Panther Commando

Chapter 4068: old cunning

Kuroda understood what Honghu and the others were planning, and cursed in his heart: "Bunny, you have to play with me, you dare not enter Huaxia alone to provoke others, this is to pull our Yamaguchi security guards to block the gun for you. .Hey, dream it, even if I cooperate with outsiders, I won't be a companion with your arrogant pig teammates. You are arrogant and arrogant, and you can only be a group of things that are more than enough to succeed."

Kuroda is really sophisticated. He has already judged the character of John's group in such a short period of time. He knows that this group of people is stubborn and extremely difficult to get along with, let alone cooperate.

He rolled his eyes when he thought of this, and sneered in his heart: "Hey, these boys must have sent people into the hinterland of China, ready to attack those who obtained the meteorite fragments, but they must have found that the other party was heavily guarded and could not start. The soldiers were lost, so I thought of asking Lao Tzu for advice."

Kuroda raised his hand and waved: "I'm so sorry, I admit the bet and accept the loss. This deal has not been completed, so forget it, there are many places to make money, I don't need to be involved in this matter. Too much manpower and energy have been put into the ground, and I have notified our employer to cancel this mission. In addition, I have a lot of business now, and I can no longer find extra people to carry out this mission.”

He then picked up the teacup and said, "I'm sorry, go back and convey my apology to your boss. It's not that I, Yamaguchi security guard, are unwilling to join forces with you, but that I really can't spare any manpower."

He wanted to pick up the teacup to see the guest, but he forgot that the other party was a white man who didn't know Chinese etiquette at all. John didn't notice what he meant, but stared at him and asked, "Don't you want to get those meteorite fragments? Judging from the current situation, this should be a precious treasure, otherwise those employers would not have paid such a high price!"

Kuroda smiled, he put down the teacup, picked up half of the cigar on the coffee table and lit it again, he took a deep breath and said, "I know the priceless things at this time, otherwise I wouldn't have disturbed so many countries and big companies to pay high prices. I've snatched this thing, but I really don't have enough people right now."

He took a puff of the cigar in his hand, then exhaled a puff of blue smoke and said: "However, that meteorite is indeed strange. According to the information I have obtained, the area where the meteorite landed has been covered with hot magma, and there will no longer be any more to be found there. The meteorite was fragmented, and a lot of strange things happened when the volcanic magma covered that area."

He said this, staring at the smoke rising in front of him, and said thoughtfully: "That meteorite does have many strange things. It is said that at the moment before the impact site of the magma was buried, the satellite has already detected many strange things in space. The phenomenon is very strange. But now, all this has been buried in the ground, and outsiders have no way of knowing what happened that day?"

Kuroda said this to himself, he raised his head and looked at John and said, "All of this no longer exists, the only place where fragments can be found now are those in China who were once close to the meteorite, and they will definitely get some precious Meteorite fragments!"

He stopped talking and pondered for a moment before continuing: "I have received information that the helicopters used to take off and land frequently near the location of the Huaxia Frontier Guard near the impact point of the meteor, and then a military transport plane took a group of people away quietly. , It is very likely that the group of people who were close to the impact site of the meteor returned to the mainland, and now they should have been sent back to the provincial capital where the headquarters of the Southwest Military Region is located by the Huaxia military." He stared straight at John's reaction.

John immediately said: "Yes, our intelligence also shows that a group of people withdrew from the target area and left the military airport near the border on a military transport plane."

Heotian nodded when he heard this, knowing that the other party was just like himself. He had sent people to monitor the every move of the Huaxia border troops during the operation, but what they did not expect was that the people they sent entered the target area and suddenly lost their way. so that the relevant information cannot be sent out, so that they have no way of knowing what happened near the impact point of the meteorite?

At this time, Kuroda saw that the other party did not understand what he meant by serving tea to the guests, so he became curious and wanted to know what the red fox people wanted to do? He followed up and asked, "Did you send someone to follow you?"

At this moment, the phone he placed on the coffee table suddenly vibrated, and he picked it up immediately.

He put it to his ear and said, "I'm Kuroda, say it!" Kuroda listened for a while, and said expressionlessly: "Okay, I understand, you continue to monitor and don't take any action." After speaking, he Hang up the phone, put the phone on the sofa beside him, and look up at John who is sitting upright on the opposite sofa.

Hearing his question, John hesitated for a moment before answering: "Yes, we sent someone to follow Now our action team is already operating at the location of the other side's Southwest Military Region Headquarters."

Hearing his answer, Kuroda said with a sly smile on his face: "You don't have to hide from me, I already guessed that you would never stop, or you would not come to me. This morning happened in Huaxia. The crash in the provincial capital was done by your people, right?"

John looked at Kuroda in astonishment. He didn't expect what happened in the morning. Kuroda knew about it a few hours later. He couldn't help but be surprised by the intelligence work of Yamaguchi Security. He quickly asked, "You also sent someone over?"

Kuroda took a cigar and shook his head, followed by staring at the blue smoke he exhaled and said: "My intelligence officer is over there, we can keep track of the opponent's situation at any time. If we don't even know the opponent's dynamics, what can we do to fight them? ."

He said, looked at John and asked, "You guys definitely didn't succeed, right?" After speaking, he stared straight at John's expression through the smoke in front of his face. In fact, Kuroda already knew in his heart that Red Fox's people must have taken Xiangdong, and they didn't succeed, otherwise John wouldn't have brought people here. He just wanted to see if this John was telling the truth to him.

John didn't hesitate this time, he already knew that Kuroda was a cunning and cunning old fox, and he couldn't hide the truth in front of this old fox. When they got what the red fox wanted, he immediately frowned and replied: "Yes, we have taken corresponding actions, and the action has failed. A total of four operators were lost in this operation."

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