Panther Commando

Chapter 4073: annoyed john

Seeing his subordinate's embarrassed appearance, John was about to rush forward in a rage, but he suddenly felt a force on his arm, and he quickly relaxed the right hand that was about to grab the pistol at his waist to avoid Kuroda from misunderstanding that he also wanted to. Going up to do it, his small eyes, which were deep in their sockets, quickly looked around.

In the blink of an eye, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank, a cool feeling rose from the back of his spine, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. At this time, he had already observed that several gun muzzles had faintly emerged from the cracks in the windows of the surrounding rooms and the rocks in the courtyard, and the dark muzzles were aimed at the heads of him and his two subordinates! A dark shadow crept out of the roof behind Kuroda, and a long sniper rifle was aiming outside the courtyard.

Obviously, all the guards around Kuroda have appeared. It seems that they have prepared for a sudden attack in order to prevent the Red Fox's people from launching a sudden attack.

At the moment when John was breaking out in a cold sweat, the two subordinates in the open space in front of him suddenly roared furiously. One of their blushing hands hit Yoshino's right cheek, and the other suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Yoshino's lower body.

At this moment, Yoshino's slender body in front of him suddenly swayed, and the black figure disappeared out of thin air from the sides of the two strong men, and appeared behind the two men in a blink of an eye.

A look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of John's two subordinates. The two quickly retracted their punches and raised their hands slightly to protect their chest, abdomen and head respectively. But at this moment, there was a sudden sharp pain in the legs of the two of them, and two heavy beating sounds came from behind their knees, and the stout figures of the two swayed. Then he knelt on the ground with a "pop".

At this time, Kuroda and John could see clearly that the faces of the two kneeling on the ground had turned the color of pig livers, a trace of blood was oozing out from the eye sockets and nostrils, and the eye sockets had turned black like the two giant pandas. Cheeks are already high and swollen. Obviously, these two boys had been beaten by Yoshino just now.

John was furious when he saw the tragic state of his two subordinates. He looked at Yoshino with fire in his eyes and was about to curse. At this time, he had forgotten in his rage that he was being controlled by Kuroda beside him.

Just when he opened his mouth to scold him, he suddenly heard a crunching sound from his arm, and a piercing pain immediately came from his arm.

John was shocked. He suddenly remembered Kuroda beside him and a few dark muzzles hidden around him! He quickly closed his mouth and turned his head to look at Kuroda, with a look of extreme anger in his eyes, and his eyes had turned red.

At this moment, Kuroda shouted to Yoshino, who raised his arms and hit the heads of the two kneeling boys, "Stop! Let's discuss between brothers, how can you be so cruel? Stand back!" The thin Yoshino heard Kuroda's angry rebuke, and immediately retracted his striking hands and took a step back, followed by two steps back, his eyes staring coldly at the two boys who were climbing up from the ground.

Seeing that Ji had already retreated, Kuroda suddenly loosened his grip on John's left hand. He then looked at Yoshino and said, "My brothers have taken a heavy hand, I'm really sorry, do your two brothers need to bandage their wounds? ?" At this time, there was already an icy look in his eyes, he saw that John's face was extremely ugly, and he knew that this kid was so angry that he wanted to draw a gun.

John heard Kuroda's sarcastic voice, he glanced at Kuroda angrily, then stepped up to the two boys who were crawling from the ground, and raised his right hand like lightning. , "Clap" and "Clap" two crisp mouth sounds followed, and the two strong men who were crawling away groaned, covered their cheeks and fell to the side.

John slapped both of his subordinates' mouths fiercely, and then angrily looked at Yoshino who was standing behind the two boys. Both his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

At this time, Kuroda had already stepped in front of Yoshino, and he frowned and asked in a cold tone, "What happened, why did it happen again, and there is no end to it?" The boy who was getting up looked at him with anger in his eyes. These two boys thought they were red foxes, and they dared to do it continuously when they came here.

bored in.

Yoshino heard Kuroda's angry rebuke and knew that he was annoyed by the other party's rudeness. He glanced coldly at John who was furious on the opposite side, followed by looking at Kuroda and replied, "Boss, it's not us bullying people, it's them who insist. I had two moves with me, but I had no choice but to make a move!"

Hearing Yoshino's answer, Kuroda turned to look at John angrily and asked, "John, are you here to ask for advice, or are you here to smash my Yamaguchi security guard?"

Kuroda was indeed a little annoyed. John's two men first smashed the reception room and injured his two Now they have to deal with Yoshino incessantly, which really made him I feel angry! This is the site of his Yamaguchi security guard.

When John, who was originally furious, heard Kuroda's murderous shout, he calmed down abruptly, and immediately realized that this was Kuroda's old lair, and it was indeed a bit rash for his two men to act arrogantly here.

Now that the other party has wounded his two subordinates with ruthless hands, this shows that the other party is really angry, and now even Kuroda has questioned in a bad tone, which shows that the other party has murderous intentions and really wants to make trouble. The three of them would definitely not be able to walk out of this small courtyard with their entire bodies.

John took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. He looked up at Kuroda and said, "I didn't expect Brother Yoshino's skills to be so powerful. I admire it." He raised his right leg and kicked the two men's crotch. This is Kuroda's territory. He didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he poured all his anger on the two men. body.

The two boys who had just stood up exclaimed, staggered and rushed forward a few steps, then looked at John with flushed faces. John glared at his blood-red eyes and roared, "You humiliating thing, get out of here!"

The two boys didn't say a word. They glared viciously at several of Kuroda's subordinates standing around, followed by glaring at Yoshino, who was standing beside Leng Leng with fire in their eyes, and then gritted his teeth and lowered his head, limping. Turn around and walk out the door.


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