicle rushed into Liu Qi. A black shadow, a group of heavily armed special forces rushed to the mountain pass up and down along the hillsides on both sides of the pass.

Wan Lin was lying on the back of the sniper rifle, his eyes fixed on a group of special forces rushing into the col through the scope, and he released his finger on the trigger.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Captain Liu had told him that a paratrooper had landed from the sky a few days ago. The group of special forces who came suddenly now must be the reinforcements sent by the Southwest Military Region temporarily. Judging from the number of people, this group of people is also the size of a small team.

At this time, the panting voice of the frontier defense company Captain Liu suddenly came from Wan Lin's headphones: "Captain Zou, Colonel Wan, I am Liu Qiang, the frontier defense company commander, we have arrived, and the rest is left to us." In his hasty voice, Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle of his gun and aimed down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain on the side, Captain Liu was rushing towards the foot of the mountain on the right with the three soldiers crazy.

Wan Lin was startled, he shouted into the microphone beside his mouth: "Sniper cover!" In his voice, he immediately moved the muzzle of the gun to aim at the right hillside. At this time, although the gunfire had stopped, it was still impossible to judge whether there were any remaining enemies in the mountains, so he quickly ordered cover.

At this time, he already understood that Captain Liu and the others were ordered by him to protect the three weak expedition team members, so they had been pulled far behind by his group of leopard team members. Now they arrived here and found that the battle was over, but they The anger of revenge was burning in my heart, so I followed up and rushed down the side of the mountain regardless.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly saw through the scope on his gun that a faint mist of dust was emerging from the rubble on the right side of the mountain. His face immediately became tense, and he immediately moved the muzzle to aim up the hillside, his finger on the trigger.

At this time, above the foot of the mountain, 600 meters away on the right, a few small stones are rolling down from a rock, and the muzzle of a black hole is quietly sticking out from a crack in the rock, and the direction of the muzzle sticking out is in the right direction. A few people from Company Commander Liu who rushed down the mountain.

Wan Lin's eyes and pupils shrank immediately. He aimed at the crack in the rock and pulled the trigger quickly. He shouted at the same time: "One o'clock!" The bullet hit a cluster of sparks.

With Wan Lin's voice, Wen Meng's rifle also trembled at the same time, and a piece of gravel was also splashed from the place where the dust and mist appeared on the hillside in the distance.

"bang bang bang" and "da da da" followed by the sound of violent gunfire, followed by several dazzling firelights from the three assault vehicles that were rushing into the pass, and the three heavy machine guns fixed on the body at the same time. A whistling rain of bullets spewed out, and a stray bullet also whistled out of the front assault vehicle and flew straight to the hillside on the right.

"Boom", a dazzling fire erupted between the rocks scattered by the sparks on the side of the hillside, and a black shadow flew from the fire along with the blasted rock, and then fell on the rock like a rag bag. . The shadow rolled down the hillside for a few weeks, then lay motionless on the hillside. At the same time, a long sniper rifle also flew out of the rock, and then fell **** the hard rock.

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the black shadow lying on the hillside, and then he ordered into the microphone: "Attention to all Leopard team members, cover with snipers and machine gunners, and the rest of the team clean up the right foot of the mountain!" The command sounded, Xiaoya and Zhang Wa stood at the foot of the mountain, and they ran forward with their assault rifles tightly on their shoulders, still maintaining a sports shooting posture.

At this time, Zou Tao's murderous roar also sounded in everyone's earphones: "First Squadron Captain, cooperate with the brothers to clean up the battlefield, and don't leave anyone alive!"

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