Panther Commando

Chapter 4072: turn face suddenly

Hearing that John was willing to pass on this precious image to him, Kuroda nodded gratefully, then looked at John and said, "From the analysis of the situation where you attacked each other, the leopards should all be here. In the car, how many people got out of the two cars behind?"

John shook his head and said: "The drone only recorded the first car hitting our attack vehicle in real time, and then was shot down by the boy in military uniform. The video at that time only captured the two vehicles behind at the moment of the accident. I rushed up quickly, but I didn't take pictures of the situation behind, and now I can't determine how many people there are in this unit, but from the analysis of the vehicle the other party is riding, the number of the other party will not exceed twenty."

Hearing John's answer, Kuroda thought to himself: "What a pity, this is a rare opportunity to see the true face of the leopard. We have played against these opponents in the field several times in the past. Although the battle was fierce, we simply couldn't. See each other's real faces."

Kuroda immediately raised his head and looked at John and said, "Judging from the number of opponents you analyzed, this must be the Leopard unit. I remind you that the members of this Leopard unit are extremely capable of fighting individually. You must be careful when you encounter them. Especially the leopard head, who is extremely skilled, our people were killed by this kid on the spot in several close combats."

When he said this, his face suddenly became a little dark, as if the scene where his subordinates were killed by the opponent reappeared in front of him. He was silent for a while before continuing: "Although their personnel are not many, they are equipped with very good weapons and fierce firepower. Our people have suffered great losses from the other side several times in the case of superior troops."

Speaking of which, Kuroda raised his head and looked into John's eyes and said solemnly, "Especially the leopard head, you have to be very careful with this person, this person is very dangerous, and few opponents who are targeted by him can be attacked by him. escaped."

John nodded when he heard this, but there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. In his opinion, although Kuroda and his subordinate Yoshino have good skills, he has always believed that these mercenaries are simply not comparable to their Red Fox people, and their combat effectiveness is even more incomparable. He already looks down on their height. These skinny Asians.

Kuroda looked at John's expression calmly. He knew that these tall white people looked down on Asians from the bottom of his heart, but as a mercenary traveling around the world, he was already used to these self-righteous white people. , so he did not care about John's arrogance.

He said coldly: "I'm just reminding you. Of course, all of you Red Fox are elite soldiers. You must not be afraid of this Huaxia Leopard army, but it's never wrong to be vigilant in action."

When John heard Kuroda's cold words, he knew that the old fox had already read his mind, and his pale face was flushed with red, and he said embarrassedly: "Hey, your people are also good, I mean We don't have to take that leopard troop seriously. Sooner or later, we will kill this mysterious troop and let out this breath for your Yamaguchi security! By the way, that boy in black just now is very good at skills. ." He said here, a murderous aura emerged from his blue eyes.

Seeing his arrogant look, Kuroda cursed inwardly, "You bastard, just like your grandson huddled on the sofa just now, and now he is arrogant again, I just kindly remind you, do you really think I am timid? This kid really complied with the saying of Huaxia, a dog can't stop eating shit!"

He said calmly on his face: "That subordinate is called Yoshino, and he is my brother next to me. In terms of skill, he is just average. He can't compare with the people of your red fox." Fiercely, he stared straight at John and said, "My Yamaguchi security guards are not very capable, but we don't need others to avenge us."

He said, stood up and said, "John, let's be here today. It seems that I can't help you. Go back and tell your boss. If there is a chance in the future, I look forward to meeting him."

John saw Kuroda suddenly turn his face, and an embarrassed look flashed on his face. He had already heard that the boss of the Yamaguchi security guard was disdainful of talking to him. The other party was obviously annoyed by his arrogant attitude, so he ordered Eviction order. He cursed inwardly: "Grandma's, a kid who has been beaten to death by the Huaxia group of people, how stupid is this with Laozi?

What? Isn't it the head of the group that has been hiring, I really don't look down on you! "

He cursed secretly in his heart, but he still stood up and said angrily, "Okay, I will tell our boss when I go back, then I will leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden "bang bang bang" beating sound in the courtyard, followed by a few muffled groans. John's face changed, and he raised his right hand nervously and pressed it on the gun handle at his waist.

At this time, Kuroda gave him a cold look at the right hand on his waist, frowned and said, "Why are you so nervous? No one wants your life It must be Your subordinates are working against mine again."

Hearing Kuroda's explanation, John hurriedly released the handle of the gun he was holding. He stood up and scolded angrily with a double pun: "You bastard, it's more than enough to fail!" Angrily glanced at Kuroda, then raised his foot and walked out the door. Kuroda suddenly changed his face and chased away guests, which made him extremely angry, so the sound of fighting outside immediately scolded the anger in his heart.

Kuroda followed John out of the door, and the two immediately saw that in the open space among the rocks in the garden, two of John's men had already taken off their coats, and were mingling with the gloomy Yoshino, standing beside them. The faces of Kuroda's three or four subordinates all looked very cold.

John saw that his subordinates had a dispute with Kuroda's people again. He took two steps forward angrily and was about to scold his two subordinates, when Kuroda behind him grabbed his arm coldly. said: "It's all people who rely on this ability to eat. If they want to play, just play, don't worry about them."

At this moment, John suddenly felt a sharp pain in the right arm that was held by Kuroda. It was as if the arm was tightly hooked by a steel structure. Surprised!

He immediately understood that Kuroda, the head of the Yamaguchi security guard, was already annoyed when he saw his subordinates doing things here many times, so he suddenly grabbed his arm and secretly exerted strength and secretly controlled himself. If there is movement, the other party must take action to firmly control him under his body.

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