Panther Commando

Chapter 4069: John's Doubt

In the dimly lit reception room, Kuroda nodded when he heard John's answer, looked at him intently and asked, "In the car you are planning to attack, are those people who have returned from the target area, are those meteorite fragments in the Inside the car?"

John replied immediately: "It must be! The night before yesterday, they picked up a group of people from the military airport under high security, and the people in the car must be the same group of people picked up from the military airport. At that time, these vehicles drove out After the compound of their Southwest Military Region Headquarters, they drove straight to the downtown area, and the people in the car were the first to appear here, and the people in the lead car were wearing casual clothes."

When he said this, his eyes rolled in his sockets and continued: "Several of the cars have local license plates, only the middle car has a military license plate, and a woman in a major general's uniform is hugging tightly in the arms of the car. He was wearing a backpack and moved very carefully. Several cars with local license plates must be escorting vehicles. Our people judged that the backpack held by this person is likely to hide those meteorite fragments, otherwise there would be no **** vehicles. "

Kuroda's eyes rolled for a while, and then he stared at John and asked, "Major general? What was the situation at that time, tell me in detail, let me judge who the other party is?"

John quickly described the situation at the time, and then he said with some regret: "Grandma, we originally thought that the people who were guarding were the people of the other party's security system, so we arranged for people to drive suddenly in a narrow alley in the road. It hit the target vehicle. I didn’t expect the car behind the target vehicle to react so quickly that it rushed over and overturned the vehicle we suddenly rushed out of the side street.”

"As soon as they collided, a few figures appeared in the car. Several people skillfully raised their guns and aimed at the surroundings, and the military vehicle and the vehicle in front immediately accelerated away from the accident scene. At that time, several brothers we were about to receive Seeing that the situation was not good, I immediately drove away on a motorcycle, but one person was stopped by the police and a group of plainclothes."

Hearing that one of the red foxes was captured, Kuroda looked at John nervously and asked, "Your people have been captured?" He followed and looked out of the house. At this time, he was really worried that John would be embroidered by the other party's men. , and then lead the opponent here to threaten their own safety.

Seeing Kuroda's nervous look, John immediately understood that he was worried that he had been stalked by his opponent. He quickly shook his head and replied, "Don't worry, our people will never be taken prisoners during the operation. He saw that he couldn't escape, so he took poison and committed suicide on the spot."

Hearing that the opponent's people were so fierce, he nodded silently and said: "Very good, if we are caught by our opponents, we should wait and suffer, and we can't escape death, suicide is the best way to get rid of it. Good way, it looks like your Red Fox people are brave."

John heard Kuroda's admiring voice, and he said with a sad expression: "Alas, from the first day we took up this job, we Red Fox people knew that if we wanted to enjoy life with a lot of money, we would Go to **** with your head on your head! Our people are used to this kind of life, it's nothing."

John sighed and said this, frowned again and said, "Our people have planned this operation very carefully. The action team has already calculated the distance of the impact. It stands to reason that the vehicles behind will not be able to intercept them at all, and may collide with the front. The accident vehicle. But the person in the car behind reacted too fast, not only suddenly slanted between us and the target vehicle at the moment of impact, but also accelerated and overturned our vehicle. At that time, we originally planned to hit the vehicle inside the vehicle. People created chaos, and the people who responded quickly snatched the backpack from the surrounding motorcycles, and at the same time responded to the companion who hit the car and retreated, but such a careful action was not successful."

After listening to John's description, Kuroda pondered for a moment, the scene at that time had already appeared in his mind, he stared at John and asked solemnly: "Who are the people behind the guards, do your people see clearly? "

"I see!" John replied immediately, and he followed up: "At that time, we sent a drone to track it secretly. From the analysis of the image sent back by the last drone, at the moment of the impact, the **** car sprang out. There were four black shadows, one of them was wearing a colonel's uniform, and the others were wearing plain clothes. These people were very agile. One of them seemed to have a wound on his left arm. A few people jumped out of the car and raised their guns to aim at all directions. It is a group of special operators with rich actual combat experience.”

He shook his head and said, "Grandma's

, who is this person? We haven't found it yet. " Kuroda looked at him coldly and suddenly asked: "Have you used drones? "

John replied with a bit of frustration: "Yes. At that time, a motorcycle we were tracking was discovered by the opponent, so he immediately released a drone to spy on the target vehicle after retreating. Unexpectedly, after the collision, the motorcycle jumped out of the car. The out of the colonel raised his gun and shot down the The surveillance video is broken here. The other party's marksmanship is very accurate. Judging from the action, this kid must be a member of the special forces, those few Plainclothes don't look like people in the security department, and their people probably don't have such neat skills."

Hearing this, Kuroda fell into a state of contemplation. He raised the teacup in front of him and put it to his mouth for a while, then suddenly raised his head and stared at John and asked, "Did you find anything unusual in the image taken by the drone? ?"

John hesitated for a while, and replied with some doubts: "The camera of the drone is transmitted in real time, and the images it took before the crash have been sent back secretly. I have studied it carefully before coming. A light and shadow shot out of the **** car and went straight to our vehicle. But the light and shadow were so fast that I couldn't see what it was. It flashed like a cannonball and rushed directly into our car. Vehicle, what the **** is this? I haven't figured it out yet."

Hearing this, Kuroda's face suddenly turned pale, and he whispered in astonishment: "It must be a leopard!" John stared at Kuroda and asked, "Leopard, do you mean those people are from a leopard?"

Looking at him, Kuroda said coldly: "No wonder none of our people escaped from the target area. That leopard force must have participated in this operation of Huaxia. Few of them were able to escape. The female soldier in the major general's uniform must be that Yu Jing from the Military Industry Research Institute!"

John was stunned. He looked at Kuroda and asked, "Why is there another Yu Jing, and what is this person doing? How can the Hua Leopards be closely guarded against her?"

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