Panther Commando

Chapter 4075: Sly Kuroda

Yoshino was sitting in the passenger seat of the black off-road vehicle. He heard Kuroda's question and immediately turned to look at Kuroda who was sitting in the back and said, "We have almost spent all the money we have recently, so I asked Kumiko to send it to us. A sum of money hit my personal account. The money didn't arrive two days ago, so I contacted Kumiko directly, and she judged our current location from her mobile phone."

Hearing Yoshino's answer, Kuroda frowned and asked with some doubts, "Why did she betray us? I gave her a lot of money. Those people in the logistics team, I have never treated them badly."

Yoshino replied, "I just called Aida of the action team directly and asked him to investigate secretly. She said that Kumiko had recently made friends with a small white face. The two often went to and from the casino together, and they owed a lot of money. The day before yesterday, Kumiko A large sum of money suddenly entered into her private account, and it seems that she sold your whereabouts for money."

He raised the binoculars to observe the situation on the road ahead, then put the binoculars down and continued, "Now Aida has controlled Kumiko, she learned from the interrogation that the little white face that Kumiko hooked up with often asks about your whereabouts, and Kumiko owes money. After exposing your whereabouts after paying a large sum of money, the little white face immediately remitted a large sum of money to her. Now it has been confirmed that the little white face is the one sent by the red fox. "

He paused when he said this, then hesitantly asked, "Damn, I said that there has always been a strange feeling in my heart recently, and I always suspect that someone is watching me. It seems that this hunch is really right. Boss, Kumiko and Her little white face has been controlled, how do you think about them?"

At this moment, the hot-figured and pretty-faced female accountant had already appeared in his mind, and he really couldn't bear to attack this stunner. He himself has a relationship with this stunner, and he also knows that this Kumiko has an ambiguous relationship with many people in the Yamaguchi security guards, and has an inexplicable relationship with the boss Kuroda, so he looked at Kuroda and asked for instructions. How to deal with it?

In fact, he also knew in his heart that the boss, Kuroda, was ruthless, especially for those who betrayed him. No matter how close this woman was to Kuroda, it was estimated that this pretty woman would have a hard time living.

Hearing Yoshino's answer, Kuroda immediately had a cold look on his face, he stared at Yoshino and said with a bit of anger: "Stinky girl, I gave her so much money, and she actually betrayed me, it's just boring and crooked. No. Flies don't bite seamless eggs, such a woman can't be kept! Follow the rules and make her disappear from this world immediately!"

He finished speaking sharply, then hesitated for a while and then said, "By the way, clean up that little white face and put it away. We don't need to offend the red fox people for this trivial matter." He then looked out the window and said to himself. "Recently, I also have a feeling of restlessness. It turns out that the people of the red fox have already been eyeing."

"Then I'll pass on your instructions immediately!" Yoshino looked at Kuroda and replied, he turned around and looked out the window and raised his mobile phone, and said with a dim expression, "Aida, immediately follow the old rules and let Kumiko Disappear immediately. Remember, be clean, and tell the public that the company temporarily dispatched her to perform tasks overseas, and don't let others know of her disappearance. "

He knew that this stunner, Kumiko, had an ambiguous relationship with many people, as well as the relationship between this woman and Kuroda, so he specially told others not to know about it, so as to avoid chilling people around him.

He finished speaking with a gloomy expression, followed by a murderous look in his eyes and said, "Take that little white face to me and let it go. He actually dares to attack our Yamaguchi security guard, and we must let him see our Yamaguchi in the future. The security guards should stay away!" At this time, he was indeed full of anger at this little white face, and it was this little white face that made Kumiko, the beauty who once had an affair with him, die.

He hung up the phone, turned to look at Kuroda and said, "Boss, where are we going now?" Kuroda hesitated for a while, then said, "Airport, we can't stay here!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to stop Yoshino, who was about to issue an order, and then said, "You inform our people in Huaxia to closely monitor the compound of the Southwest Military Region Command, especially those unfamiliar faces. At the same time, monitor their military region general hospital. , try to find those who have returned from the target area. Remember, if you find the whereabouts of the other party, you must not act rashly, you can secretly reveal the situation to the people of the red fox, and let their people do it

Well, this bone is not easy to chew. "

When Yoshino heard his order, he asked in confusion, "Aren't we looking for the location of those leopards? Besides, why are we monitoring the hospitals in the Southwest Military Region?"

Kuroda looked away from the car window, looked at Yoshino who turned his head and explained coldly, "Those leopards are better than monkeys, they won't let our people discover their station, even if they do, I'm afraid our people will also It's hard to get out of here, don't worry about The people of the Red Fox are definitely looking for them."

As he said, he looked at the rolling hills outside the window and continued, "The geographical conditions in the area where the meteorite hit is very bad, and there are people from all walks of life there. Even if people from China are lucky enough to return, they will definitely be scarred, so the hospital is the most likely place for them. Where it appears, monitoring there is likely to find the whereabouts of those meteorite fragments, at least to find those Chinese scientific research personnel who have gone deep into the target area, and know what happened there? The meteorite that was targeted by intelligence organizations and research institutions of various countries , there are indeed many unsolved mysteries."

Kuroda said, turning his head and sighing, "Besides, one of our teams disappeared there. We should know what they encountered and how they died!"

When he said this, an icy look suddenly appeared on his face, and he said with a grim smile, "Hehe, since that leopard troop is already there, we don't need to provoke them on their territory and let the people of the red fox touch them. Hit this nail. They are not arrogant, so let these arrogant boys also experience this difficult opponent. Yoshino, after discovering those leopards, you have our intelligence team try to notify those **** and let them Kill it."

After Kuroda finished speaking, he leaned on the backrest of the back row expressionlessly without waiting for Yoshino to answer. He continued with half-closed eyes, "Buy the plane back to the headquarters, that's the safest place. Now we can't judge. What kind of information did that stinky girl sell to outsiders? From now on, I will abolish my original bases and use those spare bases."


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