Panther Commando

Chapter 4039: Spare magazine

Zou Tao nodded when he heard Li Dongsheng's analysis. He looked at Wan Lin and introduced: "Those hotspot areas have been in the midst of war. Although the local militants have not undergone strict military training, they are all trained in actual combat. The trained armed personnel have strong practical experience, and many of them are familiar with our Chinese language."

"Although these militants have been helped by some international organizations, they are still very short of funds, so they often do some drug trafficking and smuggling activities. Some of their personnel are very familiar with our situation in China. Since these white militants are with them partners, so it is likely to pay to hire them to cooperate with the operation.”

When Wan Lin heard Li Dongsheng and Zou Tao's analysis, he pondered for a moment, looked at Li Dongsheng with a gloomy face and said, "It seems that we have another strong opponent."

Li Dongsheng raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "Hey, good hunters are not afraid of many wolves! Come on, if they want to die, come here, we will wait for these wolf cubs!"

At this time, a group of ragged Cheng Ru had already lined up and ran from the mountains in front. Li Dongsheng, Zou Tao and Wan Lin quickly stood up to meet them. Cheng Ru ran in front of Li Dongsheng and the three and immediately stopped and shouted. : "Stand up!" He followed his feet to stand at attention, looked at Li Dongsheng and the two raised their hands in a salute and shouted, "Report!"

Li Dongsheng raised his hand to return the salute, his eyes flashed with light, and he quickly swept across the group of leopard players who stood upright with their guns in front of him. He stared at the group of bruised players and shouted: "Brothers have worked hard. !" After speaking, he stepped forward and opened his arms to hug Cheng Ru, then walked to the front of the team and hugged each of the leopard brothers excitedly.

Standing upright, the Leopard team members looked at Li Dongsheng excitedly, and the circles of their eyes were slightly red. When the leopard team members were in danger, Li Dongsheng, an old leader with high power and status, disregarded his own safety, and came to the battlefield to receive them in person. A warm current.

Li Dongsheng hugged Wang Dali, who was holding a machine gun in one hand, and pressed a hand on the shoulders of the two Yuwen brothers who were taking a step forward. He stared at their arms with red eyes and asked hastily: " Are you seriously injured, can you recover?"

Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu grinned, and the two replied in unison: "Li Tou, don't worry. It just won't recover. Our two arms are enough. Our arms and legs have long been communist!" Li Dongsheng smiled at the optimistic look of the two of them. He looked at them distressedly and scolded: "Stinky boy, he's hurt like this, he's still laughing!"

A few people around also laughed, Zhang Wa took a step forward, stretched his head and looked at the twin brothers Yuwen and said with a smile: "Yuwen, it's okay for your brothers to share arms and legs, but don't share a daughter-in-law, that's illegal! "

A group of people all laughed. Brother Yuwen raised their right leg and kicked Zhang Wa's ass. They both laughed in unison: "Where did we two stinky bachelors come from? Let's make you communist!" The two raised their arms and grabbed Zhang Wa's shoulder.

Amid the laughter of the crowd, Zhang Wa jumped back like a spring. Seeing that everyone was still alive and well, Li Dongsheng knew that the injuries on everyone's body would not be too serious. He smiled and stopped the Yuwen brothers and said, "Hahaha, being able to communism means that both of you can still kill the enemy. Brothers, hurry up. Sit down and rest for a while!" With that, he pulled the Yuwen brothers and sat down on the surrounding rocks, and everyone also sat down in a circle.

Li Dongsheng sat on the rock and glanced affectionately at the leopard team members sitting around. He stared at the ragged team members with gunpowder smoke, and then said with a serious expression: "Your captain has already reported you to me. The battle situation along the way, the brothers fought **** battles and fought all the way, everyone worked hard!"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Zou Tao and said, "Brigade Zou, I will inform you that the military region will transport supplies by air as soon as possible, and exchange all the clothes of the brothers for me." "Yes, I will report to Minister Qi immediately." Zou Tao hurriedly replied.

At this moment, two small black shadows suddenly emerged from the side pass, Xiaohua and Xiaobai ran towards Wanlin's group of people like a smoke, and the figures of Yu Jing and others also appeared at the foot of the mountain behind. At this time, Yu Jing had heard Li Dongsheng's voice, and she called out in a clear voice: "Yes, yes, Zou Brigade, hurry up and get us some new clothes."

In the clear voice, she, Lingling and Wu Xueying jumped and ran forward among the jagged rocks in the mountains. Yu Jing excitedly looked at Zou Tao standing in front of him, raised the MP5* in his hand and shouted, "Brigade Zou, I'll tell your military region to bring me some of these * bullets." Li Dongsheng looked at her and said: "Yu Jing, you haven't had enough fun along the way?"

Yu Jing's pretty face was already reddened by the morning light, she suddenly flashed big bright eyes, raised her finger and pointed at Cheng Ru, who was sitting on the side, and said, "Lao Li, you don't know, Lao Cheng has several spare magazines, but He only gave me one, and it worried me to death during the war just now."

At this time, Wen Meng, who was sitting next to Lin Zisheng, saw Yu Jing and a few people running She stood up and ran over with a sniper rifle excitedly. She took Yu Jing's arm and smiled at her. Li Dongsheng said, "Deputy Minister, we're stingy as instructors!" Cheng Ru raised his blushing face and shouted, "Mr. Yu, it's not that I'm stingy, I'll give you these spare magazines. If you don't raise a gun, give me 'Tu Tu' out!"

"Hahahaha..." The surrounding people all laughed when they heard the voices of several people, Zou Tao said with a smile: "Okay, I'll inform the Military Region Equipment Department and quickly find this MP5* for you. Bullets, are five* enough?"

"Enough, enough." Yu Jing replied with a smile, she followed Wen Meng and the others to Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin and sat down. Wan Lin looked at a metal box Yu Jing held in his right hand, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yu, have you found the treasure again?"

Yu Jing looked at Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng with bright eyes and said in a low voice, "Hee hee, I found it! Xiaohua and Xiaobai killed two enemies in the mountains, and then ran back with this small box in their mouths. When I got to Wu Xueying's arms, I grabbed it unexpectedly."

"On the way back, this little thing kept staring at me with red eyes. I only ran back after coaxing, deceiving and fighting wits. I took a sneak peek just now, and there were seven or eight dark green meteorite fragments in it. , it must have been snatched from the hands of others by the bandits around, let me show you?"

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