Panther Commando

Chapter 4040: hungry wolf

Yu Jing said that she carried the * holding her left hand behind her back. She covered the metal box with her left hand and looked around vigilantly. She followed Wen Meng who was beside her with trepidation and asked, "Mengmeng, where are Xiaohua and Xiaobai?"

Li Dongsheng, Wan Lin, and Wen Meng all laughed, and Wen Meng replied with a smile, "I saw them running in just now, and now I don't know where they went."

As soon as Wen Meng's words fell, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly appeared in a rock behind them. The two leopards jumped up on Li Dongsheng's shoulders with a gust of wind, and then stretched their heads to Li Dongsheng. rubbed against both cheeks. Li Dongsheng said with a smile, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, let me take a good look!" He raised his hands and picked up the two leopards.

But before his hand touched the two leopards, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already jumped out of his shoulders like a spring, and in a blink of an eye they had landed on the shoulders of Wan Lin and Yu Jing.

Li Dongsheng was stunned for a moment when he looked at the two leopards that came out, then he withdrew his hands in embarrassment and scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy, why are you running so fast? What's wrong with making out with me?" The two leopards and Li Dongsheng were embarrassed, and they all laughed.

At this time, Xiaobai jumped onto Yu Jing's shoulder and lowered his head. With red light in his eyes, he stretched out his claws and grabbed the small metal box that Yu Jing was holding in his right hand. Yu Jing hurriedly stretched her right hand forward. She raised her left hand in front of Xiaobai's face and shouted, "Xiaobai, didn't you agree to give me this box?"

She raised her head and looked at Xiaoya who was walking from the wounded at the foot of the mountain and asked for help: "Xiaoya, Xiaoya, come here quickly, Xiaobai has robbed me again!"

Everyone laughed when they saw Yu Jing hiding from Xiao Bai. Xiaoya ran over and hugged Xiaobai and said with a smile: "Xiaobai, you are not allowed to steal Miss Yu's things." There was a red light in Xiaobai's eyes. Very aggrieved.

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Xiaoya smiled and said, "Did Big Sister Yu stole your baby?" Xiaobai quickly raised his head and watched Xiaoya wave his right paw down. Xiaoya said with a smile: "Then give it to Big Sister Yu, let's go back and ask Big Sister Yu for another." After speaking, she quickly looked at the people around and said, "Which of you still has something delicious on? Hurry up and give it to us. Little baby."

A few people around Wu Xueying smiled and spread their hands and said, "It's long gone." Several members of the special forces who were standing guard around heard Xiaoya's cry, and hurriedly took out a pile of food from their backpacks. Holding the food in his hand, he walked over with a smile.

Xiaoya hurriedly looked at the hands of the surrounding team members. At this moment, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly jumped out from the shoulders of her and Wanlin. The two leopards passed by the hands of the two soldiers like lightning, and they followed suit. Running towards the rocks behind with two chocolates.

"My mother!" The two soldiers exclaimed, and quickly retracted their hands, the food in their hands immediately lifted into the air, and the surrounding special forces also took a step back in horror. The two leopards just now The sharp teeth exposed are indeed scary.

At this moment, a few dark shadows have jumped up around. Bao Ya, Zhang Wa, Cheng Ru, Dali, Da Zhuang, and Lin Zisheng, who were sitting on the rock, have already rushed out like arrows from the string.

Zhang Wa, Cheng Ru, and Bao Ya picked up the food that was falling to the ground, while Dali and the others rushed directly to the surrounding special forces. They were like a pack of hungry wolves, grabbing it. After taking the individual rations, candies, cans and biscuits in the hands of the special forces, he followed vigorously and stared at the box of cans in his hand.

The people around them all laughed when they saw their greedy appearance. Zou Tao limped over from the side. He smiled and shouted to his surrounding subordinates: "Hurry up and collect your own things, and quickly take out what you can eat to comfort our brothers." He followed to Wanlin Beside them, raised their hands and patted their heads and said, "Look at my brain, forget that you have already run out of food."

At this time, the special forces members who were on guard around had already taken out the food in their backpacks and ran over with a smile. The team members standing around the assault vehicle also quickly took off two large backpacks from the car. They ran to the leopard team members and took out boxes of food and stuffed them into the hands of the leopard team members.

Wan Lin, Feng Dao, and Cheng Ru smiled and took the food sent by these comrades in the Southwest Military Region. They turned around and walked to the three of them, and put the food in their hands into their hands.

The surrounding leopard team members also hurriedly took the food and walked to Captain Liu and the others, and gave half of the food to them, and everyone followed them to the surrounding rocks, bowing their heads and eating greedily.

When Zou Tao's subordinates saw this group of hungry wolf-like comrades, everyone's eyes were a little red, and they followed with their guns and walked silently to the surrounding guard positions. They already knew in their hearts that the comrades of these fraternal troops had not eaten serious food for a long time, but they rushed here recklessly in this state of starvation and rescued their comrades in these fraternal troops!

Wan Lin walked back to Li He took a compressed biscuit and bit it into his mouth. Zou Tao saw Wan Lin put the dry compressed biscuit directly into his mouth, so he quickly took out the water bottle and handed it over In the past, he asked distressedly: "Leopard head, you have been in this barren mountain for so long, and you have no supplies, how did you come here?"

Wan Lin chewed the biscuits in his mouth hard, then took a sip from the kettle. He raised his head and looked at Zou Tao and said, "You don't know why these people can't get hungry anywhere. Hehehe, this time During the operation, we ate quite a lot." As he spoke, he looked at Wu Xueying, who was sitting opposite, and followed Wu Xueying, who was lowering his head and was destroying a box of individual rations: "Yingying, give them to them. Tell me, what are you eating?"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Xueying had already raised her head and chewed the food in her mouth a few times. She stretched her neck to swallow the food in her mouth, looked at Zou Tao with a smile and said, "Brigade Zou, you don't know that we are in the mountains. But I have eaten a lot of wild game. Professor Wang said that those colorful wild mushrooms are good things that cost several thousand yuan a pound. You must have never eaten them. By the way, there are also those small fish in the cave, hey Yo, it tastes so delicious."

Saying that, she snorted a few times, turned her head to look at Yu Jing and asked, "Sister Yu, what is the name of that ugly little fish? It's the kind of dense little fish we saw in the dark river in the cave. The meat of the small fish is so delicious, I have never eaten something so delicious in my life."

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