Panther Commando

Chapter 406: Ambush (1)

Wan Lin took out the locator and glanced at it. Seeing that this was the location of the R country people last reported by Richard, he knew that Xiao Hua's sensitive nose had found the residual smell of the R people.

Xiaohua smelled around the hillside, and immediately ran down the hillside. Wan Lin and Allende quickly followed, Xiaohua ran faster and faster in front of him, Wanlin knew that the team behind could not catch up with Xiaohua's speed. , simply said to Allende: "You wait here for the group behind, follow them to act together, I will go ahead and scout first", then let go of his footsteps, and chase after Xiaohua.

In the evening, the little flower in front suddenly slowed down and kept looking around. Wan Lin was refreshed, knowing that he was approaching each other, he slowed down and looked up to observe the surrounding mountains.

In front of it is a high mountain of several hundred meters, with a dense forest growing on the left side of the mountain, and an undulating mountain on the right, which is slightly shorter than the mountain on the left. In the middle is an undulating mountain road.

Wan Lin raised his foot and ran up the mountain on the left. He wanted to go to the commanding heights here to observe the surrounding terrain. Looking at Xiaohua's expression, the other party should be not far from here.

At this time, the sky was getting darker and darker, and there was a rolling black cloud in the sky, moving quickly towards this side. A gust of mountain wind blew from afar, carrying a piece of yellow sand.

Wan Lin quickly ran up to the top of the mountain, lying beside a huge rock and raising the telescope to observe. The dense forest on the left side of the high mountain has been spreading forward along the mountain, and the slightly low foothills on the right side are full of strange rocks, covering the entire hillside.

The mountain road at the foot of the mountain rises and falls with the mountain, and at four or five kilometers ahead, it is suddenly clamped and narrowed by the naturally formed mountains on both sides like pliers, making this four or five kilometers of mountain road a natural pocket. type of ambush location.

Looking at the terrain ahead, Wan Lin took a deep breath. If the other party sets up an ambush here, and there is a seal on both sides of the valley, any creature in the valley will be unable to escape.

At this time, Xiaohua had already run to the opposite mountain and lowered her head to smell it for a while, then suddenly jumped up on a big rock on the top of the mountain, her eyes fixed on the valley in front, her eyes were looming with blue light.

Just when Wan Lin turned his face to look at Xiao Hua opposite, he suddenly moved in his heart, his left hand quickly pushed the boulder in front of him, his right hand had released the telescope, and his body suddenly slid backward like a snake.

"Hey" a cold wind blew suddenly over his head, and a cold light "dang" a few sparks on the rock.

The moment Wan Lin slid backwards, two human legs suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Without hesitation, he grabbed the opponent's ankle with his right hand, and pulled back suddenly along the retreating body, followed by a kick with the soles of his feet. A rock he touched behind, his body suddenly rolled to the left, and his right hand swung the opponent who was dragged down.

The opponent was suddenly swayed by Wan Lin, and with a "click", he hit the leg of a man on the right who was pounced with a saber, and broke the left leg of the opponent on the right. "Ah", "Ah" "Two screams suddenly sounded along with the howling mountain wind.

Wan Lin threw out his opponent, kicked his feet, his body was like an arrow from the string, and he rushed towards the two people who fell in front of him. He pressed his hands like hooks on the necks of the two sneak attackers, and the two hands of the steel hooks clenched suddenly, " With two crisp sounds, "click" and "click", the necks of the two of them were snapped by Wan Lin at the same time.

At the same time, Wan Lin suddenly fell to the side, grabbed the corpse with his right hand and went up to meet him, "Pfft" a bright flying knife slammed into the corpse's chest. Before Wan Lin could continue to move, a yellowish shadow suddenly flew up from the hillside. A dozen meters away from Wan Lin's body, a figure swayed, his head suddenly dropped to his chest, and rolled from the top of the mountain. Rolling down the slope, the air was filled with a red mist of blood.

It turned out that Xiaohua suddenly discovered the danger here from the opposite hill, jumped over like a fly, and slashed the opponent's neck with a claw.

Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle and knelt on the ground to check his surroundings. Seeing that there was no enemy anymore, he got up and walked over to the two enemies whose necks were twisted, and glanced down.

Both of them were wearing camouflage uniforms, with the arm badge of the R country's special commando hanging on their armbands, M16 automatic rifles on their backs, and two rocket launchers not far away.

Wan Lin understood. These were three **** who were about to block the mouth of the valley. They drilled out of the dense forest on the left side of the hill and found Wan Lin who was lying on the top of the mountain observing the terrain in front of him. The three immediately approached Wan Lin quietly. , the violent mountain wind obscured the sound of their movement, and it was not until the moment they launched the attack that Wan Lin's breath did not feel the danger.

Fortunately, the three of them didn't shoot, presumably because they were afraid that the sound of the gunfire would alarm Wan Lin's companions and expose their plan to ambush here.

Wan Lin motioned for Xiaohua to be vigilant around him, and turned to the microphone to report the situation to the team behind him. After reporting the situation, Wan Lin has always had a question in his mind. After the last battle with the 707 Brigade attacking the terrorist base, these R people lost at least two people. Now their number will not exceed ten. How can they be in this long-term appointment? Set up an ambush in a canyon of four or five kilometers? Obviously there are not enough people.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had already reached the top of the mountain, and the sky immediately dimmed. Wan Lin walked back to the rock he had just observed, picked up the telescope from the rock and looked at the mountains on both sides of the valley. His dim vision could not see the situation in the distance at all. He could only see the swaying woods on the left hillside and the right hillside. Overgrown rocks.

"Huh" A bright lightning flashed across the dark clouds, a loud "Kala" sounded, and pea-sized raindrops fell from the sky with a "crack crackle".

Wan Lin took advantage of the strong light of the lightning and suddenly found a dark crowd of people standing on the hillside on the right, it was estimated that there were about 100 people. It seems that someone is planning a combat mission and has not entered an ambush position.

Seeing so many figures, Wan Lin understood that this was the people of R country trying to escape, not only to sell information, but also to join hands with the local ****, otherwise they would not have so many ambush personnel.

Wan Lin's eyes were fixed on the opposite hillside, but the dark clouds and huge raindrops shrouded the whole valley in darkness, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Just as Wan Lin's eyes widened anxiously, praying for another flash of lightning, a bright lightning flashed across the top of the mountain, instantly illuminating the valley as bright as day.

From behind the high-power telescope, Wan Lin clearly saw a figure standing in front of the group of people on the hillside, looking up at the sky, as if raising his hand and shouting something, the group of people on the hillside suddenly dispersed, Part of it ran towards the woods on the opposite hillside, and part of it spread out on the spot.

"Kara", along with the lightning, an earth-shattering thunder blasted over the valley. A cold light flashed from the dark clouds and slanted into the woods on the left side of the hill. A huge fireball exploded from the woods. The sparks reflected a dozen trees and crashed down, and the sparks flying in the air disappeared in a flash in the torrential rain.

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