Panther Commando

Chapter 4070: Intelligence support

Hearing that there was actually a woman in a major general's uniform in the car, Kuroda looked at John nervously. He gritted his teeth and didn't speak for a while, and his small eyes rolled in their sockets for a while before slowly saying: " That's right, the group of people guarding the target vehicle must be the leopards. It seems that you have encountered a powerful opponent, so it is no wonder that this operation you carefully planned failed."

When Kuroda said this, there was a cold light in his eyes. He had already thought of the scene of joining forces with the intelligence agency to steal the experimental specimens from Yu Jing's research institute, and he felt a sense of hatred in his heart. Lost several capable men.

He took a breath and looked at John and continued: "You definitely don't know about Yu Jing, but she is well-known in the world of physics, and is a world-renowned physics expert. Now, many advanced weapons in the Huaxia Army are equipped with It was made by this person named Yu Jing, who is the one that the Huaxia military focuses on protecting."

"It seems that we have met a real opponent!" He said in his mouth, but his heart was full of doubts. Huabao killed a group of drug dealers in Kunsha, and fought with Black Snake and him, and now suddenly appeared again The continuous combat in the plateau and mountainous areas thousands of kilometers away really surprised him.

He originally thought that there would be no leopards in the plateau operation, so he did not pay much attention to this operation. The team he sent was all experienced in mountain combat, and he originally thought that it would not be a problem to deal with those frontier troops. , at least able to retreat, but he still underestimated the energy of this leopard. The other party went straight to the plateau area without taking the necessary rest, which was indeed beyond his expectations.

Seeing the solemn look on Kuroda's face, John showed a sneering look on his face. He looked at Kuroda and said, "Okay, if it's them, then we can just experience the strength of this leopard!"

At this time, his arrogant look had already appeared in the words, and he looked at Kuroda with disdain. He really didn't understand why Kuroda, who was also from the special forces, was so afraid of this Huaxia leopard force?

Seeing the other party's disdainful eyes, Kuroda cursed inwardly, "You bastard, you've only been on the road for a few days, do you really think that your red fox is invincible in the world? When you die under the opponent's gun, you'll know the opponent's power! "

He followed his face expressionlessly and said: "I told you just now that the lightning-like thing you saw must be the little cat that is inseparable from the leopard army. What is this cat? I don't know what breed it is, but I already know that this kitten is extremely fierce and agile, and it is the right-hand man of the leopard head! So I concluded that those people must be leopard people."

Speaking of this, Heotian suddenly accelerated his speech and said: "It seems that the meteorite is really strange, it actually alarmed this great scientist in the Huaxia Army, the leopard must have been ordered to protect her, and most people will not let the leopard personally Get out."

He stared at John and continued: "It seems that you really don't know anything about the situation in Huaxia. Let me tell you, this Yu Jing is a figure that the intelligence agencies of many countries want, this person is a world-renowned expert in optics, But no intelligence agency has ever been able to approach this person. Maybe you still don’t understand the importance of this person to the Huaxia military. This is a key figure in the development of China’s military industry. I will tell you now that all those who tried to approach this scientist have already Go see God!"

John was really shocked when he heard Kuroda's explanation. He didn't expect that this meteorite, which fell from birth, would have such a great attraction. Even the scientists who were regarded as treasures in the Huaxia Army went to the crash site in person.

He rolled his eyes, looked at him with light in his eyes, and said, "Since this person is so important, and he personally went to the meteorite's landing site, this further shows that the meteorite contains precious things, otherwise such an important person would not Will go to such a dangerous area. Mr. Kuroda, since those meteorite fragments are so important, why don't we join forces to get this thing? This is a valuable thing!"

Hearing John's greedy voice, Kuroda's small eyes immediately burst into a thief, and he also realized that since Yu Jing had gone out in person, it meant that those meteorite fragments must be extremely precious and have great scientific research value. Liancheng baby. He thought to himself: "No wonder those employers are paying such high prices. It turns out that these meteorite fragments have such high research value."

But the light in his eyes flickered away, and his complexion immediately darkened. He knew in his heart that since Yu Jing went out in person, the Huaxia military would definitely formulate strict protection measures to ensure the safety of this precious scientist, and the Huabao team was indeed the most suitable candidate. Plateau mountains thousands of kilometers away.

He looked at John, who was glowing in his eyes, waved his hand and said, "I really can't spare any manpower now!" He not only refused to cooperate with the Red He really can't spare any extra now. People cooperate with Red Fox.

In the previous battles between their Yamaguchi security guard and Hua Leopard, he has already lost his troops. Even the last time he rescued the right-hand man of Black Snake, he also temporarily transferred a team to perform other tasks around Huaxia, and also personally went out. That's it, he He and Hei Snake have already been painted, and Black Snake, a capable sniper, was almost left in Huaxia by that leopard's head.

At this time, Kuroda did have some regrets in his heart. In this operation, he thought that the employer just asked them to collect some meteorite fragments. This was just a simple task. At most, it would be with Huaxia's border troops and other armed elements who smuggled in. When they meet, he believes that his subordinates are good at fighting in the mountains. Even if they fail, they will not suffer too much loss. At least they can use the complex local terrain to escape.

If he knew that Yu Jing and Leopard's people had rushed to the plateau and mountains in person, no matter how nervous he was, he would definitely pull out the best men and horses to enter that area, and take this opportunity to completely eliminate the powerful enemy of the Leopard, in order to solve the problem in his heart. hatred. At the same time, he can also get those invaluable meteorite fragments. If he is lucky, he can also take away Yu Jing, the mission that holds China's military secrets. The meteorite fragments and Yu Jing are priceless treasures!

But his old rival of the leopard knew that it was too late now. Not only did Yu Jing and the leopard return safely from the landing site of the meteorite, but Hua Xia would definitely send out elite troops to protect Yu Jing and the precious fragments they had acquired in the future. There was the hinterland of Hua Xia. Could be death.

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