Panther Commando

Chapter 405: swear to death

Seeing Wan Lin hesitate, Richard immediately guessed what he was thinking, and then said: "We are temporarily joining as team members, and we will follow your command regardless of military rank. In addition, I know that you Chinese have many magical things. Each team member swears to you in the name of a soldier that the battle is over and will never reveal your information to anyone." He raised his right hand, and the other three team members also raised their right hand,

After listening to Richard's words, Wan Lin understood in his heart that the special forces members of any country are familiar with the secrecy regulations, and they all value the honor and reputation of soldiers. Richard and the others even swore in the name of soldiers. Also, they swear in the field of artillery fire, which shows that they will do whatever it takes to catch up with those **** and avenge the dead and wounded team members,

Wan Lin nodded, Richard and the three team members saluted at the same time, and shouted loudly, "Report to Lieutenant Colonel Wan Lin." Wan Lin hurriedly returned the salute, and said unceremoniously, "Finish on the spot and replenish weapons and ammunition." Said, with Xiaoya turned around and walked towards Fengdao and the others,

Wan Lin came back and explained to his team about Richard and the others joining. Everyone's eyes widened in amazement. Unexpectedly, the famous and arrogant SEAL team actually applied to join the Panther Commando. This is a strange story in the world. , Lingling and Buck Tooth grinned and almost laughed out loud, Wan Lin hurriedly glanced at them,

Up to now, Wan Lin still hadn't figured out how to get close to the beasts without being exposed to the opponent's satellites.

At this time, Lingling walked up to him and said, "Leopard head, if so many of us are walking together, it will definitely attract the attention of the other's satellites. It is better to act separately, as the target is small and it is not easy to attract the attention of the other party",

Wan Lin stopped abruptly, yes, spread out the action, so that the satellites in the sky could hardly tell whether they were mountain people or combat troops, he immediately called Park Guocheng from the 707th brigade to go to Richard and told him this idea,

Richard pondered for a while and said: "This method is feasible, but it can't be too far away, so as to facilitate mutual support",

After the plan was finalized, Wan Lin suddenly asked Richard, "How is the situation of the rest of the attacked team." Richard frowned and said, "It's similar to our situation, with more than half of the casualties. Fortunately, our fighter planes helped them. , However, although we suffered heavy losses, this time we also called out the main force of the terrorist organization. During the attack of our fighter planes, they intercepted our armed elements from all walks of life, and most of them were killed in the bombing of the fighter planes." ,

Wan Lin knew in his heart that in the previous bombings of country M, the powerful firepower was that the terrorists could not be found. This time, the terrorist organizations have collectively appeared in multiple directions, and naturally they have become the targets of these precision-guided weapons. Molecules have suffered a great loss, which is also a great fortune among misfortunes.

Wan Lin then asked, "Can we still know the exact location of those **** now?" Richard cursed in frustration, "Damn, I used the public information of the organizing committee when I ordered these **** to be hunted down. The frequency, the little devils naturally know, they notified their government of my killing order, their government has lodged a protest with our government, and now our government has banned me from using satellite data."

Pu Guocheng on the side was stunned. There was no enemy location. How to track those **** in such a large mountainous area, Wan Lin immediately thought of his leopard. He smiled. With these two master tracking experts, they just fled to The sky can also bring them back,

He heard Richard mentioning the frequency problem, so he quickly called Lingling over and asked her to reset the communication frequency of the three teams. Then Wan Lin ordered the seal people and the 707 people to form a group, and he The team was divided into two groups, Fengdao and Chengru each led a group, and they took Xiaohua and Allende to find their way in front. Each team walked separately, ranging from several hundred meters to two or three kilometers.

At this time, Lingling ran over and whispered to Wan Lin, "Leopard head, can you ask them to provide us with some batteries, everyone's communication equipment batteries are running out." at a glance,

Wan Lin understands that everyone is still trying to save electricity after they come out, but during the battle, the communication equipment must be turned on, and during continuous high-intensity battles, the power of everyone's individual radio stations should be used up.

He walked up to Richard and said the request, Richard readily agreed, and asked what he needed. Wan Lin thought about it and said, "Let's get five more days of individual rations." At this time, Kong Dazhuang was carrying an M134 fire The magic gun ran over, gestured to Richard and said, "This guy's bullets, batteries and spare barrels",

The M134 Vulcan cannon has a very high rate of fire, which not only requires a large amount of ammunition reserves, but also the high-speed rotation of the six barrels and the ammunition feeding system are driven by electric motors, so the battery consumes a lot.

Richard immediately ordered Cole to contact the headquarters. Richard's summit forbade him to call satellite data, but material supply and fire support still had to be managed. Are these SEALs their elite?

Twenty minutes later, their local garrison sent an armed helicopter, which lowered the altitude and dropped two large packages.

After getting the supplies, Wan Lin ordered the team members to have dinner immediately, seize the time to recover their physical strength, walked aside with the wind knife and Cheng Ru, and arranged the marching order after the grouping in detail.

An hour later, Wan Lin announced the order of the group's march, and then took the lead with Allende and Xiaohua to the front, and they chased after Richard according to the position of the R country's special forces commandos last reported by Richard. ,

Richard and Park Guocheng saw that their two groups were assigned to the middle of the four groups. They immediately understood that Wan Lin and the others were protecting them. Both of them gave their thumbs up secretly.

The two groups of them are currently the weakest in combat power, and their personnel and firepower allocation are not perfect, so Wan Lin arranged them in the middle starting position.

Wan Lin trotted and ran quickly to the set direction. Allende closely followed him. Although Allende was an ordinary person and had no professional training, he grew up in the mountains, and his feet were really unambiguous. , In addition, he was eager for revenge and wanted to find the little devil as soon as possible for revenge, so he followed closely behind with the AK47 assault rifle that Wan Lin gave him.

After running on the mountain road for four or five hours in a row, Wan Lin turned to look at Allende, who was tired and sticking out his tongue, and ordered the team behind him to rest in place. There was really no interception along the way. It was estimated that a terrorist organization was ahead. He was severely damaged in the battle, and no longer has the ability to organize a large-scale interception.

After resting for more than half an hour, Wan Lin ordered each group to continue their journey. By two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiaohua suddenly became excited, and lowered her head around the hillside to smell carefully.

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