Panther Commando

Chapter 4033: concerned look

At this time, Zou Tao was really furious. The group of militants who suddenly appeared in our Huaxia Mountains dared to shoot at the Huaxia soldiers, and the enemy sniper was still stubbornly resisting when he was surrounded. This made him unable to restrain the anger in his heart!

Following Zou Tao's roar, the three special assault vehicles also rushed towards the foot of the mountain on both sides and down the mountain below Wan Lin. A group of special forces who rushed into the pass also immediately dispersed and ran towards the side hillside. The roar of the engine echoed in the col, followed by a few short gunshots at the foot of the mountain, and the heavy machine gun on the assault vehicle also made several deafening roars.

Wan Lin saw that Zou Tao's men had rushed to the foot of the mountain where the enemy was. He whispered into the microphone and ordered: "Sniper, machine gunner, be on the alert at the top of the mountain!" He jumped up and down the rocks, and he ran down the steep hillside up and down.

Under the clear morning light, Wan Lin's figure was like a dark shadow lingering on the hillside, and he had already appeared in the mountains below in a short time. As he quickly ran to the foot of the mountain where Li Dongsheng and the others were located, he glanced coldly at the corpses of the enemy lying at the foot of Zhou Weikun's mountain and on the hillside.

He followed in a low voice and commanded into the microphone: "Xiaoya, come with me in your team and rescue the critically wounded immediately!" In his voice, he accelerated and ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him.

At this moment, a tall shadow had already stood up from the bullet-riddled assault vehicle at the foot of the mountain in front. It was only then that Wan Lin noticed that the machine gunner who had been lying behind the heavy machine gun on the roof was actually Li Dongsheng, the old leader of his commando! He really did not expect that Li Dongsheng, who was already a general, would still take the lead, rushing into the assault vehicle and taking on the role of a very dangerous machine gunner on the battlefield!

Next to the three military vehicles stood three fully armed special forces. Zou Tao was supported by two soldiers and walked forward. A thick bandage with blood oozing was wrapped around his shoulders, and his forehead was exposed under the helmet. Wearing a circle of white bandages, there was a dry bloodstain on his face smeared with tactical paint.

At the foot of the mountain surrounded by three military vehicles, several soldiers were lying on the back hillside and at the foot of the mountain. The surrounding special forces were quickly dressing the wounds of the wounded. One of the special forces also had a first aid kit beside it.

Wan Lin's face immediately became tense. Judging from the situation in front of him, Zou Tao's people had already been injured in the battle just now! He accelerated and rushed to the foot of the mountain in front of him. He quickly glanced at Zou Tao and the others who were covered in gunpowder smoke.

At this time, Li Dongsheng had already jumped out of the assault vehicle with an assault rifle nimbly. He was wearing a full set of special operations equipment, his face was smeared with yellow, black and green tactical paint, and the damaged combat uniform was covered with dust. At this moment, he looked dignified, and the two eyes under the bulletproof helmet flashed a fine light.

He watched Wan Lin raise his hand to return the salute, then lowered his arm and said in a low voice: "The specific situation will be discussed later, rescue the wounded first, hurry up!" After speaking, he quickly glanced at Wan Lin's whole body, his eyes fixed on Wan Lin's wrapping The bandaged left hand and left arm asked in a hurried voice, "Are you shot?"

"No!" Wan Lin replied quickly, then turned his head to greet Xiaoya and the others who were running towards him. When Li Dongsheng heard Wan Lin's answer, his nervous expression relaxed a little. He raised his head and looked at Xiaoya and Yu Jing who were running fast.

After Wan Lin greeted Xiaoya and the others, they speeded up and stepped in front of Zou Tao. Both of them had a gleam in their eyes, and they raised their hands to salute at the same time. Wan Lin put down his arm and grabbed Zou Tao's left wrist. He hurriedly asked, "Brigade Zou, where is the injury?" After saying that, he stretched out three fingers and touched Zou Tao's wrist vein.

Zou Tao took Wan Lin's hand and shook it, then pushed Wan Lin away and shouted anxiously: "Leopard head, I'm fine, I'm just scratched by shrapnel, hurry up and see my brothers, some of them have already Seriously injured!" Wan Lin saw Zou Tao's anxious face, and quickly let go of his hand and slid past him, running straight to the wounded lying at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Xiaoya, Yu Jing, Lingling and Wu Xueying had already run to Li Dongsheng, Xiaoya stopped and raised their hands in salute. Li Dongsheng didn't care about returning the salute, he ordered in a hurried voice: "Hurry up and rescue the critically wounded. The hygienist is over there. You can ask him about the specific injury." "Yes!" Xiaoya, Lingling and Wu Xueying quickly put down their arms and lifted their feet. He rushed past Li Dongsheng.

When Yu Jing saw Xiaoya and a few people running out, she stepped nervously in front of Li Dongsheng. She looked at Li Dongsheng's body up and down and asked worriedly, "Are you injured?" He grabbed Li Dongsheng's arm with his right hand and looked up at Li Dongsheng's back.

Li Dongsheng heard Yu Jing's concerned questioning voice, his icy eyes showed a gentle look, he gently held Yu Jing's hand and whispered: "Yu Jing, I'm fine, are you okay? ?"

As he said that, he quickly glanced at Yu Jing's tattered combat staring at the dusty bandage on Yu Jing's left arm and the * in his hand, his expression suddenly became nervous , hurriedly pulled Yu Jing to his side and asked in a low voice, "You lost the lottery, are you seriously injured? Why did you directly participate in the battle."

Yu Jing saw that Li Dongsheng was not injured, and her nervous expression disappeared. When she heard Li Dongsheng's hurried questioning, she raised the pretty face under the helmet that had been blackened by gunpowder smoke, revealing two rows of white teeth and replied with a smile, "Hehe, I am also a special forces member now. How could I not participate in the battle!" She then turned around and pointed to the side hillside, and said excitedly, "I killed an enemy with my own hands just now!"

At this time, Zou Tao pushed away the two men who were supporting him. He limped to Li Dongsheng, looked at Yu Jing, raised his hand and saluted, "Mr. Yu." He looked at him in astonishment. Yu Jing's damaged combat uniform and covered with dust.

The two special forces standing behind Zou Tao saw that their brigade captain suddenly raised their hands to salute the female soldier in front of them. They also quickly stood at attention and raised their arms to salute, and looked at the female special forces soldier covered in gunpowder in amazement.

Wan Lin and Yu Jing's combat uniforms were already in tatters, and their rank could not be seen at all. Now Zou Tao, the captain of the colonel, actually came up and gave the young female special forces the first salute, which really surprised the two special forces.

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