Panther Commando

Chapter 4074: leaker

John saw two of his subordinates walking out the door, his furious eyes followed Yoshino, as if he wanted to engrave this kid's appearance in his heart, he then looked at Kuroda again, suppressing the anger in his heart and said : "Captain Kuroda, we Red Fox have offended a lot this time, we will have a future!" After speaking, he folded his fists and arched upwards, turned to the two men who had already stood firm, and shouted, "Let's go!" He followed with a dark face and walked out the door.

Looking at his back, Kuroda didn't say a word, a look of mockery suddenly appeared on his icy face, but he rolled his eyes and suddenly said to John's back, "John, wait a minute!"

John heard the cry coming from behind him. He suddenly stopped and turned to look back. The muscles in his whole body were already tense, and the two strong men walking in front also turned around abruptly. At this moment, John's right hand has been slightly raised, ready to shove the pistol from his waist at any time. His flushed face turned pale at this moment, and his eyes stared straight at Kuroda.

At this time, Kuroda had turned around and shouted to the Yoshino people standing around: "Bring the guns of the two red fox brothers." A boy around heard Kuroda's order, and he quickly stepped forward. One step handed over two pistols.

Kuroda took the pistol and took two steps forward to John. He raised his hand and handed over the two pistols and said, "John, these are the guns of the two brothers. Take it and return it to them. John, I As I said just now, everyone is a person who relies on their skills to eat, it is normal for the brothers to play tricks, you don't need to worry about it."

After listening to Kuroda's words quietly, John reached out and took the two pistols handed by Kuroda without saying a word. The belt behind him, and then raised his hand upwards to express his thanks, then raised his foot and walked out the door.

Kuroda saw that John took the gun without saying a word, turned around and left. He frowned and suddenly had a cold look in his eyes. He just saw that two of John's subordinates had been severely cleaned up by Yoshino, and the anger in his heart had dissipated a lot, so he saw the three of John turned away and quickly stopped John and returned the pistols of the two boys. past.

He knew that if he didn't return the two pistols, his Yamaguchi security guard and Honghu's Liangzi would be serious. They themselves are people who are engaged in such dangerous occupations. There is really no need for his Yamaguchi security guard to stand up to the strong enemy of Honghu. . But now that John took the gun and left without saying a word, he immediately understood that this kid was narrow-minded, that he already hated Yoshino in his heart, and that it would most likely affect the relationship between Honghu and his Yamaguchi security guard.

Kuroda frowned as he watched Yoshino walk out of the gate of the small courtyard, then shook his head and waved his hands at the hands hidden around him, telling them to step back. He followed Yoshino who was walking in front of him to explain, shook his head, and then ordered in a low voice: "This place has been exposed, we can't stay any longer, we will transfer immediately, you immediately send someone to reconnaissance outside the back door, we are ready to go ."

After he finished speaking, he strode to the side room, and quickly walked out of the room with a backpack. He followed Yoshino, who was standing beside a black off-road vehicle, and said in a low voice, "Let's go!" Yoshino immediately Pulling open the rear door, I bent over and got in.

Yoshino sat in the passenger seat and said to the driver in a low voice, "Let's go." At this time, Kuroda asked Yoshino, who was sitting in the passenger seat, "Is it completely out of the back door?" Yoshino immediately turned his head to look at him and replied Said: "The second group has been paying attention to the movement outside the back door, safe."

Hearing Yoshino's answer, Kuroda raised his head and glanced at this beautiful courtyard with some nostalgia, and then ordered with a hint of anger on his face: "Let's go, let the logistics team sell this courtyard as soon as possible. go out!"

When Yoshino heard Kuroda's command, he turned his head to look at the driver and nodded, and the off-road vehicle immediately started the vehicle and drove to the back along the courtyard path.

The black off-road vehicle just got out of the back of the small yard and drove along a rugged hill to the side of a mountain road. At this time, another black off-road vehicle followed from the courtyard, and immediately followed Kuroda's car to the mountain road in front.

At this time, Yoshino was already looking around with a pair of small binoculars. He turned around and glanced at the **** vehicle following closely behind him. He put down the binoculars and put a pistol clenched tightly in his right hand on his lap. In the back row, Kuroda, who closed his eyes and meditated, reported in a low voice, "Boss, the three boys of Red Fox have already walked down the mountain road from the front door.

Down the mountain, no abnormality was found around. Are we sending people to follow the three boys to investigate their whereabouts here? "

Hearing Yoshino's report, Kuroda opened his eyes and shook his head tiredly and replied, "You just cleaned them up, if you send someone to follow up in secret, they will definitely make them think we are going to kill them all. Now, the matter has passed, we don't need to erect the strong enemy of the red fox."

He frowned along with stared at Yoshino with a cold face and asked, "Who on earth revealed the news about me here?" He knew that he had offended many people by doing this, so his actions had been very Secret, even among the security guards in Yamaguchi, only a few confidants knew where he was hiding.

Now that his location has been exposed, and the Red Fox's people came directly to the door and almost had a conflict, this made him, the head of the security guard in Yamaguchi, very surprised. It was true that such a thing had never happened before, so he felt extremely angry in his heart.

When Yoshino heard Kuroda's question, he replied with a gloomy face: "After the people from the red fox came in just now, I immediately investigated people who might know your whereabouts. I have now found out that the news was revealed from the finance team of the logistics group. I have ordered the logistics team to investigate, and there is no news yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, a buzzing sound suddenly came from his jacket pocket. He immediately took out the phone and put it in his ear, and said in a low voice, "It's me, I'm with the boss, have you checked it out?"

He held up the phone and listened for a while, followed by a murderous scolding in his eyes: "It turned out to be this bastard, send someone to control him immediately." After speaking, he turned his head to look at the black man sitting behind him. Tian said: "Matsumoto of the logistics team has locked the person who disclosed the news."

Hearing Yoshino's report, Kuroda suddenly shot a fierce light from his small eyes. He stared at Yoshino and asked sharply, "Who is it?" Yoshino immediately replied, "It's Kumiko, who is in charge of finance." Kuroda was stunned for a moment. , with a look of doubt on his face, and asked, "Kumiko, how could she know my whereabouts?"

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